Creation Gate Chapter 215

Yan Ji sat dumbfounded by a small lake, the only place with water in this boundless black sandstone, and it was still a pool of stagnant water.

Because this lake was artificially created, the water in the lake was also coalesced by everyone together with spells.

This is the only place in this black sandy land! It was inhabited, and there were at least thirty cultivators living there. Every few years, some fall away, but new cultivators come in.

A place with no aura and no life is enough to drive people crazy, and if there is no sound then no one can live for hundreds of years in an ordinary state.

Some of the cultivators who had fallen into the river of blood gathered together and created a gathering place.

It was not here to ward off other demonic beasts or anything like that, we all lived together and talked to each other, so we could at least have a spiritual support.

All the cultivators who live in this area are relatively sensible and know that if they rely on them to deduce the formation, they will not be able to do so in any case. That is why they have chosen to live out their lives here, to get by and get on with it, which is at least much better than falling into madness.

Yan Ji’s luck was good, she had entered this area in the same way as Ning Cheng. She was luckier in that in less than half a year, she had found this place, and there was also a senior sister from Qingxia Academy here. This allowed her to integrate into this small, circle more quickly, and become part of the group of people who still had their senses in this Black Sand Marsh Land.

“Senior sister Ji, you are already lucky to have found your way here after falling into the river of blood. Don’t think too much, or wait for the day when a genius falls down here and opens the formation here then we can all get out. You’re already a Xuan Liquid, so find a way to advance to Xuan Dan, and then wait here. If it’s really our life expectancy and we can’t get out yet, it’s also fate.” A woman in a grey cloth dress walked over to Yan Ji and sat down, slowly persuading him.

She was Xiang Zhilan, the fellow senior sister Yan Ji had met here, and ever since she had landed here a hundred years ago, her cultivation level had never risen, she was at the second level of XuanDan back then, and she was still at the second level of XuanDan now.

“Senior Sister Lan at that time after you fell, did you regret going to collect the Blood River Red Lotus?” Yan Ji suddenly asked.

Xiang Zhilan pushed her long hair back a bit, looked at the pool of stagnant water in front of her, and said leisurely “It is definitely impossible to say that I don’t regret it, every time I collect the Blood River Red Lotus, there are many cultivators who have to fall into it. There is no one who knows when the blood river tide is rising, and once you are swept up in the blood river whirlpool, it will be very difficult to leave. I think all the cultivators who can entera here are still lucky, at least they won’t be corrupted by the Blood River.”

Xiang Zhilan was gentle in nature although she had been trapped in here for over a hundred years, she was not anxious, so her appearance did not look old. When she said this, she smiled slightly “Senior sister Ji, you should be regretting going to collect the red lotus of the Blood River when you ask me this?”

Yan Ji shook her head “I didn’t fall down because of collecting the Blood River Red Lotus, I fell down because I went to save someone and I ended up not saving someone else and was swept here as well.”

“Also a disciple of our Qingxia Academy?” Xiang Zhilan immediately responded that the person Yan Ji saved should be from Qingxia Academy, otherwise she wouldn’t have risked so much to save someone.

“No, I’m not really very familiar with him, just, just go,” Yan Ji really could not find the right words to describe her relationship with Ning Cheng.

Xiang Zhilan looked at Yan Ji in confusion for a while before saying, “Senior sister Ji, you didn’t know someone very well and you went up to the Blood River Mountain to save someone? Sigh, I really don’t know what to say about you…”

“Senior Sister Lan it’s really hard for me to explain to you what’s going on. If I’m not wrong, after he fell, he definitely wouldn’t have been swept away by the Blood River either. Ninety percent would also be in this part of the world, so”

Before Yan Ji could finish his words, Xiang Zhi Lan asked in a shocked voice, “Senior sister Ji, you’re not saying you’re going to look for this person, are you?”

Yan Ji nodded and said, “I am going to look for him.”

“Are you crazy?” Xiang Zhilan, who was so calm, said speechlessly, “You’ve already done him a great favour by landing here. You still want to go looking for him? To find someone who is not familiar with you? Do you know that there are no boundaries in here, even if you walk for the rest of your life, you may not be able to go to the end? You should have seen some crazy people who study formations, some of them have been studying for hundreds of years and they are still like this.”

Yan Ji gave a faint laugh “Senior Sister Lan, you know that my nature is different from yours, if I am bored here and wait to die, I will really go crazy.”

“What kind of a person is that?” Xiang Zhi Lan saw Yan Ji’s determination and asked somewhat helplessly.

Yan Ji thought for a while before saying, “It’s hard for me to figure out what kind of person he is, I think there must not be many people like this in the Yixing Continent. He has saved many people, but not many of them feel him. Some people even say he is a devil cultivator and don’t care to be around him. He has saved me too, but I admire him not because he has saved me, I have never even seen what he looks like”

“You said that was a demonic cultivator?” Zhi Lan asked out in a shocked voice.

Yan Ji nodded and said, “Everyone else said he was a demon cultivator, but I don’t think he was a demon cultivator. Even if he is a devil cultivator, someone like him is worthy of my teaching…”

Xiang Zhilan thought of the fact that there was no way to get out of here, so it was pointless to talk about Yan Ji. She sighed and said, “Then it should be a male cultivator, right? Senior sister Ji, if you’re like this towards a male cultivator, could it be because you like that male cultivator?”

Yan Ji was silent for a long time before she shook her head and said, “No, he’s disguised, I haven’t even seen what he looks like, so I can’t talk about liking him at all. Besides, I don’t want to like someone, I still want to be alone and free. I purely admire him, of course, if I could find him here and spend a few hundred years with him, I think it wouldn’t be too lonely.”

Xiang Zhilan did not say any more, she understood what Yan Ji meant. Having fallen into the bottom of the Blood River, that kind of torment and intolerance was simply not something that ordinary people could endure. Even a person of her quiet and calm nature had found a temporary daoist partner.

It was only that her daoist partner had been with her for only a few decades before he suddenly disappeared. She believed that Yan Ji would, after time, find a male cultivator to live on with each other, just as she had done.

Originally she had wanted to help introduce Yan Ji to another cultivator here, who was obviously good to Yan Ji as well. Moreover, he was the first one here, and no one’s cultivation could rise here, except for him. Not only could he rise in here, he rose very quickly. When he first came in, he was only at the XuanDan first level, but now he was already at the XuanDan ninth level.

Even Xiang Zhilan had not expected that Yan Ji would have to leave this place.

Yan Ji stood up and said with a smile, “Senior Sister Lan, I’m leaving.”

After saying that, Yan Ji seemed to remember something as she pulled off her veil and said, “Senior Sister Lan, if I don’t come back and you have the chance to go out in the future, please tell the Yan Family that I fell in Blood River.”

Xiang Zhi Lan stared at Yan Ji’s face for a while before she murmured, “Sister Ji, you are so beautiful, I have never seen a more beautiful woman.”

“Senior sister Lan, senior sister Ji, you are all here, my spiritual herb garden has cultivated some new spiritual fruits, I will invite you all to taste them later.” With the voice, a medium-sized man walked over with big strides.

This man was different from Xiang Zhilan, whose face was a little pale, his face was rosy and his tone carried a powerful confidence, completely devoid of any semblance of being confined to the bottom of the Blood River.

“Greetings, Senior Brother Yushan.” Xiang Zhilan and Yan Ji hurriedly bowed and saluted.

The visitor’s name was Feng Yushan, the very male cultivator Xiang Zhilan intended to set up to Yan Ji. Feng Yushan was also the strongest of their group, or a leader of the population, but Feng Yushan had a good personality, rarely pressuring others with his power, and was especially kind to her.

“Sister Ji, you,” Feng Yushan even stared blankly at Yan Ji’s face, he had never seen such a beautiful woman before. Seeing Yan Ji’s perfect figure wrapped in clothes before, he knew that Yan Ji would never be ugly, but he could not have imagined that Yan Ji would be so beautiful.

At this moment he already knew that the person he liked had appeared. Yan Ji was the perfect partner for him, and no one could steal Yan Ji away from him.

“Senior Brother Yushan, Senior Sister Lan, I’m leaving, see you later” Yan Ji hurriedly bowed once more and turned to leave.

“You can’t leave.” Feng Yushan almost blurted out.

But Yan Ji did not hear Feng Yushan’s words at all. She looked blankly at a hobbling figure with ragged clothes and dishevelled hair moving slowly in the distance, and suddenly the tip of her nose felt sour.