Creation Gate Chapter 371

“Once I saw the boss of Domain Bug Materials bowing his head and following Tian Muwan, I thought it was a business deal at first. Only later did I understand when the anonymous letter I received said that Domain Bug Materials was owned by the Tian family and told me to stop doing this business.” Ning Ruolan said and still looked at Ning Cheng with some worry, she was afraid that her brother still couldn’t forget about that Tian Muwan and didn’t say too much.

Ning Cheng understood what Ruo Lan meant, he did not explain this matter.

Back then he did not understand why Tian Muwan had treated him that way, although Tian Muwan had said that they were too different from each other. However, Ning Cheng had always thought that that was not what Tian Muwan really meant, and at that time Tian Muwan did not even give him the chance to ask. Now that he was back again, he no longer had the desire to know why. What’s more, not only did Tian Muwan not answer Ruo Lan’s whereabouts, she didn’t even have the interest to ask him where he had been in the past few years.

What’s past is past, individuals have their own paths to walk. When Tian Muwan took out her bank card and gave it to him, Ning Cheng understood that the two of them had already become a thing of the past. He knew Tian Muwan’s character best, and if he was looking at the Tian family’s money, Tian Muwan would not have been with him long ago. Since Tian Muwan knew his character and still took out the bank card and gave it to him, what else was there to say.

“Does Tian Muwan know that you have opened a company?” Ning Cheng knew clearly that he shouldn’t ask this question, he still couldn’t help but ask it.

Ning Ruolan shook her head, “She shouldn’t know, my company is so small, it’s not even worth mentioning in her eyes.”

Ning Cheng was inexplicably relieved in his heart, if Tian Muwan knew that Ruo Lan had started a company and was still so devastated and backstabbed, he would be so hurt, he couldn’t even accept this. As for what the reason was, he couldn’t say it himself. Perhaps it was because, himself, he did not want the person he once liked to treat Ruo Lan like this.

“Then what is the matter with you guys living here?” Ning Cheng put the matter of Tian Muwan aside, he was going to take his sister away from here, and what happened to Tian Muwan would have no dealings with him in the future.

Dai Xin gestured for Ning Ruo Lan to take a break, “Let me tell you, Ruo Lan and I hadn’t planned to spend the night at Baiwanjiao. Baiwanjiao is now equal to a mixed area, basically a place where strength speaks instead of law, and it’s dangerous here.

When Ruo Lan and I arrived, we didn’t do much at all, simply thinking of getting into some cheap bug material. Because I wanted to see the grade of the insect cores, I went with Ruo Lan into a shop specialising in insect cores in Baiwan Cape. The shop was not very crowded, so when I wanted to ask Ruo Lan about an insect nucleus, I brought my hand up and accidentally bumped into a man on the side. That person happened to be holding a wooden box containing insect nuclei, and when I touched it, the wooden box fell to the ground and the insect nuclei broke ……”

When Ning Cheng heard this, he knew that Dai Xin and Ruo Lan had been blackmailed, it was similar to touching a porcelain. If the insect core shattered so easily, then it would not be a demon core.

Sure enough, Dai Xin continued, “That man immediately grabbed me and told me to pay 20 million. He said that this insect core of his was a very high grade insect core, and that I had broken his insect core and had to pay compensation. Ruo Lan and I only had less than two million dollars combined, which my parents had left me for my wedding, so where could I get twenty million dollars? Ruo Lan knew things were bad and she pulled me along and ran ……”

Ning Ruo Lan said, “Brother, you don’t know how terrible the compensation is for destroying other people’s things here. If Dai Xin and I can’t get 20 million, they can just take us both away and deal with them at will. Even if they beat the streets to death, there won’t be any problem.”

Dai Xin said afterwards, “Yes Brother Xiao Cheng, if Ruo Lan hadn’t pulled me into the Vizimoto Hotel, we would have been gone long ago. Even so, Ruo Lan still got a bullet through his arm, luckily it didn’t hurt the bone ……”

“What?” Ning Cheng suddenly stood up, his eyes all red. Ruo Lan had actually been injured, or was it a bullet wound? He had seen Ruo Lan and hadn’t even noticed it until now.

“Brother, I’m fine, it’s just some external injuries, I’m much better now.” Ning Ruo Lan saw his brother’s frantic appearance and hurriedly comforted him.

Ning Cheng forced down the anger within him, “Ruo Lan, give me a look at the injured area.”

“Mm.” Ning Ruo Lan pulled the lapel down a little.

Ning Ruo Lan’s white arm was wrapped in a layer of white gauze, and blood was seeping out, so it was clear that the wound had not yet healed. Ruo Lan had never shown it until now when she met him, for fear that Ning Cheng would worry.

“This group of trash.” Ning Cheng clenched his fist, he was going to go on a killing spree. This one bullet, if it was just a little bit off, would go straight through Ruo Lan’s heart. At that time, even if it was a Da Luo Golden Immortal, there would be no way to save Ruo Lan.

“Brother, I’m much better, you don’t have to worry.” Seeing Ning Cheng clench his fist to a click, Ning Ruo Lan hurriedly said comfortingly. It seemed that brother had returned this time with some extra special abilities. Ning Ruolan likewise knew that those experts who could easily kill bugs were also very powerful.

Ning Cheng calmed himself for a moment and helped Ning Ruo Lan untie the gauze while saying, “Of course I’m not worried, it’s them who are worried.”

“Brother Little Cheng, this hotel is the property of one of the top five experts in the world, Du Landi. As long as you stay here, others won’t dare to look for trouble. But that person who assassinated me and Ruo Lan has some skills. They didn’t have the means to kick us out straight away, but had the hotel authority tell us that because we were staying here on purpose to seek protection, the accommodation fee had been doubled ten times. Not only that, but the meals were even more sky-high ……,” Dai Xin saw Ning Cheng’s calm and collected demeanor and slowly eased down.

Ning Cheng took out an elixir and put it into Ning Ruo Lan’s mouth, stroking his hand on Ning Ruo Lan’s wound while saying, “They will pay us back many times over.”

Ning Ruo Lan then felt her wound, which was originally very painful, become slightly hot, followed by some coolness and tingling.

“Ah, Ruo Lan your wound?” Dai Xin stared at Ning Ruo Lan’s arm in shock.

Just now, when Brother Xiaocheng’s hand was placed on Ruo Lan’s arm, the wound was still very obvious, but now when Brother Xiaocheng’s hand was taken away, the wound had disappeared without a trace, and there was only white and smooth skin.

Ning Ruo Lan also looked at her arm dumbfounded, the wound was gone, not only did she not have any half pain, there was also a powerful feeling.

“Brother ……”

“Brother Xiaocheng ……”

Dai Xin and Ning Ruo Lan both looked at Ning Cheng, thinking of Grey Toot’s ability to turn things into nothing at will before, both of their eyes let out a glow.

Ning Cheng thought for a moment about how to explain before saying, “Let me talk about my years, Ruo Lan you and Dai Xin should not be surprised to hear this. Even for myself, I have only just learned that among the vast universe, there are far more planets with life than just one Earth ……”

It took more than two whole hours for Ning Cheng to briefly talk about his experiences, and finally said, “From now on, I will still be called Ning Cheng, and the name Ning Xiaocheng will stay on Earth as a memory.”

There were some memories that Ning Cheng did not want to remember either.

Ning Ruolan looked at Ning Cheng in shock and asked, “Brother, so the overpass that year was really because of you? Then why did Tian Muwan know that you had an accident there? She took me to look for you at that viaduct.”

When Tian Muwan had taken her on a mad dash to the viaduct, there was the way Tian Muwan was crying sadly underneath it. She thought later that Tian Muwan had pretended, but she never thought it was really so.

“You said Tian Muwan knew that I had an accident at the viaduct?” Ning Cheng asked, frowning in confusion. It was only logical that no one knew that he had been taken away by the Xuanhuang Pearl.

“Well, Mu Wan said that she had a picture of you standing on the viaduct in her mind, and then the meteorite fell ……,” Ning Ruolan saw her brother’s face change slightly, and she hurriedly said, “Mu Wan cried under the viaduct and was very sad, and then was taken away by someone from her family. I looked around desperately for you, I couldn’t find it and went to the school in sadness to look for her to fight for her life ……”

“I’m sorry, brother.” Ning Ruolan said and lowered her head, the time without her brother was the darkest time for her. Anyone who hurt her brother, she was going to fight for her life too.

“Ruo Lan, don’t say sorry to brother in the future, everything you do for brother brother feels right to me. Everything brother does for you, he deserves it too. We’ve grown up depending on each other over, what else can compare to this kind of affection.” Ning Cheng stroked Ning Ruolan’s hair and secretly resolved that he would not let his sister worry in the future.

“Mm.” Ning Ruolan leaned on Ning Cheng in a very good manner, as she recalled the little moments she had with her brother when she was a child. Those seemed distant and yet seemed to be right in front of her eyes.

“Little Brother Cheng, can one really fly in cultivation? Then can Ruo Lan and I cultivate?” Not only did Dai Xin’s eyes glow, even her heart thumped up. If she could fly, then it was a dream that might make her laugh out loud.

Ning Cheng smiled, “You should be able to cultivate, just try it out when the time comes and you will know. But there is one thing, no matter what level you cultivate to, don’t think that you are much more powerful. Even on Earth, there are still the same cultivators.”

Ning Cheng thought of Tian Muwan, Tian Muwan had cultivated from somewhere, she was still far from being able to fly when she was at the fourth level of Qi gathering. Even if she wanted to fly, she didn’t have a flying sword or a flying magic weapon. Since Tian Muwan could cultivate, it meant that there was someone else who was more powerful than Tian Muwan.

“Little Brother Cheng, is there really someone here who cultivates?” Dai Xin was shocked by Ning Cheng’s words.

“There are definitely people who cultivate truth, but even if they don’t cultivate truth, cultivating martial arts is just as powerful. I’ve heard that cultivating martial arts to the extreme is equally terrifying, and the strength won’t fall in the slightest compared to a cultivator. So, even if you cultivate true, you still have to be careful.” Ning Cheng admonished for the second time, he knew that there were martial cultivators, he just didn’t know much about them. The Yin Yihui that he had seen a few days ago was very strong.

The reason why he had admonished Dai Xin so much was because Ning Cheng intended to take Ruo Lan with him, and there was no way he could take Dai Xin with him. Moreover, Dai Xin’s parents and family were all over here, and it was impossible for them to leave.

“Brother, the accommodation fee we paid is only for two days ……” Knowing that his brother was a cultivator and had returned from a distant star, plus had extraordinary skills, Ning Ruo Lan was much more settled than before.

Ning Cheng said after a brief pause, “I’ll restore my cultivation to Zhuyuan first, about two days, and Grey Toot will be fine if I stay outside.”