All For You Chapter 786

As she walked out of Yu’s group, Nian Xiaomu made a phone call to the housekeeper.

Instead of asking Yu Yuehan directly, she asked if Little Liu Liu had gone to kindergarten today.

Learning from the housekeeper that Little Liu Liu was in kindergarten, she simply took over, “I happen to be fine today, I can pick her up from kindergarten, I’ll play with her for a while before sending her back, right?”

Knowing that Little Liu Liu liked her company, the housekeeper of course had no objection.

Nian Xiaomu hailed a taxi and went to the kindergarten.

It was the time when the kindergarten was dismissed and once they arrived at the entrance, it was very busy.

There were parents coming to pick up their children from school, and children dashing out of the kindergarten, happy.

Nian Xiaomu had taken care of the teacher and was about to go to Little Liu Liu’s cla*sroom when the little glutinous rice dumpling was already carrying her little school bag on her back and heading out.

Her delicate little face was a little scarlet.

Her fine, soft hair, instead of being tied into a pill head today, was braided into two cute pigtails.

As she walks, swaying and swaying, cute enough to make people want to chirp her little face ……

The first thing you need to do is to call out to her, and you’ll find that behind little Liu Liu, there are several other young boys.

They look like they are about three years old, with tiger heads and brains, and have been trying to help Little Liu Liu carry her school bag, and one is handing Little Liu Liu a lollipop ……

The mouth that Nian Xiaomu had just opened, froze for a moment.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

Vaguely you can still hear the voices of several young boys.

“I can help you carry your school bag ……”

“This lollipop is especially delicious, do you want to eat it, I have a lot more ……”

“Is your home far from school? Otherwise, let’s play with you at home ……”

Above, all the conversation, Little Liu Liu acted as if she didn’t hear, pursed her little lips and walked forward.

“Ma Ma!”

Suddenly seeing Nian Xiaomu, little Liu Liu’s cute little face, immediately raised a big smile, leaving behind those few little boys, quickly pulling his legs towards her and running over.

She opened her arms and hugged her thighs.

Nian Xiaomu hastily picked her up, wiped the sweat off her little face and looked up at the boys who were frozen.

Immediately afterwards, the little tiger-headed boys, as if they were shy, dawdled for a moment and then turned their heads and ran away.

Nian Xiaomu was stunned and lowered his eyes to look at Little Liu Liu.

“Did they bully you?”

“No bullying, they want to play with little Liu Liu, help little Liu Liu pour water, give little Liu Liu candy to eat, keep talking to little Liu Liu, little Liu Liu is exhausted ……” little Liu Liu lowered his little head, a dumbfounded face boarding his fingers in counting.


Yu Yuehan, come on, our little Liu Liu Liu is invincible, kindergarten will have a small bamboo horse.

No, we can’t let Yu Yuehan know.

If that jealous bucket knew that his little princess was missed at such a young age, he might have to buy the kindergarten and start a separate cla*s for little Liu Liu.

That would not be good for the child’s growth.

Be calm, be cool.

After deep thought, Nian Xiaomu calmly left with Little Liu Liu in his arms.

“Ma Ma wants to take Little Liu Liu to play?” Little Liuliu rubbed against her arms, rolling around happily.

Hearing her words, Nian Xiaomu froze.

She had told the housekeeper that she wanted to take Little Liu Liu to play, but that was just an excuse.

What she actually wanted was to hurry back to the Yu family villa to see how Yu Yuehan was doing ……

Meeting Little Liu Liu’s simple big eyes, she coughed lightly, “Little Liu Liu, have you ever felt that playing with two people is a bit boring?”