Campus Master Chapter 1433-1434

Chapter 1433

The words of second uncle Ji Zhenguo really took Ji Feng by surprise.

Going to South Guangdong to expand the group’s business is tantamount to launching a direct attack on the local pharmaceutical and electrical industry in South Guangdong ……


It goes without saying that Kang Yuan’s slimming powder has been a hit, and the 3D TV sets are as hot as ever, and the supply still exceeds the demand, with orders from the market flying to the business department of Tengfei Electric every day like snowflakes, making Han Zhong and Li Xin both headache and happy, and it can be said that they are both painful and happy.

Under such circumstances, if the Tengfei Group were to expand its business in Southern Guangdong, even if it were to develop any more advanced products, it would be a huge shock to certain group companies in Southern Guangdong.

Just the strong competitiveness of the Tengfei Group is enough to make many companies jump in fear.

For example, the launch of Tengfei’s 3D TV sets resulted in a frenzied purchasing boom, making many people realise that it might be time to replace their household appliances.

In contrast, those original household appliance giants were unmoved, causing people to worry about their future development. As a result, the stocks of these group companies fell several points in just a few days, some even dropped by more than ten points directly, which means that the market value of that company, directly shrunk by a fifth!

If certain group companies hadn’t rushed to announce that they had also developed the most advanced 3D TV sets and were ready to launch them on the market at the right time, I’m afraid their shares would have continued to fall ……

This kind of impact can be imagined.

Of course, it’s hard to say if those companies have really developed 3D TV sets, after all, there are too many fake news released in the market to save the market.

But it is clear from this that the launch of 3D TV sets by Tengfei Electric has had a huge impact on the entire household appliance industry!

Even the old household appliance giants could not resist, let alone other smaller companies.

Now that second uncle is saying that he should consider the plan for the Tengfei Group to go to South Guangdong, it is foreseeable that once the Tengfei Group goes to South Guangdong, what kind of impact will it have on the group companies in certain industries in South Guangdong …… In other words, this is going to be a war!

Could it be that the family has decided to make a move on the Wu family?

“Second uncle, what do you mean ……” Ji Feng asked with some hesitation, going to South Guangdong to develop seems to be just a small move by the Tengfei Group, but what is actually going on is clear to everyone, the matter is very important, so Ji Feng must ask clearly.

“The current situation faced by many industries in the country now is the lack of a strong leader, or, in some group companies, no longer enough to act as a leader.” Ji Zhenguo said lightly, “Especially in Southern Guangdong, there are as many small companies as there are cattle, but, they lack unified management and organisation, which makes us suffer a considerable loss when dealing with foreigners.”

Ji Feng listened attentively and nodded from time to time, what Second Uncle said made sense, and this was the current situation in many domestic industries now.

For example, the beverage industry, the former Jianx Bao and other popular nationwide, but now, but there are not many is China’s, what Coke ah, Pepsi ah and so on, all are foreign brands. The only group that is fighting against the foreign beverage giants is Wow X Ha.

There is a lack of unified management and organisation, and the local leaders are messing around, treating the companies as cash machines.

If you dare not give face to the leader, the leader will dare to give you face!

No matter what time it is, the leader is the biggest.

How can the leader’s face be stripped away? This is definitely not allowed!

…… If this goes on, even a good business will definitely collapse.

The reason is that the moths and bloodsuckers attached to the enterprise are just too many for the enterprise to bear anymore.

“In an industry, the emergence of a strong group as the leader of this industry is not a bad thing, although it will impact the survival of some enterprises, but it is undeniable that as long as it is well organised, this strong group, will be able to bring the whole industry to life!” Ji Zhenguo said, “The situation that South Guangdong is facing now is that it is not well organised, the enterprises are too scattered and fragmented, to organise these enterprises, there has to be a leader!”

Looking at Ji Feng and Ji Shaolei who were listening attentively, Ji Zhenguo’s voice pitch was higher: “Science and technology is the basis of a strong country, but business is essential to a rich country, we have to protect our own business and not be swallowed up by foreign companies!”

Ji Feng nodded, but in his heart, he sighed a little.

Frankly speaking, nowadays, no matter which industry it was, unless it was state-run, there were hardly any other ones that were domestic.

Whether it’s automobiles, or medicine, or dairy products ……

How easy is it to organise these fragmented enterprises?

For example, the former ‘Three Cows Milk Powder’, which once created the myth of being the number one seller in the country, was so popular at that time that it could not hold up its head against other milk powders, even those imported from foreign countries!

At that time, it could be said to be a time of unparalleled fame!

However, the outbreak of a famous milk powder incident instantly brought the credibility of the domestic milk powder industry to a freezing point, and foreign milk powder poured into China in large numbers, with sales rising every day, and now the sales charts are dominated by almost all foreign brands, and the top brands in China are almost invisible!

Isn’t this sad?

And faced with this situation, how can these companies be organised?

“South Guangdong is our number one economic province in China, so it must be solved as soon as possible, to keep all these enterprises alive and able to have better development, and also to ensure that the economy of South Guangdong has development ……” Ji Zhenguo said a lot of requirements, and finally said. “Little Feng, when the Tengfei Group stabilizes, think about it and see which industry you intend to enter, and then go to South Guangdong to expand the market, and strive to become the industry leader, and contribute to the economic development of South Guangdong!”


Ji Feng immediately answered loudly, but in a whirlwind, he realised that something was wrong.

He jerked his head to look, and saw that Ji Shaolei was also full of amazement, and the two of them looked at each other, both seeing the shock in the other’s eyes.


Ji Feng couldn’t help but take a deep breath and hesitantly asked, “Second Uncle, if the Tengfei Group goes to Southern Guangdong, then the Wu family ……”

“You are going to develop the business, what do you care about them?” Ji Zhenguo waved his hand, “Don’t pay any attention to them!”

Ji Feng and Ji Shaolei were then even more shocked.

They had already realised that Ji Zhenguo’s decision to send the Tengfei Group to Southern Guangdong was not just to drive the development of local enterprises, listening to the tone of Ji Zhenguo’s voice, it was already treating Southern Guangdong as his jurisdiction, planning the layout and management!

Where does that leave the Wu family?

Southern Guangdong has always been regarded by the Wu family as their own backyard, but now second uncle Ji Zhenguo is treating the Wu family like nothing, this kind of strength and dominance is finally on display.

It seems that this is really going to be a war!

I’m afraid that the economic attack is only the first step, next, the second uncle will definitely have more severe methods, or maybe they will be more gentle, adopting the ‘silent’ method, so that the other party will be taken down without even knowing it!

Anyway, no matter which means, Ji Zhenguo’s words at this time, as well as his attitude, have very clearly illustrated a thing.

The …… Ji lineage is starting to make a move against the Wu family!

“Second uncle, I understand, I will think about it during this period of time.” Having thought about this, Ji Feng couldn’t help but nod seriously.

“Well, it’s naturally best for you to be able to think about it.” Ji Zhenguo nodded and said, “Although our economic development in China is still not as good as those developed countries, it is not a fatty meat that anyone can come and take a bite out of! When you’ve thought about it, the first task I’ll give you is to resolutely not allow foreign companies to embezzle our Huaxia’s a*sets, got it?”

“…… understand!” Ji Feng was stunned, then immediately nodded his head, but in his heart was a kind of blood stirring unrestrained and excited.

The second uncle’s words obviously meant something. It seemed that the contact between the Brilliant Group (the former Rongpeng Group) and the Boundary Tent Enterprise had angered the second uncle, and might even have angered the entire Ji Department.

It’s fine for our own people to fight any way they want, to fight behind closed doors, no matter who wins or loses, it’s still in our own family, and the water will not flow to outsiders.

But now it’s different, outsiders are coming, jackals and tigers are coming, and whoever dares to collude with them is the public enemy of everyone!

Ji Feng could not help but smile, and his heart was even more fervent.

The Wu family had been arrogant for so long, and Wu Zhiyong’s reckless hands time and again had made Ji Feng’s heart fierce, but he could only take on beating up Wu Zhihe, or making them lose face, but more serious blows, the Wu family just blocked it.

But now it was good that Second Uncle and the others had finally made up their minds.

Next, it will definitely make a series of big battles, all kinds of games will be manifested one by one, and everyone will show their means to see who can laugh at the end!

“In this big game, how can I, Ji Feng, be missing?” Ji Feng couldn’t help waving his fist.

Until he left the family courtyard of the municipal party committee and returned to his home, the blood energy stirring in Ji Feng’s heart hadn’t completely calmed down, he couldn’t help but let out a long breath, sat in his study, opened his computer and inserted the flash drive that Ji Shaoyun had brought with him.

Soon, a screen appeared on the computer screen ……

Chapter 1434


Ji Feng tapped his keyboard and paused the video screen on his computer.

By this moment, he had already watched the interrogation video given by his younger uncle Ji Zhenping three times over and over again, memorizing every even the smallest detail of it clearly in his mind.

In the video, there were a total of three people being interrogated, that is, the three remaining members of the Cobra Mercenary Corps who were caught in the last operation at the Royal Club, one and all.

There were also three copies of the interrogation video, each of which showed the three guys giving an honest account of what they had done after being interrogated.

In order to prevent these three guys from colluding, they were all interrogated separately, which is why there are three copies of the interrogation video.

The video that Ji Feng got his hands on was not very complete, only the footage of the three of them giving their accounts at the end, the previous interrogation process, as well as the methods used in that interrogation, were not shown in the video.

This is understandable, after all, the process of interrogation may not be so ‘pleasing to the eye’, if it is accidentally circulated, it will be another storm at that time, so even if it is given to Ji Feng, it is only a clip of the interrogation video.

In this clip of the video, the three men explained what happened when they attacked and killed Ji Feng in the first place.

They were all mercenaries belonging to the Cobra Mercenaries, and there were orders coming down from above that they were to come to China, and someone had given them the time and place, as well as other equipment, to take out a man!

After the job was done, they would be able to leave China through a pre-prepared channel, and they would also be paid a good commission.

So, they brought their men to China.

And when they ambushed Ji Feng, whether it was the time and place or any other information, they got it through their contact with the top, and before that, they all just used fake IDs to stay in a hotel in Jiangzhou and didn’t even take a step outside.

However, what they didn’t expect was that the mission was not completed, instead they lost a large number of men, moreover, this matter also alerted the Chinese officials, as a result, there was a police intervention in the investigation, they had no choice but to wretchedly leave Jiangzhou, and finally received a notice from above, let them enter the Royal Club for temporary hiding, and someone would arrange for them to leave afterwards.

That was the whole story!

Ji Feng looked at the three guys on the screen who were beaten almost beyond human shape, but his eyebrows were slightly furrowed, he felt that something seemed wrong!

For example, these three guys did not confess who their leader was after hiding in the Royal Club?

Also, when they were attacked and killed in the suburbs back then, Ji Feng clearly saw that in one of the sedans, there was a person sitting in it. Looking at the formation of that convoy, it was clear that it was to protect the car in the middle, so it was obvious that there must be someone important in the car, which was why they were so heavily guarded.

Besides, after these mercenaries came to China, how did they arrive in Jiangzhou safely? Was there really no one to act as a guide for them?

Ji Feng felt that if he were to go to a strange country on his own, it would be almost impossible to not reveal any flaws.

Moreover, after such a big incident, they were still able to stay in the Royal Club in a big way, weren’t they afraid of being discovered?

The Royal Club was built in such a magnificent way, but there was no one inside, only a few of them lived in it, did they not notice anything wrong?


These situations are very suspicious.

So Ji Feng feels that these few guys, someone must not be telling the truth, or, all of them are lying.

All of them are avoiding the important things, just talking about the process of the action, but the really important ones, such as who is the mastermind behind the curtain, the details of the middle pa*sage, what people they have contacted …… and so on, they didn’t mention at all.

This would appear to be abnormal.

Ji Feng looked at the time displayed on the computer screen and found that it was already very late, so he shook his head. Originally, he wanted to call his little uncle and talk about his findings and suspicions, but now it was almost late at night, so he let it go.

In fact, even if these guys didn’t give an explanation, Ji Feng already had a rough guess in his heart.

The first thing you need to know is who hired the Cobra mercenaries to attack you, and who was responsible for arranging food and lodging for these mercenaries after they came to China, etc. Over this period of time, Ji Feng had already obtained a lot of information about this, especially from Zheng Yuxiu’s mouth, and he knew a lot of important information.

This matter is definitely related to the Wu family!

Therefore, what Ji Feng wanted to know most was not who had hired these mercenaries, but, when he attacked and killed himself that day, who was sitting in that car in the middle, who looked like the leader of the mercenaries, but at that time they retreated calmly, leaving Ji Feng helpless.

And later, in the Royal Club in Yanjing, Ji Feng went on a killing spree and also caught so three of them alive. But yet, he still hadn’t seen that leader either.

Even the three guys were not even mentioned.

But Ji Feng is aware of it, because at that time when the fierce battle outside Jiangzhou, he saw that person, although not very clearly, but he believes his judgment.

So …… where did that guy go?

And the Royal Club, the former stronghold of the dynasty, who actually let them stay there? And who was the ‘above’ this guy …… was referring to when he allegedly received orders from above?

These questions, the three people in the video from the beginning to the end are not mentioned, Ji Feng does not believe that they do not know or forget, that is to lie to the ghost!

So now it was clear at a glance that these three guys had not given an honest account.

He couldn’t help but tsk and tsk in admiration, “They’ve all been beaten up like this, but they can still be so hard-headed, quite impressive!”

If it were him, he would definitely not have made a move to beat people into this state, there were millions of methods of interrogation, and different methods were used for different people. Obviously, these three guys all belong to that hardcore type, then don’t do it the hard way, you can adopt a roundabout strategy ……

The first thing you can do is to exchange interrogation techniques with your little uncle.

Once again glanced at the computer screen, to determine from this can not get more useful information, Ji Feng also no longer think more, anyway, now from the interrogation video is not able to see more things, just sitting here silly is useless.

Ji Feng decided to take time to go to Yanjing and interrogate those three guys again, to get the most truthful information from their mouths.

In fact, even if the three guys did not tell the truth, Ji Feng had a general guess of the whole thing. Only, what he is most interested in now is the relationship between the Cobra Mercenaries and the Dynasty, and ……

The most important thing is that there is no connection between the Wu family and the dynasty?

Ji Feng stood up and went downstairs, thinking in his head as he walked. Since he knew about Dynasty, he had heard quite a few things about Dynasty and the important people.

For example, the king who laid hands on He Hongwei, the young duke who hid in the shadows and wanted to put himself to death at all times, and the mysterious guy who hid in the boundary canopy area and hated himself almost to the bone, and then there was the …… Qiao family!

Ji Feng had a feeling that all these people seemed to belong to the same system, that is to say, they were all operating in this area of China, or they were also responsible for Europe America or other areas, these Ji Feng did not know, but one thing was certain, China was the area they were responsible for.

Having thought of this, Ji Feng’s strategy towards the dynasty began to be adjusted. He changed from his original generalized intention to go to war with the dynasty to dealing with one or a few people in the dynasty.

For example, the young grandson, such as Qiao Rong of the Qiao family, Qiao Gakai ……

It would be easier to gradually nibble away at them and break them down individually, which would be more or less easy. If it was a generalized direct attempt to deal with the dynasty, it would easily focus all the dynasty’s attention on itself, which would be unwise.

“Wu family, Qiao family, dynasty ……” Ji Feng shook his head and smiled, except for the Qiao family seems to be temporarily gone, the Wu family and dynasty, can not be so easy to deal with, think about it, they are really bold ah, actually dare to go against such three huge forces.

“But …… so what if you go against them?” Ji Feng looked back at his study, before turning around and going downstairs.

In the blink of an eye, three days pa*sed.

By the fourth day, Li Weibing called again to remind Ji Feng not to forget the evening business salon event, and Ji Feng smiled and thanked him.

In fact, Ji Feng did not want to go, especially when he was working with the enterprises of the boundary tent, and Ji Feng did not want to go personally.

He did not reject working with the businesses of the boundary tent, however, he rejected the people of the boundary tent, especially when he saw the blackened moustache on their mouths, he wanted to smash a few punches into their faces.

If Li Weibing hadn’t invited him personally, Ji Feng would have let Han Zhong and Li Xin go over and forget about it!

Now, however, he had no choice but to take Han Zhong and Li Xin with him, and the three of them rushed to Li Weidong’s Linjiang Clubhouse together to attend that so-called business salon.

“Han Zhong, Li Xin, if you want to discuss any cooperation with the boundary tent people later, you two can just go on and treat me as an irrelevant person, got it?” When we arrived at the car park of Linjiang Club, Ji Feng explained, “No one is allowed to sell me out, if there is a problem, you guys try to deal with it, if not, we can discuss it.”

Han Zhong instantly laughed, “You don’t want to see the boundary tent people that much? I’m sure I’ll have to see them later, so you might as well just go back!”

“You think I don’t want to go back?” Ji Feng shook his head helplessly, “It’s just because I can’t push it off, otherwise, I’d rather sleep at home than come here ……”

“I’m the same.” Han Zhong laughed.

Li Xin also nodded and said, “If I were the boss, I would have arranged for you two to take charge of negotiating with the boundary tent people right now, while I go back to sleep ……”

The three of them laughed at the same time.

“Alright, hurry up, go ahead and find a place to sit and talk slowly in the clubhouse.” Han Zhong laughed.

The three of them joked as they walked out of the car park and arrived at the entrance of the clubhouse, and were ready to go in.


Just at that moment, a shriek suddenly came from the entrance.