Campus Master Chapter 1575-1576

Chapter 1575

The appearance of Han Zhong was really a shock to Ji Feng, but he remembered clearly, two days ago they were still drinking and chatting together, at that time Han Zhong was red and glowing, can not say that the spirit is glowing, but at least in good condition.

But it had only been two or three days since they had seen each other, and Han Zhong had actually become ill in this state.

It would be understandable if Han Zhong had had some kind of accident, such as a car accident, or if he had suddenly suffered some huge blow, but now ……

“You guys are here, come in and sit down!” Han Zhong yawned and waved his hand, taking the lead and turning to the living room.

“I say you this ……”

Ji Feng couldn’t help but be stunned, something was wrong, Han Zhong was acting really wrong, how did he look at this moment not at all energetic, being able to open his eyes all seemed to be using up all his strength ah!

“There are drinks in this fridge, and beer, you guys can get whatever you want to drink!” Han Zhong pointed to the fridge in the corner of the dining room, then he himself sat down on the sofa, shaking his head vigorously, “I can’t greet you guys.”

“I still don’t dare to drink when you take the drinks!” Ji Feng shook his head helplessly, “Just have a good rest there, I’ll just do it myself.”

“Suit yourself!”

Han Zhong waved his hand helplessly and laughed bitterly, “I’m so limp that I’m afraid I can’t even step on an ant anymore.”

Ji Feng shook his head and let Xiao Yuxuan and Tong Lei sit down before he went to the dining room and opened the fridge to get some drinks.

When he came to the living room, Ji Feng casually opened a drink and handed it to Han Zhong, “Have some.”

Looking at Han Zhong’s appearance, his lips were dry and cracked, his face was waxy, and he looked as if he was dehydrated.

“Ji Feng, are you helping him?” Xiao Yuxuan gave Ji Feng a blank look and said, “You need to drink more boiled water when you’re sick, how can you drink drinks …… Forget it, it’s better for me to get it.”

She Yao Yao head got up and went to the kitchen, this kind of caring thing, or a woman is the best at it.

Han Zhong has a good relationship with her and is even more of a brother to Ji Feng, it is only right that she help take care of it.

“I’ll go too!” Tong Lei also stood up and followed Xiao Yuxuan to the kitchen.

Only Ji Feng and Han Zhong were left in the living room, as well as the three White Spider women.

Ji Feng gave the three of them a wink, and the three women immediately understood what Ji Feng meant, so they each turned their heads away.

Han Zhong shook his head and said, “There’s no need to ask them to turn back, it’s not like there’s anything I can’t say.”

Ji Feng gave him a smiling look and asked meaningfully, “Really?”

Han Zhong’s face reddened instantly, and his originally waxy face actually had a blush on it, and he looked so embarra*sed that he couldn’t help but scratch his head, subconsciously glancing at the three White Spider women and finding that they weren’t paying attention to his side, he was only slightly relieved.

And then, Han Zhong looked at the direction of the kitchen again.

“Alright, just stop looking around and say what you have to say!” Ji Feng said helplessly. This guy was really something, his originally hard and healthy body had turned into this ghostly appearance, he looked as if someone had taken away his essence, his life was half gone, he actually had the energy to care about how others looked at him!

“It’s hard to say!” Han Zhong said with a bitter smile.

“Not to say, huh?”

Ji Feng’s face straightened, “Then fine, I won’t ask yet, but I can tell you, I won’t ask about this matter anymore, no matter what trouble you encounter, don’t look for me ……”

“Say! I say it!” Han Zhong said with a bitter smile, “You kid really have no sympathy at all, I am in such a state, you don’t ask me how my body is first!”

“Your body doesn’t look sick to me!” Ji Feng hummed, “Tell me honestly, what is going on, did you hit an evil spirit?”

When he first entered the door and saw Han Zhong, Ji Feng was indeed startled by his appearance, but when he looked back carefully, Ji Feng was muttering in his heart again.

Han Zhong did not look like he was sick.

Ji Feng really didn’t know what kind of illness was so bizarre that it emptied a person’s essence in just two or three days, and even seemed to take away half of his life.

If it was a sudden illness, it would be fine, but the key problem was that Han Zhong was still sitting here, which meant that he was definitely not suffering from a sudden illness like heart disease or cerebral haemorrhage, and as for some chronic diseases, it was even more impossible to cause such a result.

This is why Ji Feng felt that Han Zhong’s illness was very strange!

The actual fact is that you can find out that Han Zhong is not sick, but rather like a hysterical outburst after which the essence of the body is lost.

Could it be that …… Han Zhong had really struck an evil spirit?

However, who knows, once he heard Ji Feng say this, Han Zhong’s eyes snapped open wide and looked at Ji Feng in astonishment.

“What for?” Ji Feng was stunned.

“Ji Feng, can you really tell that I’ve been struck by an evil spirit?” Han Zhong asked with wide eyes. Perhaps it was because he was too nervous, causing Han Zhong’s face to be slightly distorted, and fear was even written in his eyes.

“What do you mean?” Ji Feng sensed that something was wrong.

“Ji Feng, you ……” Han Zhong was just about to speak when he saw Xiao Yuxuan and Tong Lei walking out from the kitchen, and he immediately shut up and didn’t say anything.

Ji Feng’s eyebrows immediately wrinkled, Han Zhong not only his face and body were not right, even his speech and mannerisms and demeanor were all wrong, Han Zhong seemed to be very scared!

“It looks like there’s something wrong here, huh?” Ji Feng said secretly.

“Han Zhong, drink some hot water.” Tong Lei handed Han Zhong a cup of hot water.

Han Zhong immediately felt flattered, the always cold Tong Lei had never been so pleasant to anyone.

He hurriedly got up to take it, but perhaps his body was too weak, so he stood up and swayed a few times, then sat back down again.

“Don’t you get up.” Tong Lei laughed lightly.


Han Zhong sweated and laughed embarra*sedly, “Today, I made a fool of myself in front of my sister-in-law, I didn’t compete!”

Tong Lei pursed her lips and laughed lightly, placing the cup on the coffee table in front of Han Zhong before sitting down.

Since Xiao Yuxuan and Tong Lei were here, Han Zhong was naturally embarra*sed to talk about his condition, and seeing his vague tone, people didn’t ask too many questions.

After sitting in Han Zhong’s house for about half an hour, they saw that Han Zhong was yawning and in poor spirits, so they didn’t stay any longer and offered to say goodbye.

“You guys go down first, I’ll wait for the next lift!” Han Zhong sent Ji Feng and the others to the door, but Ji Feng told Tong Lei and the girls to go down first.

“Okay then, we’ll wait for you in the car!”

They then knew that Ji Feng and Han Zhong probably had something to say.

Only after Tong Lei and the girls went down in the lift did Ji Feng turn his head and ask, “Han Zhong, what’s going on?”

“It’s better to come in and talk!” Han Zhong pulled Ji Feng into the living room.

“What’s going on, and mysteriously ……” Ji Feng said with amus*ment, “You kid can’t really be possessed, right?”

“Ji Feng, maybe you’re right, I might really be possessed!” Just after arriving in the living room, Han Zhong said with a gloomy face.

“…… what?”

Ji Feng didn’t react for a moment, “Han Zhong, when I said you were possessed, it was just a joke!”

“No, Ji Feng, I’m serious with you.” Han Zhong waved his hand vigorously and said very seriously, “Ji Feng, I really feel like I’ve been possessed ……”

“Are you crazy?” Ji Feng looked at Han Zhong in amazement.

“I want to be crazy too, but the key is I’m not crazy, I’m just possessed!” Han Zhong helplessly sat on the sofa, casually picked up a cigarette from the coffee table and handed one to Ji Feng, then lit it himself and took two strong puffs, choking and coughing a few times.

“What the hell is going on here?” Ji Feng felt that Han Zhong didn’t look like he was joking and couldn’t help but ask.

“Ji Feng, I can’t actually say what’s going on …… put it this way, remember when we were drinking together three days ago?” Han Zhong asked.

Ji Feng nodded: “Remember, what’s wrong?”

Han Zhong immediately said, “It was that day after drinking, I felt a little dizzy, so I planned to walk alone, blow the cold wind, and then take a taxi after I sobered up …… As a result, I was walking, as if the wine was getting to me, I felt dizzy, and then, I hazily seemed to feel that I ran into a beautiful woman ……”

The first time I saw a woman, I was stunned, I ran into a beautiful woman after drinking?

“It can’t be that you ran into a street girl, right?” Ji Feng asked.

Han Zhong: “……”

Ji Feng waved his hand and laughed: “You say, you go on!”

Saying that, Ji Feng also lit his cigarette, ready to slowly listen to Han Zhong continue.

Han Zhong said, “Actually, I’m not sure if I met a beautiful woman that day, it was just hazy …… and then I don’t know if it was a feverish mind or what, anyway, it was like I had a dream ……”

“A spring dream?” Ji Feng asked with a smile.

“Can …… it not be so blunt?” Han Zhong smiled sarcastically.

“Go on and say it!” Ji Feng said with a forced laugh.

“That night, I did have a spring dream, and it was very special ……”

According to Han Zhong’s account, Ji Feng roughly understood what had happened to Han Zhong.

It turned out that that night Han Zhong, in a daze, only felt that he met a beautiful woman, then he had an aphrodisiac dream, in the dream, it seemed that Han Zhong just pressed that woman underneath him, galloping around with unparalleled bravery, it was almost as if he had eaten ant vigor pills, messing with that woman panting, it could be said that he was spirited ……

“…… Sh*t!”

Ji Feng could not help but laugh oddly and burst out a foul mouth, immediately, he asked: “Then what then? What does this have to do with being evil?”

Chapter 1576

Ji Feng could really feel funny and odd at the same time.

Han Zhong actually fussed about telling him that he was possessed by an evil spirit, which made Ji Feng laugh and cry, after all, it was a bit too ridiculous.

What demons and devils and such, Ji Feng had never believed in.

So when Han Zhong said that he was really possessed, Ji Feng just thought that this kid was talking nonsense, especially when Han Zhong actually said that he met a beautiful woman that night, and the two of them had a fierce tumble …… Ji Feng thought that this kid must have met a street warbler or some street girls after he got drunk that day, which made him have an illusion, right?

“You go on!” Ji Feng said as he forced a smile.

Even if he had met a street girl, he wouldn’t have gotten into this state, right?

This is too outrageous!

“Ji Feng, don’t disbelieve me, I really think I’m possessed!” Looking at Ji Feng’s derisive look, Han Zhong couldn’t help but say seriously, “Let me tell you, that morning, I woke up in a hotel, at that time I also thought I was dreaming, think about it, how could it be that good, I was drunk and met a stunning beauty by chance …… ”

“It’s not impossible, once a person’s luck comes, it’s really unstoppable!” Ji Feng laughed.

“But I asked the hotel attendant and learned that I just went to the hotel alone that night, without anyone accompanying me, nor did any strangers enter my room …… because when I woke up in the morning, I found that the hotel room door was unlocked from the inside!” Han Zhong said, “The room card was in my room, how could anyone else have gotten in?”

“That’s the dream!” Ji Feng said.

“It would be good if it really was a dream!” Han Zhong shook his head helplessly and said, “Let me ask you, if it was a dream, then how did I become this way?”


If it was just a spring dream, how did Han Zhong get into this state?

Ji Feng was also a bit puzzled.

At their age, they were at the stage where their blood and vitality were at its peak, and it was normal for them to have spring dreams if they didn’t come into contact with women for a long time. However, how could it be that they lost half of their lives because of a spring dream?

This was indeed somewhat unexplainable, at least, Ji Feng couldn’t think of anything that could make Han Zhong go from a refreshed young man to such a frail state in just two or three days’ time.

“After I woke up that morning, I felt dizzy and felt no strength at all, and I felt that something was not quite right.” Han Zhong said, “So I wondered if this was some kind of trick played by someone in the hotel, so I asked to see the hotel’s CCTV footage.”

“What was the result?” Ji Feng asked.

“No results!” Han Zhong shook his head helplessly with both hands, “I forced myself to endure my dizziness and nausea, and watched the CCTV footage of the floor where the room I was staying on carefully from start to finish, but I didn’t find anything strange, no one had entered that room of mine, and no one had come out except for me!”


This time, Ji Feng was moved, he looked at Han Zhong in surprise, “In that case, you were really dreaming that night?”

“What do you think?”

Han Zhong stared straight at him, “A spring dream turned me into this, do you think I was possessed?”

“It seems to be …… right?” Ji Feng was also very unsure and somewhat half-hearted.

To say that he was possessed by an evil spirit, Ji Feng had never believed it.

However, this look on Han Zhong’s face now was unexplainable, and it would be logical to understand it as being possessed by an evil spirit!

“Ah hoo~~!”

Han Zhong yawned again, just now he was all in strong spirits, but now he was a bit unsupportive.


Ji Feng’s heart snapped, seeming to think of something, and he frowned, “Han Zhong, something is very wrong with you!”

Han Zhong’s eyelids could barely open, he nodded casually and said, “Of course it’s not right, Ji Feng, let’s go here first, I can’t, I’m going to take a nap.”

“You take it easy for now!” Ji Feng slapped Han Zhong on the back of his heart.


Han Zhong’s eyes suddenly opened wide and he shrieked. His entire body stood up in a flash as if he had been electrocuted.

“Ji Feng, why is your hand as if it is electrically charged?” Han Zhong looked at Ji Feng in astonishment.

“Better spirit?” Ji Feng asked with a smile.

“Ee? You don’t say, it’s really better, huh?” Han Zhong looked around and moved his body a few more times, “Ji Feng, what’s going on, why am I suddenly much more refreshed?”

Ji Feng’s face, however, did not have much of a surprised look on it, quite the opposite, his brow furrowed instead.

“Han Zhong, if I’m not wrong, you’re definitely not suffering from an evil spell!” Ji Feng said.

“Then what is it?” Han Zhong was startled, “Ji Feng, did you see something? What the hell is going on here?”

“I don’t know exactly what’s going on yet, however, one thing is certain.” Ji Feng said in a deep voice, “Han Zhong, pack up, let’s go to the hospital!”

“To the hospital?”

Han Zhong was stunned, “What’s the point of going to the hospital?”

“We’ll find out when we go!” Ji Feng said, “Hurry up, while you’re in better spirits, grab the time to change your clothes, this spirit of yours will only last for an hour or two at most, after that you’ll be even weaker, so grab the time.”

“Good! Wait for me!” Seeing Ji Feng speak so deeply, Han Zhong didn’t ask more questions, he immediately took out his determination as an old boss, turned around and went to the bedroom to change his clothes.

At this moment, Ji Feng, on the other hand, was tightly frowning, and a chill flashed in his eyes.

Han Zhong was definitely not possessed!

Ji Feng suddenly remembered just now that when he was receiving special training in the training space of his intelligent brain, there was once a training, which was about drugs.

If he was caught by mistake while on a mission, the other side would definitely use all kinds of interrogation methods, of which, using drugs for interrogation was definitely not an uncommon thing.

In Ji Feng’s memory, there were dozens of drugs that could make people’s brains produce all kinds of hallucinations, and when they came to their senses, the side effects would gradually show up.

Some, on the other hand, can make a person weak and drained ……

Although this is on Earth and not in the Gamma system where the intelligent brain was originally located, according to Ji Feng’s understanding, it seems that this same means of interrogation with drugs is also available in the military.

Ji Feng had once heard Xiang Yongzhan mention that in Rice, in which country, which boasted itself as an advocate of human rights, there were countless kinds of interrogation methods, each of which was terrifying.

For example, throwing a person into water and only giving him a slim habit to hold in his mouth to breathe …… such cold and cruel means, was invented by the Rice people, so it can be seen what kind of face this country that upholds human rights really has!

And among other things, using drugs for interrogation has long been a rare tactic in Rice ……

Once he thought of this, Ji Feng couldn’t help but feel in his heart that Han Zhong’s appearance at this moment was really similar to those who had gone through drug interrogation!

So Ji Feng immediately guessed that Han Zhong was not heavy, but was most likely drugged!

And sure enough!

Ji Feng used bio-current to stimulate Han Zhong for a while, and as a result, the latter was immediately refreshed, which meant that the reason he was originally so weak and depressed was only because something was wrong with his body, not because he was possessed by an evil spirit!

Soon after, Han Zhong changed his clothes and walked out quickly.

Ji Feng and the two of them came downstairs, and he said to Tong Lei, “Lei Lei, I’m going to take Han Zhong to the hospital, you guys go back first, just let White Spider follow me.”

“Only the two of you, isn’t there too little manpower?” Tong Lei asked, “Why don’t we go with you too?”

“No need!”

Ji Feng waved his hand and said, “I’m just taking Han Zhong to the hospital for a check-up, two people are completely enough.”

Only then did Tong Lei give up, just urging Ji Feng to call her immediately if there was anything.

Since the bio-current was also very limited, Ji Feng didn’t delay any longer and drove away with White Spider and Han Zhong.

“Ji Feng, you suspect that I’ve been drugged?” On the way, Ji Feng told Han Zhong about his suspicions, resulting in Han Zhong being shocked, “That’s not right, I went to the hospital before and the doctor just said I might have a cold or overworked myself.”

“Then did the doctor cure it with you?” Ji Feng asked.

“…… No!” Han Zhong smiled bitterly.

“Then that’s it, it’s not a ha*sle to go and check again.” Ji Feng said, “White spider, drive faster.”

“Yes!” The white spider nodded.

Han Zhong asked again, “By the way, which hospital are we going to here?”

“Not going to the hospital!” Ji Feng waved his hand, “We’re going to the Jiangzhou Military Region’s compound.”

A test like this may not be given in the hospital, and even if the hospital had this test item, it may not be able to check it out. Therefore, Ji Feng then decided to go directly to the Special Combat Brigade’s compound, for things like this, it was more convenient to find Xiang Yongzhan.


“Ji Feng, what’s going on?”

When he arrived at the Special Operations Brigade’s compound, Xiang Yongzhan was already at the door to greet him, “Just now you said on the phone that someone had been drugged? Who?”

Ji Feng pointed at Han Zhong next to him and said, “You should have seen him before, right? Don’t talk too much nonsense, hurry up and give him a check-up!”

“Then let’s do a blood test first! Just listen to the doctor for the rest of the tests!” Xiang Yongzhan waved his hand, and at once a few soldiers took Han Zhong to a jeep, while Xiang Yongzhan and Ji Feng got into another jeep.

“Ji Feng, since the situation is urgent, let’s go straight to the military medical clinic.” Xiang Yongzhan said.

“The infirmary?” Ji Feng frowned.


Xiang Yongzhan smiled and said, “Don’t be confused by the name, I guarantee that the medical clinic in our military district is definitely more well-equipped than any of the garrison hospitals outside, and the experts are also more highly skilled!”

Ji Feng then understood that this medical clinic should be the special hospital for cadres in the military district.

This is just like a local guest house, for example, the guest house of a certain city government, which is specially to entertain the officials, and the environment inside is probably better than a star hotel, but just hearing the name, I’m afraid you will only think of this guest house as an ordinary small hotel, but do not know that there is something else inside!