Boss Lady Chapter 862

The flurry of movements caught Sinai completely off guard.

By the time she reacted, she was confined in Norton’s arms.

The coldness of his breath also enveloped her, while his body was hot from the fever.

Sinai’s body stiffened immensely, tensing up little by little.

Her ever-calm brain sounded an alarm.

After two beeps, it tripped completely.

The brain declared itself dead, unable to think of anything else.

It took a full five minutes of this stasis before Sinai gradually came back to her senses.

She was still so pinned down.

Norton’s eyes were closed and his brow was furrowed, showing no sign of waking up.

Sinai pushed tentatively at his chest, using her maximum strength, but couldn’t push him away even halfway.

The man’s body was hard, like iron, immovable as a mountain.

Even last year, when she had not recovered her body, she had not been this close to him.

He was extremely kind to her, there was physical contact, but it was measured, just the kind of care an elder would give to a junior.

He would hug or carry her as she walked, and he would use her as a cushion.

It was also the first time she had seen his face up close.

The City of Worlds is genetically very complex and there has never been any such thing as a human race.

If we differentiate according to the rules of the seven continents and four oceans, although she and Lu Yuan are brother and sister, Lu Yuan’s looks are purely oriental.

She, on the other hand, has blue eyes and a rare hair colour.

Sinai also admits that she prefers Western looks.

As it happened, Norton stepped perfectly on all of her aesthetic points.

His short silver hair was damp and plastered to his face.

The muscle tone was a sexy mess.

Surprisingly, there was something otherworldly and demonic about it.

Like he was tired, Norton lowered his head to lean on her shoulder.

But without realising it, his lips grazed her cheek and swept back over her eyelashes.

Two shallow kisses.

Sinai could clearly feel the soft, cold touch, spreading out little by little.

Her heart was completely off-balance in this moment, beating frantically.

“Thump, thump, thump.”

It almost jumped out of her chest.

Two words were all that remained in Sinai’s mind.

Over, done.

She was hooked.


If she continued like this, she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to hold on first.

Sinai hesitated to use a little weapon.

Norton suddenly opened his eyes.

Those dark green eyes floated with shimmering light, like a starry sky or a whirlpool.

Mysterious, deep, captivating, elusive.

They easily captured Sinai’s full attention, making it impossible for her to look away.

Sinai’s breath caught and her heart pumped for a moment.

Norton looked at her as if he was staring at his own prey, his eyes narrowing.

Like he wanted to strip her naked.

Sinai tensed until her body was pressed against the bed, “You ……”

After a few seconds, he narrowed his eyes, withdrew that aggressive gaze, and his head dropped.

He didn’t do anything but hold her like that.

Like he was holding a doll, his chin resting gently on the nook of her shoulder, and his other hand stroking her head.

She could clearly perceive his hair brushing against her skin, leaving a trail of wariness in its wake.

“You ……” Sinai struggled free, gritting her teeth, “Let go!”

Norton didn’t move.

“Let go, I’ll get you some more medicine, do you know you’re sick?”

Norton lifted his head lazily and gave her a light look.

He then rolled over onto his side, but held her tighter.

Clearly still unconscious, he had no idea what he was doing.

Sinai: “……”

What a man this is!

She fumbled and pressed a button on her bracelet.

Calling a small robot over and asking it to fetch a doll from the utility room.

The little robot gibbered and ran off.

Sinai pushed again half-heartedly and had to resign himself to his fate.

Until the little robot came running back again, yipping and jumping with a Pooh bear in each hand.

Sinai reached out with difficulty with one hand and took the doll from the little robot’s hand, then shoved it bit by bit into Norton’s arms.

The man’s frown tightened as he sensed the change in texture of the object in his arms.

But because he was still feverish, he eventually didn’t have the strength to move again and drifted off to sleep.

Sinai finally broke free and she wiped the sweat from her forehead, catching her breath slightly.

She lay limp on the floor for a moment before she went to change the wet towel for Norton.

This time Sinai had her guard up and sat two metres from the bed.

An hour later, Norton’s temperature tended to drop and his face was not as red.

Sinai was relieved then.

“Ying, you don’t have to come over.” She called Ying Zidian, “Happy Christmas Eve.”

Today was a festive day, and Ying Zidian couldn’t spare time because of the experiment, so Fu Yunshen came over from China specifically.

She didn’t want to disturb them any more than she could solve the problem herself.

Sinai rested her chin, looked at the man who was already sleeping, sighed softly, and then went to the bathroom to change a new wet towel.

Then she would work a little harder and take care of this old shameless man at her own will.


The following day, noon.

The sun was warm and scattered into the bedroom.

Norton opened his eyes slowly.

He lay quietly for a while longer before sitting up.

Norton shook off his head, dressed and went downstairs.

He scanned the villa.

The villa was quiet, there was no one left but him.

Norton walked into the kitchen and caught a glimpse of a note taped to the fridge.

His eyes flickered and he looked over.

It was in familiar handwriting.

[There’s porridge in the fridge, remember to heat it up and eat it, no beer allowed.]

There was also a gun drawn in the bottom right corner.

It had the appearance that she was going to shoot him if he didn’t do as he was told.

Norton’s eyelashes dropped and his mood quickly returned.

He tore the little note off, “Tsk, that’s quite a lot to manage.”

Despite what he said, he pulled open the fridge and took the porridge out of it, warming it up.

On the surface, there appeared to be nothing wrong with the bowl of porridge.

But he surveyed the kitchen and found signs of frying.

Norton took a sip. There was a pause in his expression.

It was good, at least it was still drinkable, the poison hadn’t killed anyone, it had grown.

He finished the porridge and leaned back in his chair.

Once his consciousness had been released, all the memories of yesterday came back to him in a flash.

He remembered her struggling to carry him to bed, and also her feeding him his medicine.

More than that, he remembered that he had held her and pinned her underneath him.

He had also, unconsciously, kissed her, though not on both lips.

The touch still seemed to be there.

For the first time, Norton’s heart pounded heavily and his body tensed instantly.

He knew he didn’t have a normal fever.

Rather, it was some aftermath of being used as an experimental subject before.

In this life, he had studied alchemy at the age of three under Demon, the number one alchemist in the alchemy world.

Demon would test the medicine on him.

From a few times at first, to a frenzy later on.

For Demon found that he had a great ability to heal himself.

With each pa*sing day, the alchemical toxins in his body grew.

His hair, originally black, turned silvery white little by little under Demon’s tests, devoid of any life.

His eyes were also originally brown and would turn dark green, also because of the poison they once had.

So, every year, on Christmas Eve, he would become ill to varying degrees.

It could be a fever or nausea and dryness.

It was a symptom that could not be erased even after recovering the sage’s power and memories.

He had let her go out to play with friends and had told her he was away just in case she saw it.

He had indeed not expected her to come back and look after him all night.

He had, also, slighted her.

No one had ever looked after him like that before either, he had never been alone.

Norton narrowed his eyes and pressed the light on his phone.

His phone’s screensaver was of a six-year-old girl sitting on a carousel with an expressionless face and a cold face.

It was taken the last time he had taken her to an amusement park.

It was the first time he went there, and the last time he went there.

Unlike Ying and Xize, he was indeed indifferent to modern high technology.

He also bought this mobile phone with Sinai at that time.

Because he was afraid that she would get lost, he had bought two phones with the system linked together.

Later she probably forgot about it and didn’t know that the app that reminded her was the one he pa*sed to her phone through the system.

He did not tell anyone that this time he had returned from the alchemical world and had indeed suffered a considerable injury in order to kill his teacher, Demon.

It had caused his power to be temporarily diminished as well.

Originally he had planned to return to Norton University to recuperate and recuperate, and had only come to G to deliver alchemical materials to Ying Zigui and to see Sinai, whom he had looked after for a little over half a year.

Later, he changed his mind and chose to stay in country G and return to Norton University when the school year started next year.

He did miss Sinai, and it was good to see her for a few more months.

In all his long years, there was no one other than Sinai who had lived with him for so long.

The little girl was lovely and lovable when she was little and as beautiful as ever after she recovered her body.

She deserved to be loved by many.

Not one more than he was, not one less.

But at this moment, Norton suddenly realised that he seemed to have different feelings for her.

The events of last night were so vivid in his mind that he couldn’t forget them if he wanted to.

Norton shook it off and walked to the fridge once more.

He didn’t listen to Sinai and opened a bottle of beer, finishing it quickly.

He wasn’t allergic to alcohol either, also because of the after-effects of his time as an experimental subject.

Alchemists had always been crazy, and Demon was no exception.

Demon would feed him large quantities of white wine while he tried the medicine.

He also had nerve damage as a result.

After he got away from Demon, Norton hadn’t touched the wine again, and occasionally opened it only for a sip or two to remind him of a past he couldn’t forget.

This was the first time he’d had one in a long time.

But as the bottle went down, the alcohol didn’t numb his brain; instead, his thoughts became clearer.

Little by little, that ground-breaking emotion spread out from his heart and eventually took over every cell.

Norton threw the beer bottle out.

“With a bang, the bottle rolled to the ground and instantly broke into pieces.

He stood in silence at the window, staring at the mountains in the distance.

The remnants of the gla*s cut his palm and blood came out in drops.

He did not use any of the sage’s powers to protect himself.

Nor did he allow the blood to flow out as if he could not perceive the pain.

It was a long, long time before Norton stood up.

He was indeed not thinking straight.

The phone rang at that moment.

Norton glanced at it.

[Kid]: Let me tell you something doggy, I, on the other hand, have pa*sed the test of Mr. Chuan Lao and he has agreed to the marriage between Yue Yue and I. So next year when Yue Yue turns twenty, I will be getting married.

[Kid]: I’ll give you a heads up in advance (show off)

Norton looked pale and slowly pressed the words.

[More worries, maybe I’ll tie the knot before you do, bet?

[Kid]: ?

Norton didn’t reply, looking lazy.

Since he was already not sober, he didn’t mind if his brain continued to be not sober.

I’m afraid it’s just a little harder to practice.

This time, he could also clearly feel Sinai’s detachment from him.

Norton narrowed his eyes and began to wonder if there was something he had done that had gone too far for her to stay away from him.

[Kid]: Dog b*****d, get your story straight! Hey! You got a crush on someone? Who? How old?

[Kid]: Are you also a young cow? No. Is there anyone of the opposite sex around you besides a six year old girl? The boss doesn’t count, she’s not even a woman when she’s ruthless.

Before Cesar could send over a third message, a red exclamation mark popped up, reminding him that it had been deleted.

Cesar: “……”


Sure enough, it was a dog scum.

He was going to kill him!


The events of Christmas Eve had kept Sinai from returning to the villa for five consecutive days.

She also deliberately avoided all things and words related to Norton.

Even when Charlotte was about to say something about Norton’s university, she digressed in time.

By the 29th of December she was still soaking herself in work.

It wasn’t until Alfonso himself came to see her that Sinai remembered that she still had an appointment with him to go to the new technology fair in country G.

This technology fair was organised by several international scientific organisations, and many technology enthusiasts came from other countries.

But for Sinai, there was nothing to see at the technology fair.

It was just that she did need to slow down.

She took off her research clothes and gave a slight nod, “Let’s go.”

Alfonso was clearly delighted to be able to talk to Sinai for a second time.

He talked at length the whole way.

Sinai, however, was distracted the entire time.

Her face still burned a little when she thought back to that step-by-step night.

The old shamelessness.

The old beast!

He had bullied her and even taken advantage of her.

And not a word of apology in the last five days.

She really didn’t know what he was thinking.

The two of them came out of the technology fair and Alfonso invited Sinai to dinner once again.

Sinai asked for a gla*s of red wine.

She took a sip before her mood calmed down.

After ordering, they fell into a state of relative silence.

Alfonso did like Sinai, but also suffered a fair amount of frustration.

For he found that no matter what he talked about, Sinai could pick it up and even say something new that he didn’t understand.

Even if he didn’t want to admit it, these two dates had made Alfonso realise that Sinai was far more learned than he was.

Alfonso suddenly spoke up, “Miss Sinai, is that your cousin?”

Sinai was stunned, “What?”

She looked where Alfonso was pointing and her eyes fluttered.

He was wearing a black coat today, in that cold, retro style.

Wide shoulders, narrow waist, long legs.

A figure comparable to that of an international supermodel.

There were already small squeals from the girls around.

The man’s eyes swept faintly, pausing on her body for three seconds before his long, slender legs stepped away and walked over.

Sinai’s fingers stiffened a little.

She’d been deliberately avoiding him for the past five days, so how could she still run into him here by such a coincidence?

If she had known she would run into Norton, she would not have come here for dinner.

Sinai’s face was getting hotter and hotter.

The only thing she could be thankful for was that she would never blush and no one else would be able to see anything.

“Hello Mr. Lehngar.” Alfonso offered a greeting, “We’ve just finished ordering, would you like to join us?”

It was a superficial gesture.

But anyone with a bit of eye contact wouldn’t bother.

Norton looked at him, didn’t correct his misnomer, and smiled, “Sure.”

Having said that, he sat down quite frankly, and sat next to Sinai.

Alfonso’s expression stiffened, obviously not expecting Norton to follow the rules at all.

But he didn’t mind too much.

This was Sinai’s family, and they were going to get along in the future, so it was just time to play a little presence and good sense.

“What does Mr. Leingold like to eat?” Alfonso beckoned the waiter again, “My treat.”

“At your leisure.” Norton didn’t look at Alfonso again, just at Sinai, and tsked.

Sure enough he was alienating him, not even wanting to look at him.

Sinai kept his head down and could feel a gaze lock onto him.

It was hot, rolling, with aggression and aggression.

She was also getting more and more nervous.

He couldn’t really be seeing something, could he?

Sinai could be sure that she wasn’t showing any horses.

“I wonder where Mr. Leingold is from?” Alfonso broke the silence and asked with a smile, “Can I ask what it’s like where you are and what the customs are?”

Sinai didn’t say much, she only returned a few words after he asked three innings.

It was all she could do to get information from her cousin.

Norton leaned back in his chair, he glanced at Sinai who had buried her head in her food and suddenly spoke, his tone lazy and casual, “Well, where we come from, by law, cousins are allowed to get married.”

The air was suddenly quiet.