Boss Lady Chapter 339-340

Chapter 339

Not even the sound of breathing could be heard.

There was silence.

Jiang Yan put down his chopsticks, his heart felt like it was being squeezed tightly by a large hand, and called out again, “Mom?”

However, there was still no sound from the other side.

Although Jiang Yan’s ears were not as good as Ling Chonglou’s, they were still far better than those of ordinary people.

The slightest movement would not escape his ears.

Moreover, this call was not in line with Jiang Ping’s character.

It was impossible for Jiang Ping to call him and not say anything.

Something was wrong.

After these three words popped into Jiang Yan’s head, his breath caught.

Jiang Yan steadied his mind and spoke for the third time, pretending not to know anything: “Mum, say something, why do you like to scare your son every time?”


Two very calm words.

It was Jiang Huaping’s voice.

But Jiang Yan could clearly hear that her tone was not right.

“It’s fine.” Jiang Yan went on to pretend, “Thought you were going to hit me again.”

The phone just hung up.

Jiang Yan quickly tapped on one of the location systems on his phone, and there was a red dot on it that kept flashing.

The red dot was a full eight hundred kilometres away from him.

This was Jiang Painting Screen’s location.

The Ling Family was a very special family within the Ancient Martial World, the Ling Family didn’t have old-fashioned ideas.

Other ancient martial arts families were the ones who refused to use modern high technology and hot weapons.

They believed that ancient martial artists were already strong enough and did not need these things to strengthen themselves, so they also laid down strict rules.

If any family member was found to have used high-tech products that were not on the family’s list, they were punished.

But not for the Ling family, Ling Chonglou had specially equipped the family members with firearms.

Although ancient martial artists were able to stop even bullets after their internal energy had been cultivated to a certain level.

But there is a word for a hundred secrets and no one knows if an accident will happen.

An extra safeguard can sometimes save lives.

Jiang Yan didn’t think about anything else, he grabbed his jacket and rushed out of the flat.

It was better not to be afraid of one thing than another.

Jiang Ping had no way of practising ancient martial arts, and Ling Chonglou was so worried about this that he could only give her the best weapons as well as an escort.

There were two guards in total, but their strength could definitely be ranked in the top ten in the entire Ling family.

It was reasonable to say that outside the ancient martial arts world, if an ordinary person had any malicious intent towards Jiang Ping, they wouldn’t even be able to get close to her before being knocked out by her guards.

Jiang Yan doubted that it could be the Ling family’s arch rival clan coming to Shanghai City.

If it was the same ancient martial arts family, it did have the ability to lay hands on Jiang Ping.

He looked up what was 800 kilometres away.

It was a small city called “South City”.

When Jiang Ren was about to book a flight, he found that there were no flights from Shanghai to Nancheng, not even a high-speed train.

The only train was an ordinary one, and it took 18 hours to travel.

Jiang Yan was so anxious that he called Xiu Yu and asked her to borrow her racing car.

He didn’t tell Xiu Yu that he suspected something had happened to Jiang Ping, only that he was trying to escape his father’s pursuit.

Jiang Yan started the car and began to run at breakneck speed.

Hopefully, nothing would happen to it.


At this time, South City.

In that rented house.

“Jiang Painting Ping.” Ye Su-He held a gun in her hand, pointing at the flag-robed woman’s forehead heart, coldly, “I also let you make the call, now, you turn your phone off and throw it over.”

Jiang Painting Ping sat on the chair, gently glanced at Ye Su He, and without saying anything, she threw the phone in her hand.

After Ye Suhe took it, she picked up another piece of hemp rope and tied Jiang Hao Ping’s arms as well.

Only after she confirmed that Jiang Painting Ping could not break free did she feel relieved.

“Jiang Painting Screen, you are really kind.” Ye Suhe sat down opposite Jiang Painting Screen, spinning her phone before casually throwing it into the fish tank next to her, shaking her head, “Surely you’re just like your mother, so kind that you would throw your own life away too.”

She smiled with a touch of contempt, “How dare you come to see me alone, you say? Is it true that you think I won’t do anything to you?”

Jiang Ping did not speak.

“But I’m also a man of my word, so since you’ve come alone, I’ll tell you everything.” Ye Su He admired her downcast appearance for a moment and spoke, “You may not know that it was actually your mother who brought me to the Jiang family back then.”

“I was begging on the side of the road, and when she saw my pity, she took me away and bought me new clothes and food, saying that she would sponsor me to school in the future.”

The last Mrs Jiang was a truly famous woman who had always helped out-of-school children and widows and orphans.

Jiang Ping was also well aware of this.

“Unfortunately, ah, she doesn’t know that she is leading the wolf into the house.” Ye Suhe was faint, “How is just going to school enough? I’ve seen how powerful the Jiang family is, so naturally I want more too.”

“You may not know this, but I am an ancient doctor of sorts.”

When she said the word “ancient doctor”, Ye Suhe was proud of herself.

And sure enough, Jiang Ping’s expression fluctuated: “Ancient doctor?”

“I gave your father the medicine.” Ye Su He smiled, “It’s the kind of medicine that can destroy nerves bit by bit, have you ever heard of frontal lobotomy? Your father will end up like that, no different from the walking dead.”

Jiang Ping naturally knew about frontal lobotomies.

Each hemisphere of the brain was divided into four lobes, and the frontal lobe took up a third of the volume.

Once the frontal lobes were removed, a person would lose many of their functions and their original personality.

The only thing that can be done like a normal person is breathing.

This procedure was once used on psychiatric patients who were difficult to discipline.

The frontal lobotomy was only abolished when the relevant legal provisions came out later.

Jiang Zheping guessed that Ye Suhe had moved something on Master Jiang, but did not expect it to be like this.

Her eyes chilled down and she looked at Ye Su-He coldly.

“Are you very angry? Ah, of course, of course you should be angry.” Ye Su He laughed, “Who made you ordinary people, none of you have ever heard of the word ancient medicine, even if your father went to the hospital for regular checkups, he wouldn’t be able to find out what those medicines I put down were.”

That scented bag could be found out because it was the herbs inside.

“I destroyed his spirit bit by bit, and then deliberately let your mother see me with your father.” Ye Su He walked to Jiang Ping’s side, her voice was soft word by word, “Your mother was already in poor health at that time, and she was deeply in love with your father’s luan friends, so naturally she couldn’t bear the blow and died of illness not long after.”

“I also married your father as a matter of course, and became the main mother of the Jiang family.”

“Of course, your father was old and bony at that time, so how could I really commit myself to him, and Moyuan, indeed, was my son with someone else.”

“But your father didn’t know that, and I forced him to make a will, giving the Jiang Group to Mo Yuan so that you wouldn’t get any shares at all.”

“But to my surprise, your father returned to his senses before he died.” Ye Su He let out a soft sigh, “Do you know what his last words were?”

“He asked me to let you and Jiang Chengjun go, and he could give me all of Jiang’s group.”

A heartbreaking sentence.

Jiang Painting Screen closed her eyes.

She had hated Elder Jiang for over ten years.

But before he died, Master Jiang’s only wish was for her and Jiang Chengjun.

“But don’t expect me to let you go, I love to see you magnates on your knees begging me.” Ye Suhe smiled, “You still have one more night to live, cherish the time you have left, Jiang Painting Screen.”


Downtown, inside a flat.

Ying Tianru woke up with a jolt.

Sweat gurgled down his forehead, soaking through his clothes and pillow.

He glanced at the time. It was six in the morning, not even dawn.

He washed his face, dressed quickly and immediately drove to the Wen family’s neighbourhood.

Twenty minutes later, Ying Tianliu arrived at the door with a gasp and rang the doorbell.

There was no movement, so he rang again.

A few dozen seconds later, footsteps sounded and the door was opened.

When he saw the girl, Ying Tianlv breathed a sigh of relief.

Ying stood in the doorway, her arms wrapped around her, her eyebrows sparse: “You should be glad that I got up early today.”

She had always had a bad wake-up call, which no one could cure.

If anyone forced to call her, they were to be beaten.

“Sorry.” Ying Tianru, however, smiled, relieved, “But it’s good that you’re okay.”

Ying Tianli raised her eyes.

She noticed that Ying Tianliu’s shirt was wrongly buttoned several times.

This was almost impossible with Ying Tianliu, who was always strict and meticulous.

“Ziggy, listen to me.” Ying Tianru calmed his breathing for a moment before speaking, “Although you may not believe it, it is indeed very metaphysical and mysterious, I dreamt-”

He clenched his fingers and paused, “I dreamt last night that you died on the operating table when you were donating blood to Ying Luwei.”


Chapter 340

Ying Tianru did not feel that this was a daydream.

He only wished that Ying Ziji was well and that he could make up for the seventeen years of suffering she had endured.

Of course, this was only a luxury.

The damage that had been done could not be undone.

He could only do his best.

But the dream he had yesterday was so real that it scared him.

Hearing this, Ying Zidian’s phoenix eyes narrowed slightly.

She opened the door and let Ying Tianru in.

Ying Ziji walked to the table, poured two gla*ses of water and handed one of them to Ying Tianru: “This dream of yours is quite interesting, tell me more about it.”

“Hoo ……” Ying Tianru finished the gla*s of water, his heart was still beating like crazy, he whispered, “This dream was very real, Ying Luwei had a car accident, lost a lot of blood and needed you to donate blood to her.”

“They took you into the operating room by force and gave you anesthetic, I even saw how the tubes were inserted inside your body, drawing your blood.”

“Your body was very weak, but they didn’t care, you just died, and I saw after you died, Ying Luwei hugged Jiang Moyuan and laughed happily, saying that you-”

Ying Tianru spoke with difficulty, the ends of his eyes were red: “That it was good that you were dead, finally no one would bother them.”

He had slept for eight hours, but the dream seemed like years had pa*sed.

He wanted to wake up several times, but there was no way, as if an invisible force was pushing him to see everything through.

After a long, long silence, Ying Ziji’s voice was light: “This is not a dream.”

This was the original future.

If she was still in a deep sleep, her consciousness had not awakened and her strength had not been restored, the outcome would inevitably be like this.

It was just that she could not calculate her future.

Ying Ziji looked at Ying Tianru and her eyes moved, “Hold out your hand for me to see.”

Ying Tianru was stunned, not understanding, but he put his hand out anyway.

Ying Tianliu looked down at it.

Ying Tianru didn’t have the gift of trigonometry, but he had dreamt of her original future.

Could it be that it was just because of blood induction?

Between relatives, it was possible to have such magical dreams.

Yu Xuesheng had told her about a case like this.

When he was abroad, he had treated a patient.

That patient had been stabbed 32 times by a gangster on the road and it was too late to save him when he was brought to the hospital.

But in the end, he pulled through.

He said he dreamt that there were many people trying to drag him to a place, but his mother, who had already died, was on her knees begging them not to take him away.

There are indeed many things in this world that science cannot explain.

“Sorry to have scared you.” After finishing his second gla*s of water, Ying Tianru finally slowed down and he pinched his brow, “Ziggy, just think of it as a story I told you, don’t take it to heart.”

It was only a dream after all.

“You rest here for a while.” Ying Zidian stood up, “I’m going to school.”

“I don’t need to rest.” After that nightmare, Ying Tianru was really afraid that something would happen to her, “I’ll take you.”

Ying Ziyi didn’t refuse, she put on her school jacket and walked out.


On the other side.

At seven o’clock, Jiang Yan finally arrived at South City.

He took another look at the red dot on the positioning system and followed the route over to a very dilapidated building outside.

But he didn’t break in straight away, instead he squatted in the place he had found outside.

The fact that the red dot was still there was proof that Jiang Ping’s life was not yet in danger.

Jiang Ren knew that if he rushed in, he was probably going to give the other side a double kill.

He lay down in the gra*s and called the Ling family’s side.


At this time, inside the rental house.

Ye Su He slept up and went to supervise Jiang Ping again.

She was waiting for someone.

When that person came, she was able to make her move.

Although she was an ancient doctor, she had not learnt it well and could not even manage how to do the essence treatment of those ancient medicinal materials.

That person was even more cautious than she was, and would not show himself until the moment of truth.

The door was knocked at that moment.

Ye Su He looked revived and quickly went over to open the door.

The person who came in was an older woman with grey hair and cloudy eyes, but not without sharpness.

Ye Su-He was respectful and bowed to her, “Teacher.”

This was the teacher who had once taught her ancient medicine, Shi Fengyi.

To say that she was a teacher was not quite true, Shi Fengyi had only taught her for a month, after which she had hastily disappeared.

Shi Fengyi herself said it was because she had done a lot of bad things, the ancient medicine community was looking for her, and she couldn’t stay in one place forever.

“That’s her?” Shi Fengyi’s eyes fell on Jiang Painting Ping’s body and she hummed lightly, “You do know how to choose your targets.”

Even though Jiang Painting Screen already had a son as big as Jiang Yan, she still looked beautiful as if she hadn’t been baptized by the years.

“It’s still the teacher who taught me well.” Ye Suhe bowed again, “Don’t worry teacher, after success, there is no need to worry about money.”

Only then did Shi Fengyi reveal a satisfied smile, “That’s good.”

Jiang Ping looked at Shi Fengyi and wrinkled her brows.

“This is my teacher, she’s a very powerful ancient doctor, she’s even able to pluck off the skin of her face and replace it, so I’m going to let you in to cover for Mo Yuan.” Ye Su He walked over, her fingers brushing her face, “And then, I’m going to live through your identity.”

Jiang Huaping’s expression changed abruptly.

“Didn’t you say that you had a husband and a son and couldn’t look at Jiang’s group? And you’re using this to show me off and stimulate me?” Ye Su-He sneered, “Then just try you have nothing.”

“But whether your son will live or not is the question, there is no way I will let him threaten me, I am most at hand when dealing with children.”

Ye Suhe had always been careful, and after she investigated for a few days, she was rea*sured after confirming that Jiang Ping’s husband’s family really wasn’t a top big family.

But even if it was a top family, she still had a way to impersonate Jiang Ping to get in.

When the time came, she would do as she did and seek to take over another family’s property, just like she did with Jiang’s old man.

“Alright, too much talk is going to happen.” Shi Fengyi, however, did not want to say anything superfluous, “Put her under anesthesia first.”

Ye Suhe also realised that she was too excited, she picked up the prepared syringe and walked over towards Jiang Huaping.

However, there was no fear on Jiang Huping’s face.

She slowly let out a breath as she said softly, “Finally, it’s out.”

Ye Su-He’s hand was still holding the syringe, and the next second her wrist was snapped and her arm was twisted behind her back.

The sudden pain caused Ye Su-He to let out a scream.

“Sister, although I don’t know ancient martial arts, I haven’t learnt fighting skills badly.” Jiang Ping smiled, “I certainly don’t think you can do anything to me, because you don’t have that ability, understand?”

Not to mention Ye Suhe, even Shi Fengyi didn’t expect Jiang Ping to be able to break free from the twine.

The most important thing was that she mentioned the word “ancient martial arts”.

Except for ancient martial artists and those who communicated with the ancient martial arts community, ordinary people would not know about ancient martial arts at all.

Shi Feng Yi’s face changed again and again before she suddenly let out a laugh, “You still know about ancient martial arts? If you knew ancient martial arts, I wouldn’t have said anything, but you don’t, or did you bring an ancient martial artist with you?”

With a movement in her hand, Jiang Ping dropped Ye Su He to the ground.

She stepped on Ye Suhe’s shoulder with one foot, “What a good guess.”

Before Shi Fengyi could react, there were two more people inside the rental house.

These two people were the guards that Ling Chonglou had sent to protect Jiang Painting Ping.

Shi Fengyi also naturally saw the markings on the guards and could not help but be a little more scrupulous: “The Ling Family.”

The ancient martial world and the ancient medical world were connected, and news was exchanged quickly.

She couldn’t let these two ancient martial artists leave, or those elders from the Ancient Medicine Realm would definitely bring her back to be punished.

Within the Ancient Martial World, the Ling Family was not the most powerful family.

Against two ancient martial artists, Shi Fengyi was confident.

Shi Fengyi could still be calm, but Ye Suhe was panicking.

What was going on?

Jiang Ping was an ordinary person, why was there an ancient martial artist around?

“Shi Fengyi, I advise you better stop.” At this moment, a low male voice rang out, “Stop now, and you can still stay alive.”

The voice came from the doorway.

It was a man in his forties, with a handsome face, extremely charming as a mature man, and an atmosphere that showed all over his body.

“Another ancient martial artist?” Shi Fengyi’s eyes shot a glance at the man with disdain, “It’s useless to come back again and make me stop, you think you’re the head of the Ling family?”

Although she had fled the ancient medical community, her status was not low even before she could.

A few ordinary ancient martial artists, and they wanted to order her around?

Don’t know how high the sky is.

Shi Fengyi didn’t even put these three ancient martial artists in her eyes, her hand had already squeezed three silver needles and was ready to make her move.

And just then, the two guards who were guarding Jiang Huaping’s side knelt down to the man, respectful.

“Ling Shan.”

“Ling Shuang.”

“Greetings to the family head.”