Creation Gate Chapter 244

Ning Cheng carefully landed his flying magic treasure and slowly approached the sea vessel, he didn’t know the origin of the sea vessel and was reluctant to take such a risk and rush on it.

But when Ning Cheng was only about a thousand metres away from the sea vessel, the sea vessel in front of him suddenly disappeared. Ning Cheng was shocked and immediately stopped, his divine sense carefully searched the area where the sea vessel had appeared, but it was still empty, there was nothing.

The sea ship had disappeared, and where was the ship besides the vast sea that was still calm in front of him?

A mirage? Ning Cheng immediately dismissed his thoughts, he was sure that what he saw was not a mirage. His divine sense had clearly swept through the sea boat and there were various physical obstacles, and his divine sense was still unable to penetrate inside the sea boat.

How could a mirage have such a feeling? If it was not a mirage, then it was certainly not his illusion either. Although this sea was vague and indistinct, it could not block his divine sense.

Ning Cheng grabbed a transport talisman and once again slowly approached the location where he had seen the sea vessel before. After advancing a few hundred metres, Ning Cheng stopped again. Once again, he clearly saw a huge sea ship, not only huge but also growing more and more intuitive from blur to clarity.

This time Ning Cheng could see clearly that this was indeed not a sea ship, but a ship-shaped sea island that looked extremely similar to a sea ship. This sea island was too much like a sea ship, not only was it similar, but it also had a similar natural ban that prevented his divine sense from sweeping in.

The ship-shaped island was incomparably quiet, and not a single sound came out. Ning Cheng did not dare to go up immediately, he did not know what was going on, the island would be there one minute and then not the next.

After observing the island for an incense stick, Ning Cheng found that the island seemed to be able to conceal itself. There was nothing else suspicious, and it didn’t even give him any sense of danger. He decided to take a look at the island, and in case there was any danger, he would immediately activate the Transport Symbol to escape.

“Whoo ……” A low and extremely uncomfortable horn sound was carried by the sea wind and came faintly, Ning Cheng was instantly alert, he had just paid attention to this boat-shaped sea island and had forgotten about the surroundings. His divine sense immediately swept out, and a vague sea ship once again appeared in his divine sense.

His divine sense was incomparably powerful, and it was more solid than even an ordinary XuanDan cultivator’s divine sense was estimated to be. So this distance, though far away, was still visible to him.

What was this?

Ning Cheng quickly noticed the difference, the sea vessel that appeared behind him was somewhat different from the boat-shaped sea island he had just seen. The sea ship that appeared behind him could also move, not only could it move, there were also human figures in his divine sense, so it was evident that this sea ship was a real sea ship and there were people present on it.

There was really someone here, Ning Cheng panted instead, what he feared the most was landing deep in the Yixing Sea, with no village in front of him and no shop behind him. Since someone had come here, it meant that it was possible to travel to land from here.

He planned to go to someone’s ship and ask about the situation before checking out this ship-shaped sea island. But when Ning Cheng turned back, he quickly froze. This ship-shaped sea island had once again inexplicably disappeared.

This was so bizarre that Ning Cheng was no longer the beginner who had just arrived in the Yixing Continent, he had seen many bizarre things and did not care about this one. After writing down the location in front of him, Ning Cheng quickly left the place and headed for the sea vessel with people on it.

Ning Cheng’s speed was not fast as he approached the sea vessel while observing it. An incense stick later, the people in the sea vessel also discovered his presence and even opened the prohibitions on the deck and swept their divine sense onto Ning Cheng’s body.

Seeing this, Ning Cheng accelerated his speed and landed on the deck of the sea vessel.

In order not to let the other party cause misunderstanding, Ning Cheng had not used his divine sense to forcefully sweep into the sea vessel before, his divine sense only swept the sea vessel and immediately withdrew when he knew that there was someone inside. Now that the ban on the deck of the sea vessel was open, Ning Cheng was taken aback when he saw the situation inside, there were at least a couple of hundred people on this deck. What kind of ship was this? There were so many people on the deck, so wouldn’t there be even more people inside the ship?

Before Ning Cheng could stand firmly at the bow of the ship, two men had already landed in front of Ning Cheng, one left and one right to keep Ning Cheng under surveillance. These two men were both of XuanDan cultivation, one was sturdy and had dark red hair. The other had short hair, pursed his lips and just stared at Ning Cheng, who did not seem to like talking.

It was just that in the eyes of the two men, apart from some surprise, there was not much alarm. After all, Ning Cheng was only at Xuan Liquid cultivation level, and since Ning Cheng looked so young, one would think that he could not have cultivated to much power.

Ning Cheng did not wait for these two people to speak and hastily cupped his fist and said, “Two friends, our sea ship was destroyed because we met a demonic beast that was close to the eighth level. I managed to escape with my life by virtue of a recluse talisman. I have been drifting on the sea for several months, and today I saw the sea boat again and wanted to borrow the treasure boat to land ……”

Ning Cheng thought to himself that there was nothing broken in his words, since there were sea ships here, it was not a strange thing for his sea ship to be taken out by a demonic beast. Besides, there were so many cultivators on this sea ship, one more than him was not much. At this moment, what he was thinking was, if the other party asked him where he came from and what he was doing here, how should he answer?

When the red-haired male cultivator heard Ning Cheng’s words, he nodded, “It’s hard for you, it’s not easy for you to escape when something happened to the sea ship. I guess you followed the sea ship to this place because you wanted to look for Mirage Ship Island. Since you know the rules of the sea ship, I won’t talk nonsense anymore. We still have rooms available on this ship, what class do you want?”

This red-haired man did not seem to be surprised at all by what Ning Cheng had met, obviously they had seen this kind of thing a lot. Not only did he not wonder about what Ning Cheng had met, he didn’t even bother to ask Ning Cheng’s origin and name.

“I don’t have many spirit stones on me, so let’s find the cheapest single room.” Ning Cheng didn’t know how many grades of rooms there were on the sea ship, so he simply said vaguely.

What he was thinking in his mind was that the mirage ship island that this red-haired male cultivator was talking about, he wondered if it was the ship-shaped island that he had seen before. If it was, there was no telling what these people were looking for this island for.

The male cultivator with short hair and pursed lips swept a glance at Ning Cheng and said in a faint voice, “It’s not bad to be able to stay here in a single room.”

The red-haired man nodded approvingly, took out a number plate and handed it to Ning Cheng and said, “You go to the bottom cabin 219, room 219 is already empty, the price is 100,000 top quality spirit stones a year.”

Ning Cheng hurriedly took the jade token, took out 100,000 spirit stones and handed it to the other party. But in his heart he secretly thought that this room was so expensive, even the cheapest one cost 100,000 spirit stones a year, how much did the best one cost?

“Go ahead, you know the rules of the sea ship, so I won’t say much more.” The red-haired cultivator was more than satisfied when he saw that Ning Cheng was quick to pay for the spirit stones. What he hated most was that such fallen cultivators had to bargain after entering the sea ship.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of taking him to the 219, Ning Cheng did not dare to ask, and after cupping his fist in thanks, he immediately entered the inside of the sea ship.

At the same time, his divine sense swept into the jade token in his hand, and an incomparably clear location map appeared in the jade token. The location of each room was marked on it, and Ning Cheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The jade token not only contained a location map, but also some information in it. The various sea ship workshops, auction houses and shops were all clearly marked.

The sea ship was extremely huge, so Ning Cheng carefully observed it as he walked along, and it was only after half a column of incense that he arrived at the entrance of No. 219.

Using the jade token to open the door of the room, it did not surprise Ning Cheng. This room was definitely no more than ten square feet, and apart from a wooden couch, there was nothing else.

Closing the door behind him, Ning Cheng’s divine sense carefully observed the information in the jade token. It was nothing more than that one should not pry into other people’s rooms at will, and that one should take the initiative to renew the boat fee before it expired, and that those who were expected not to do so would be punished. If they did not have spirit stones, they would be thrown out of the sea ship.

Ning Cheng put away the jade token and arranged a simple shielding prohibition in his room. He had no intention of cultivating on the sea vessel, and this prohibition was only a low-level prohibition.

After packing this up, Ning Cheng left his room. The first thing he had to do was to enquire about where exactly he had come from with this sea vessel and why he was looking for Mirage Ship Island?


“Get out.” Ning Cheng had just arrived in the sea ship’s workshop when he saw a figure being kicked out from inside a shop, along with an extremely unpleasant cursing voice.

There were quite a few people in the marketplace, but after these people saw this situation, none of them came forward to say anything.