All For You Chapter 2366

“Mr. Fan, Miss Xiaorou is here.” The butler followed closely behind and appeared outside the door, speaking anxiously to inform.

Standing behind Qirou in a cold sweat, he reached out and wiped his forehead.

Qirou’s gaze swept around the living room, finally landing on Fan Yu and calling out faintly, “Uncle Fan.”

“Little Rou.” Fan Yu stood up joyfully, recognising the person in front of him and immediately bursting into laughter.

Turning his head, he ordered the housekeeper, “What are you still waiting for? Go and prepare delicious food, according to Xiao Rou’s favourite recipes, and yes, she likes tea, bring out all the good tea I have in my collection, so that Xiao Rou can try it.”

After instructing the housekeeper, Fan Yu looked up at Qirou and asked with an expectant face, “Little Rou, did you come all the way to see Uncle Fan?”

Qi Yan had lived alone on an isolated island for many years, and before he met Tan Bumpy, he was evil and spontaneous, temperamental and unpredictable.

After he met Tan Baba, he became a wife slave.

He took care of him personally from the time he was pregnant to the time he gave birth.

After the birth of the little Bumpy, he became a slave to his daughter again, thinking of a good name for his little princess and putting it off again and again.

Worried that his daughter’s personality would follow Tan Beng Beng’s and be too aloof and independent, Qi Yan finally decided to give his daughter a gentle name.

The name was Qi Gentle.

After a violent beating by Tan Beng Beng, he changed it to Qi Rou again.

The result is that Qirou’s personality is the same as Tan’s.

Compared to Tan Beng Beng, Qirou’s indifferent nature has a touch of Qi Yan’s casual arrogance, and she is not cold to anyone.

In addition to Qi Yan’s daughter’s slave, Qirou is so well protected that, apart from Yu Muyang, who has been running after his daughter-in-law since she was a child, it is difficult for anyone else to meet her.

No wonder Fan Yu was so excited to see her.

“Uncle Fan, Xiao Rou and I are here to look for Xiao Ni.” Before Qirou could open her mouth, a voice with no decency, came from outside the door.

The next second, a head appeared behind Qirou.

A handsome and handsome face with delicate features.

Simply and casually dressed with an English style, with an upright posture, he was a bright sight as soon as he appeared at the door.

Yu Muyang’s playfulness is in the sharpest contrast to Qi Rou’s coldness and reticence.

As soon as Fan Yu saw that the person following Qi Rou was Yu Muyang, he was slightly stunned and blurted out, “Why are you together?”

Without waiting for Yu Muyang to say anything, he added, “Qi Yan actually didn’t kill you?!”

Yu Muyang: “……”

Qirou replied unguardedly, “My father doesn’t know he’s following me, he’s been hiding in my suitcase before and only moved around my room when he was on the island.”

Yu Muyang saw Fan Yu’s disbelieving expression and it was too late to cover her mouth.

On the contrary, Qirou, who did not seem to know what she had said wrong, saw Fan Yu’s expression and looked at Yu Muyang blankly.

On the other hand, Fan Yu came back to his senses and already shouted out in surprise: “How can you let this kid move around in your room …… in your room …… you tell Uncle Fan, you shouldn’t also sleep together at night ……” sleep together?

Fan Yu is too shocked, half of the time do not know how to ask out.

Qirou reached out and scratched her pretty short hair, her expression still blank.

Yu Muyang hurriedly said, “Uncle Fan is happy that we are so affectionate.”

Fan Yu: “……”

Screw being happy that they are in a good relationship, all he wants to do now is light a candle for Qi Yan.

It’s so tragic that his daughter was abducted right under his nose and he’s still in the dark!