Campus Master Chapter 1557-1558

Chapter 1557

Yanjing, Beijing Mountain Villa Area.

Perhaps for the general public, Yanjing is most famous for those famous monuments, such as the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City and other ancient buildings. These ancient buildings from all dynasties and generations make this place of Yanjing full of a rich and noble atmosphere, and at the same time, possessing an extremely high level of majesty.

Many people who see such atmospheric buildings for the first time may even have to breathe carefully for fear of accidentally offending something.

But for those who are familiar with Yanjing, especially those who are familiar with the Yanjing system, this place cannot be considered too unusual, and it is not too much to say that it is a rarity.

For them, it is not these places that represent power and status in Yanjing, but other places that are rarely heard of, such as the courtyard on East Sixth Street, which is where the Ji family’s old man spent his days, and which is also a place that is difficult for ordinary people to approach.

For example, in some old courtyards at the foot of the Imperial City, there are also old people living there, people whose names are seldom heard by ordinary people, but if they say something, even the highest leaders have to think carefully ……

Of course, these places, even in the system, belong to the legend, very few people can enter these places.

But when it comes to another place, that is not a stranger to many people.

One of these places is the Villa District in Jingshan!

Most of the people who live here are high-ranking cadres, and there is no shortage of powerful families.

For ordinary people, the people who live here are high ranking and powerful, and the families here can definitely be regarded as powerful families!

The Zheng family is one of them!

After finishing his day’s work, Zheng Yuanhe put off his social engagements and returned home. All day today, he had felt his eyelids jumping all the time, and he had a vague feeling in his heart that something might be going wrong, so he went home early.

But after washing up, Zheng Yuanhe was unable to sleep.

I don’t know how it happened, but as time pa*sed, the feeling of uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger. Although he had reached such a stage that his connotation would not show on his face just because of this uneasiness in his heart, the fact that he was still awake late into the night was enough to show how apprehensive his heart was.

I don’t know what it was, but he just felt restless!

“Could it be that something is going to happen again?” Zheng Yuanhe sat on the sofa in the living room, smoking hard and couldn’t help but frown darkly, “Could it be …… that something has happened to Yuxiu again?!”

The moment he thought of this, Zheng Yuanhe felt his heart leap with fear.

Yuk Soo must not have another accident!

Zheng Yuanhe’s breathing sharply for a few moments, and then he hurriedly took a few deep breaths to calm his emotions a little, and only then was he somewhat calmer.

However, there was still a vague feeling of panic in his heart.

“It mustn’t be something related to Yuxiu!” Zheng Yuanhe muttered darkly in his heart, thinking of his daughter, he could not help but feel a pang of heartache.

Just a short while ago, his daughter Zheng Yuxiu was still a living, breathing human being, and was even on the verge of marrying the second young master of the Wu family, Wu Zhihe.

But then, Wu Zhihe suddenly died!

It was said that he was scared to death by Ji Feng!

Zheng Yuxiu was so devastated that she almost didn’t go crazy. If her mother hadn’t hurriedly flown to Northern Shaanxi Province to take care of her daughter, she might have had to go to an insane asylum if she wanted to see her daughter again!

Zheng Yuanhe, despite knowing that Wu Zhihe’s death actually had little to do with Ji Feng, and that what really drove him to his death was most likely …… Wu Zhiyong.

But this is something Zheng Yuanhe is unable to say, he can only kindly comfort his daughter and tell her not to think too much.


However, at this time, Zheng Yuanhe could never have imagined that after only a short period of time, he would receive news that would be like a bolt from the blue – his daughter had become an idiot in Jiangzhou!

Zheng Yuanhe was furious!

He almost rushed to Jiangzhou himself, to arrest Zheng Yuanshan, who was still related to him, and ask him how his daughter had gotten into trouble in Jiangzhou!

But Zheng Yuanshan didn’t say anything, he just excused himself and said he was investigating …… If it wasn’t for his identity, Zheng Yuanhe would have wanted to curse!

And while angry, Zheng Yuanhe was also puzzled.

What is it about this Jiangzhou that can make his daughter come well but return demented?

Zheng Yuanhe’s doubts didn’t last too long, after just a few days, he got the news that it turned out, the reason why his daughter had become like this, might have something to do with Ji Feng!

However, without proof, mere speculation could not move Ji Feng at all!

In addition, the situation of the Zheng family is not very good today, and the Wu family because of the previous series of counterattacks by Ji Feng, not only their own wretched, but also even Wu Zhihe died …… After thinking about it again and again, Zheng Yuanhe suppressed the anger inside himself and just sent his daughter to the best hospital for medical treatment.

And this, however, does not mean that Zheng Yuanhe just stop.

He was waiting for an opportunity, as long as he caught any handle of the Ji family or Ji Feng, he would definitely not let go!

Zheng Yuanhe had been waiting for such an opportunity, and he was also secretly building up his strength, just ready to deal a fatal blow to Ji Feng!

However, today, Zheng Yuanhe had a bad feeling in his heart, he always felt as if something was going to happen.

Zheng Yuanhe was a bit restless, he couldn’t help but panic, if something else happened to his daughter, it would really be fatal!

After trying to calm himself down and thinking, Zheng Yuanhe took out his mobile phone and dialled his daughter’s attending physician to enquire about his daughter’s condition.

“Minister Zheng, your daughter’s condition is still the same, although it has improved through a period of treatment, but this will take time, after all, your daughter’s condition is very special ……”

“Thank you, let you take the trouble!” Zheng Yuanhe couldn’t help but sigh in relief.

Fortunately, the attending physician’s answer could not satisfy Zheng Yuanhe, but at least it was not too bad.

Having received an affirmative answer, the uneasiness in Zheng Yuanhe’s heart was not reduced at all, and he had to light up a cigarette and smoke it fiercely.


The bedroom door was pushed open and a middle-aged woman in a robe came out, seeing that the living room was dark, with only a red dot flickering on and off, and that there was a pungent smell of smoke in the living room, the woman could not help but sigh.

“Old Zheng, upset about your daughter again?” The middle-aged woman came to Zheng Yuanshan and poured him a gla*s of water and said comfortingly, “Since Yuxiu is like this now, it’s no longer helpful for you to be upset, you can only hope that the doctor will cure Yuxiu …… You should also stop smoking so much, your own body is also important! ”

“Don’t worry, I’m fine!” Zheng Yuanhe shook his head.


The middle-aged woman then couldn’t help but snort coldly, “It’s all that little brute Ji Feng’s fault, I don’t know what tricks he used, but he actually made Yuxiu look like this, he really deserves death by a thousand cuts ……”

“What’s the use of talking about this now? Without evidence, we can’t do anything with Ji Feng!” Zheng Yuanhe was also very unhappy, but there was a kind of helplessness, not to mention that the Ji family was very powerful, even if the Ji family was not as powerful as the Zheng family, to take action against Ji Feng without clear evidence, it would not work.

Because there were other families watching!

This world is not just the Zheng family’s, but everyone’s!

“No evidence? I think it’s because that dragger Zheng Yuanshan and the Ji family are wearing the same trousers, that’s why he’s not willing to provide evidence, he’s the powerful deputy director of the Jiangzhou City Police Department, if he wants to investigate such a case, can he not find evidence?!” The middle-aged woman said angrily, “Zheng Yuanshan has long since embraced the thighs of the Ji family and is only following the Ji family’s lead, he can’t even remember his own surname!”

“Shut up!”

Zheng Yuanhe frowned, “In the future, it’s best not to say such strange words more often!”

Although he was reprimanding, his tone was not harsh, for he knew that what Madam said was actually somewhat true.

Perhaps others didn’t quite understand, but Zheng Yuanhe knew very well that the powerful deputy director of the Jiangzhou Police Department was equivalent to a deputy director of a provincial department, and he couldn’t be clearer about how much power was in his hands.

How much power was in his hands? Would it be difficult for such a powerful deputy director to investigate a case?

“Am I wrong?” Mrs. Zheng, however, was indignant, “If Zheng Yuanshan had contributed more or less, our daughter would have been more or less compensated even if she had become an idiot, and that Ji Feng would have paid the price, but what about now? Our daughter is demented and in the hospital, but Ji Feng is still there to get away with it ……”

Zheng Yuanhe then couldn’t help but be silent, the lady’s words actually spoke to his heart.


After a moment of silence, Zheng Yuanhe couldn’t help but let out a long sigh and forcefully put out his cigarette, “Let’s just leave it at that, first find a way to ask a famous doctor to cure Yuxiu, other things, let’s wait for the opportunity!”

“Wait, wait! You just know to say wait for the opportunity, how long do we have to wait?” Mrs. Zheng was furious, she snorted coldly, “You can watch your daughter living in a hospital like a human being, but I can’t! I’m telling you, if you don’t move, then I’ll avenge my daughter myself!”

“What are you going to do?” Zheng Yuanhe frowned, “Don’t you dare act recklessly!”

Zheng Yuanhe was taken aback by the lady’s words, he knew very well what kind of temper this wife of his was, when she was still a yellow flower girl, she was an arrogant and spirited temper, an unbeatable young lady, if she was hot-headed, then she could really do anything!

“What’s messy?” But Mrs. Zheng said defiantly, “Tell you what, I’ve already spent money to find someone, Ji Feng turned my daughter into an idiot, didn’t he say he couldn’t find any evidence? That’s good then, I’ll give him one too that can’t find any evidence, I’ll make him die!”

Chapter 1558

“What did you say?!”

Zheng Yuanhe stood up with a swish, the cigarette in his hand fell on his trousers because of the excessive shock, but he was oblivious to it, he just stared at Madam with a deadly stare.

“What have you done?!” Zheng Yuanhe asked in a deep voice.

“Why are you so fierce? What can I do, just avenge my daughter’s death!” Madam Zheng rolled her eyes and looked as if she was taking things for granted.

The first thing was that her daughter, Zheng Yuxiu, had been harmed by Ji Feng, and the Ji family was so powerful that the men of the Zheng family did not dare to say anything, so naturally she had to find a way to avenge her daughter!

The reason why Ji Feng was so cruel to Zheng Yuxiu was because what Zheng Yuxiu had done had violated Ji Feng’s bottom line, and the fact that Zheng Yuxiu had targeted someone close to Ji Feng had enraged Ji Feng, so of course he had to deal with him!

Even if the strengths of the Ji family and the Zheng family were to be completely switched, Ji Feng would still have dealt with Zheng Yuxiu, and he would never have shown any mercy!

This point, Mrs. Zheng will not think about.

In fact, even if she had thought about it, she would not have thought it was her daughter’s fault. Ji Feng had forced her daughter’s fiancĂ© to death, so it was only natural for her daughter to deal with Ji Feng!

Of course, Mrs. Zheng would not even think about what was wrong with her daughter Zheng Yuxiu’s actions, nor would she think about what was wrong with the Wu family’s people!

There is such a kind of person in this world, no matter how much he goes overboard, that is rightfully so, but, you can’t go overboard. If you go too far, then it’s not like that, he’s going to jump, he’s going to get mad, he’s going to get upset!

Mrs. Zheng is such a person.

Back then when she was a yellow girl in her mother’s house, Madam Zheng was never one to take a loss, and even less so now.

She didn’t care who was right and who was wrong, anyway, now that it was Ji Feng who had turned her daughter into an idiot, Madam Zheng couldn’t tolerate it, Ji Feng, the little brute, must die!

If Ji Feng didn’t die, Mrs. Zheng would find it hard to dispel the hatred in her heart!


Zheng Yuanhe was angrily pointing at the madam, his face grim with anger: “Say! What exactly did you do!”

“It’s nothing, but I just found a few powerful people to go and teach that little brute Ji Feng a little lesson!”

Seeing that her husband was really angry, Mrs. Zheng was still more or less timid in her heart, and as a result, she didn’t dare to tell the truth and could only argue, “What’s wrong, my daughter has become like that, can’t I take it out for my daughter? If you, as a father, are not willing to avenge your daughter, can’t I do it?”

“Can! You can!”

Zheng Yuanhe grunted heavily in anger, “But have you thought about how much trouble it would cause for the Zheng family if it was known that our Zheng family had sent someone to teach Ji Feng a lesson!”

“You can rest a*sured of that, the person I found is completely trustworthy, no one will know about it!” Madam Zheng said with confidence.


Zheng Yuanhe grunted, “I’m telling you, if you cause trouble, you’ll take care of it yourself!”

“Ding ……”

Just at this moment, a piercing phone ring suddenly rang.

Mrs. Zheng let out a sigh of relief and hurriedly turned around to answer the phone, if she said any more, she was really afraid that her husband would know that she wasn’t just looking for someone to teach Ji Feng a lesson, but that she was directly looking for someone to go and take Ji Feng out!

Look at Zheng Yuanhe, if he knew, he wouldn’t know how angry he would be!

Look at that little outburst!

Madam Zheng couldn’t help but snort coldly in her heart, a big man was cowering, he didn’t even dare to speak up even though his daughter had been made to look like this!

Madam Zheng didn’t care about the first grandson of the Ji family, what was wrong with the first grandson of the Ji family? He was just a B*****d!

Her own daughter had been made to look like an idiot by a B*****d, so how could she stop there?

As she muttered in her heart, Mrs. Zheng went to the corner of the living room and prepared to pick up the phone, her eyes inadvertently swept over the phone’s display, and her face suddenly changed.

“Bah! How dare you have the nerve to call!” Madam Zheng couldn’t help but curse, “Just like that little beast from the Ji family, one is a wild child and the other is a dragger, neither are any good!”

As soon as Zheng Yuanhe, who was sitting on the sofa, heard this, he instantly realised what was going on and couldn’t help but ask, “Who was it that called?”

“Who else could it be, of course it’s your good brother, Zheng Yuanshan!” Mrs. Zheng hummed, “I hate talking to this ungrateful and unrecognizable procrastinator, come and answer it yourself!”

“That mouth of yours, when are you going to curb it a bit!” Zheng Yuanhe glared at her before he got up to answer the phone.

“Hello, this is Zheng Yuanhe!” When he answered the phone, Zheng Yuanhe’s voice immediately became very majestic, as if the leader was answering the phone of his subordinates, and that feeling of being above him was really obvious.


Zheng Yuanshan on the other end of the phone was a little angry, and this one sentence from Zheng Yuanhe immediately showed the Zheng family’s attitude towards him ……

Zheng Yuanshan took a deep breath before he said, “I am Zheng Yuanshan!”

“Oh! It’s Yuanshan, what’s the matter?” Zheng Yuanhe asked.

“……” This sentence, again, made Zheng Yuanshan angry and almost didn’t drop the phone, he gritted his teeth and tried to calm himself down as he said, “Just now Minister Zhenhua’s son Ji Feng called me, he told me about a situation that I feel the need to talk to you about.”

“Hmm?” This time, Zheng Yuanhe, however, just made a nasal sound.

“Heh ……”

Zheng Yuanshan sneered, he was also a dignified figure, how could he be humiliated like this again and again?

“It’s like this, there were two a*sa*sins who wanted Ji Feng’s life this evening, but they missed and were caught by Ji Feng.” Zheng Yuanshan’s tone also cooled down, “According to the information obtained from the interrogation, those two a*sa*sins confessed that they were hired by someone to come and a*sa*sinate Ji Feng!”


Zheng Yuanhe became a little more interested and asked, “There’s still such a situation?”

“That’s right!”

Zheng Yuanshan said, “According to one of the a*sa*sins, when he accepted the hire, he kept an eye out and followed the internet to find out the IP address of his employer, and in turn found out some information about his employer ……”

“What do you mean by telling me this?” Zheng Yuanhe felt that something was wrong, and his heart jolted, because at this moment, he had realized something.

“The IP address that that killer is talking about is your home!” Zheng Yuansan didn’t want to talk too much nonsense to Zheng Yuanhe, “And the head of that household, is you!”


Zheng Yuanhe was stunned, “What did you say?”

“Didn’t you hear me?” Zheng Yuanshan asked, “Then I’ll repeat it again ……”

“No need!”

Zheng Yuanhe directly interrupted him and said, “Zheng Yuanshan, are you joking with me in the middle of this night?”

“Now Ji Feng has tangible evidence in his hands, whether it’s a joke or not, I think we will soon see what will happen, I’ve finished my words, you can see for yourself!” Zheng Yuansan said indifferently.

And after that, he simply hung up the phone!

“Hey! Hey hey!”

Zheng Yuanhe shouted anxiously a few times, but he only got a few busy tones.


Zheng Yuanhe hung up the phone, his breathing was a bit rapid and his face was changing, it was really because the news Zheng Yuanshan had told him had shocked him too much.

When had he hired a hitman to a*sa*sinate Ji Feng?

Zheng Yuanhe knew he hadn’t done it!

Then ……

Zheng Yuanhe couldn’t help but slowly turn back and stare at his wife not far away as he remembered what she had just said ……

Needless to say, it must have been his own wife who did it!

“This is really his own good wife!”

“Old Zheng, what did that dragger say?” Seeing Zheng Yuanhe’s strange expression looking at herself, Mrs. Zheng couldn’t help but ask strangely, “Did that towler say something unpleasant to you again? This is really funny, a grease trawler, I am afraid he has even forgotten who his ancestor is, right? How dare he say nasty things to you ……”

“Shut up!”

Zheng Yuanhe suddenly bellowed, his expression shocked and angry as he stared at his wife, “Say! What the hell did you do!”

“Sh, what?” Madam Zheng was taken aback, and immediately, she screamed, “Zheng Yuanhe, what are you mad about, what can I do? Didn’t I just say a couple of words about Zheng Yuanshan being a drag, you actually yelled at me ……”

“I asked you what you did to Ji Feng!” Zheng Yuanhe said angrily.

Mrs. Zheng’s heart suddenly thumped and jumped wildly a few times, she said with strong composure, “I didn’t do anything, just looking for someone to teach Ji Feng a lesson, what’s wrong with that ……”

“Just to teach him a lesson?” Zheng Yuanhe sneered, “Just now Zheng Yuanshan called to tell me that Ji Feng caught two killers this evening, after interrogation, one of the killers explained that he was hired by someone, moreover, the person who hired him is in our house!”

“Ah?!” Mrs. Zheng immediately shrieked, “Old Zheng, you, what do you mean by that?”

“What do you mean?!” Zheng Yuanhe was really angry to the extreme, seeing the lady’s appearance he understood everything, this matter must be her doing, decades of husband and wife, the other party slightly what colour change can also be seen.

“I tell you what it means!” Zheng Yuanhe gritted his teeth, “Ji Feng now has tangible evidence, if he wants to go through the formal legal process, the relevant authorities will come to our house to investigate, by then whoever did it will be taken away, this is murder! It’s murder! And it’s the murder of the first grandson of the Ji family! What will happen, don’t you know clearly?”


Madam Zheng was dumbfounded, and her face changed, “Old, old Zheng, are you telling the truth?!”

“How dare you do this!” Zheng Yuanhe really didn’t know what to say, “You, you! Just watch, the Ji family will definitely not give up, I’ll see how you’ll end up when the time comes!”

Mrs. Zheng was frozen ……