Breakthrough Chapter 242

Wow Wow and Maitreya were originally chatting away when they suddenly received a message in the background saying that they had successfully invited Su Mu for an interview.

“Really invited?”

Maitreya’s eyes widened in disbelief.


Wow Wow could only give a thumbs up to the official staff as well.

After the two looked at each other, they quickly stabilised their emotions and then said to the audience, “Viewers, I now have some good news for you.”

At those words, all the audience held their breath.

Especially those viewers who had come specifically for Su Mu, were expecting a lot.

“Later on, for our second round of interview session, vtg’s Su Mu, Boss Su, will be on stage to be interviewed by the first lucky viewer.”

Maitreya loudly announced, “Now, please start praying that you will be the first lucky viewer to be chosen. At that time, you will not only be able to ask questions to Boss Su Mu, but you will also be able to shake hands and take photos with him!”

As soon as these words were spoken, the audience immediately exploded! One second to remember to read the book

Su Mu is now an absolute public figure, hotter than many stars.

What an honour it was to be able to shake hands and take a photo with such a figure!

If the photo was sent to the circle of friends, it would not be bragged about by friends?

Thinking of this, there were really quite a few people who closed their eyes and folded their hands and began to pray reverently.

After the first round of interviews, the five lucky viewers were also selected one after another.

“Okay, who exactly is the first lucky audience member?”

The host Yu Shuang’er smiled mysteriously and actually started to sell the story, something that had never happened before.

And it was all because the person the first lucky viewer was going to interview was Su Mu!

“Cough cough cough.”

Yu Shuang’er looked at her hand once again to make sure she hadn’t misread it before she read, “Let’s congratulate our friends in the third row and eleven seats of the A section!”

The words had just fallen.


A small girl in row three, seat eleven, in section a jumped up in excitement, nearly spilling the orange juice she had been drinking in her hand.

“It’s sour.”

“I’m really a nonce.”

“So girls who smile are not too unlucky?”

“That’s because the unlucky ones can’t even smile.”

“Mmp, I’ve never won another bottle of soda since I was a kid, can’t the gods be kind to me for once?”


Countless viewers sighed.

As for the small girl who was drawn, she bounced all the way to the stage, enjoying the thousands of envious and jealous gazes.

“Haha, our luckiest audience member is a very pretty girl yet.”

Yu Shuang’er smiled faintly and gestured for the girl to stand to her left, then looked at Su Mu apprehensively, wanting to ask if Su Mu could continue with the following process.

However, before she could even ask, she saw Su Mu nod his head.

Only then did Yu Shuang’er’s hanging heart drop slightly.

She had been worried that Su Mu would put up a fight, but now it seemed that Su Mu was not only handsome, but also had a good temper.

“I wonder which girl will be that lucky to marry him in the future.”

Yu Shuang’er’s heart fluttered.

“Host, can I ask a question now?”

The small girl had a lively personality, and when she saw that Yu Shuang’er was a bit distracted, she didn’t have stage fright, but asked in a low voice.

“Ah? Yes, of course you can.”

Yu Shuang’er smiled gratefully at the girl, then handed the microphone to the girl.

“Boss Su.”

The girl took a deep breath and gathered the courage to raise her head to look at Su Mu.

However, the moment she saw Su Mu, her face immediately rolled to a boil, her heart pounded and she subconsciously lowered her head again.

“My mama yeah, so handsome, more handsome than in the photo video!”

The girl covered her chest, her face was red to the roots of her ears.


sp; “No, I can’t do that, I need to lighten up.”

The girl began to breathe deeply again, trying to calm down.

“Just call me Su Mu.”

Su Mu smiled.

In a flash.

The girl whose breathing rhythm had easily leveled off, once again messed up her rhythm and couldn’t even catch her breath.

“My goodness, can’t stand it.”

The girl once again made a flowery mistake.

“This young lady seems to be a bit nervous.”

Yu Shuang’er eased the atmosphere: “Young lady, are you ready to ask a question?”

The girl woke up like a dream, but she still didn’t dare to look at Su Mu, just lowered her head and looked at her toes, stumbling and saying, “I want to ask Boss Su, what kind of opinion do you have about vtg’s newly awarded Tactical Master title?”

Upon hearing this, Yu Shuang’er froze.

She thought the girl would ask some powerful question, but she didn’t expect it to be just this.

“It’s too official.”

Many viewers also spat out.


The girl also sighed, she actually wanted to ask if Su Mu had a girlfriend, and if not, what kind of girl she liked.

But, the words came to her lips, but she was afraid, afraid to hear that Su Mu had a friend.

She would rather hold on to a glimmer of good fantasy than have her beautiful dream shattered and face the truth.

This is the same mentality as many star-struck girls.

It is for this reason that certain flow stars have a large number of fans who go off the grid after the official announcement of their romance.

“I think vtg is quite dirty.”

Su Mu, however, did not expect the girls to have so many little thoughts and replied with a smile.


Everyone’s face was filled with question marks.

vtg…… is quite dirty?

What kind of answer is this?

Dirty, wasn’t that a derogatory term?

Could it be that vtg wasn’t actually liked by Su Mu?

But even if he didn’t like it, Su Mu shouldn’t have said it openly.

“The hearts of those who play tactics are dirty.”

Su Mu smiled, “However, I think it’s quite fun to be dirty sometimes.”

Hearing these words, many viewers came back to their senses.

It turned out that Su Mu was mocking himself and was playing with a stunt!

“Boss Su is young, he’s just different from those old timers.”

“Yeah, the old fogeys of other teams, not to mention self-deprecating, others would jump in anger even if they scolded them.”

“Hahahaha, what Boss Su is saying is that vtg is a dirty team? But I seem to like this dirty team more and more.”

“Me too me too, everyone is playing with stems now, only teams that dare to play with stems can be popular.”


The viewers were talking and their impressions of Su Mu, and of vtg, were getting better and better.

Hearing the audience’s reaction, Su Mu smiled in satisfaction.

He had considered a similar question before he went on stage.

He thought of many self-effacing answers, but all of them felt too official and hypocritical.

In the end, he fortunately responded with this kind of self-deprecating and stalky answer.

Terrier culture is popular these days anyway.

Numbers like 777, 4396, 2200, 5500 and other number stems are now active on all major live streaming platforms as well as social media platforms.

Many people use these numbers without any malicious intent, but simply to play with them.

If they are used wisely, they can form a hashtag and greatly increase their popularity.

Of course, clubs have to be quite careful when playing this kind of stunt, otherwise even if they can increase their fans, the increase will mostly be black fans.

However, Su Mu is not worried about this.

Because with people like Tong Xi Chun around, this degree of playing the stunt could definitely be grasped precisely.


Below the stage, in the shadows, someone’s eyes stared coldly at Su Mu.