Creation Gate Chapter 602

Ning Cheng released the Exploding Gold Bee King Yixing from the small world, the Exploding Gold Bee’s King Bee was already over three feet long and light golden in colour after Ning Cheng had fed it regardless of the cost. The bee king was already growing rapidly, and was already a demonic beast close to the star level at this time.

“Go ahead, try to improve your cultivation, don’t be polite to eat anything you want, this planet is ownerless.” Ning Cheng raised his hand and threw the Exploding Gold Bee King out.

The Bee King Yixing could definitely find the best treasures for advancement on a masterless planet like this, it was far better than simply feeding himself with Eternal Hope Pills and Starry Sky Crystals.

Yixing let out a shrill cry of joy, it had long been tired of staying in the small world, it was just that its master would not let it go out and there was nothing it could do. Now that Ning Cheng had let go, it squealed before instantly waving its wings and disappearing without a trace.

Ning Cheng was not worried about the Exploding Gold Bee King going far away, no matter how far Yixing went, he could always know where Yixing was.

After Yixing left, Ning Cheng began to frantically collect all kinds of spirit herbs, as long as they were starry sky spirit herbs, he simply did not care about the grade, he collected them all.

The low grade pills he had refined, which he had no use for himself, could be thrown to the Exploding Gold Bee King.

There were many cultivators coming in from the Immortal Jade Star, but there were even more things inside. It was like a hundred thousand people looking for something on Earth, it looked like a lot of people, scattered throughout the planet, it was not much. The Immortal Jade Planet is not sure how many times bigger than Earth, but a hundred thousand or so people all possess divine sense,? The search is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people.

The Small World Ring was put on Ning Cheng’s hand, and piles of spiritual herbs were collected and piled up in the ring by Ning Cheng.

Several days in a row passed and Ning Cheng did not feel the origin aura. Nor did he meet a single cultivator. It seemed that after these hundred thousand or so cultivators had entered the Immortal Jade Star. In the end, he was the only one left.

On this day, Ning Cheng had just finished sweeping a spiritual grass hillside. A roar came over. Without waiting for Ning Cheng’s divine sense to sweep out, a huge black bull rushed over. A ball of flame was burning on the bull’s tail, and this bull was frantically running away from the flames, seemingly not even seeing anyone else in front of it.

Ning Cheng raised his hand and blasted out a fist, the giant bull frantically charged forward, and when it was bound by Ning Cheng’s fist, it was too late to retreat.

“With a muffled sound, a Grade 3 Star Demon Beast was blown up by Ning Cheng’s fist. It fell directly to the ground.

Ning Cheng looked at his fist and was secretly surprised, he had not fought anyone for a long time and did not even know how far his strength had reached. He did not expect a Grade 3 Star Demon Beast to be blown away by his fist, so he could see that his fist was far better than an ordinary Star Gathering cultivator.

Without paying any further attention to the giant bull that he had blown to the ground, Ning Cheng wanted to turn around and leave, it didn’t matter if he wanted a Grade 3 Starry Sky Demonic Beast or not. However, he took a few steps and looked back at the black giant bull and walked back again, while throwing out the futon in his ring.

“Little chase. This happens to be a Chasing Longevity Bull, can you see if you can use the flesh of this bull for you?” Ning Cheng finished speaking. He also raised his hand to extinguish the flames of the cow’s tail. This cow looked like a Wind Chasing Longevity Cow to him, and whether it was in fact, Ning Cheng himself was not sure.

A vague shadow of a bull’s head floated out from the futon, and as soon as this shadow came out, it called out curtly, “Master, I want to take over a human flesh body. I’ve heard that human flesh bodies are the most suitable for cultivation, and this ugly cow has even burned off its tail, somewhat unworthy of my image ……”

“Don’t dream, forget it if you don’t want it, you won’t get a chance next time, don’t say I didn’t give you a chance.” Ning Cheng had long known that this Wind Chasing Longevity Bull Yuan Shen he had taken in was an extremely second-rate person, and spoke without any politeness at all.

“Don’t, don’t, I’ll take it, can’t I? It’s just that I occupy this physical body and I still need a Heavenly Restera Flower and some Eternal Hope Pills.” Hearing Ning Cheng’s threat, the Wind Chasing Longevity Bull’s Yuan Shen was frightened and hurriedly changed its words. It had long since grown tired of staying inside the futon, and if it did not seize the opportunity now, it would be difficult to get such an opportunity next time.

Ning Cheng happened to still have a Heavenly Restera Flower, which he had originally intended to use for another purpose, but now that he couldn’t use it anymore, he simply gave both the Heavenly Restera Flower and a ring containing the Eternal Hope Pill to the Wind Chasing Longevity Bull’s Yuan Shen, “Hurry up, I don’t have much time to wait for you.”

He rolled up the ring and the Heavenly Resurrection Flower and went into the black bull on the ground.

Ning Cheng sat on a rock, sorting out the spiritual herbs in the ring while waiting for Little Chaser to fuse his flesh.

Two hours passed quickly and Ning Cheng felt Little Chaser’s excitement, so he guessed that the fusion of his flesh body should be coming soon. Moreover, this flesh body should still be good, otherwise it wouldn’t be so excited.

Just at this time, another shadow flew over. Ning Cheng swept a glance at this shadow and didn’t even stand up. A star gathering cultivator, he didn’t even put it in his eyes.

This shadow unexpectedly stopped not far from Ning Cheng, it was a man with a slender figure. With a starry scarf tied around his head and a purple jade gourd tied around his waist, he looked incredibly dashing. His gaze only swept Ning Cheng for a moment before landing on the ebony bull, a flicker of joy in his eyes.

“Friend, this bull was my prey, and after I injured it, it cast a vanishment spell to escape. I didn’t catch up with it until here ……” As the man spoke, he raised his hand and already grabbed the black bull.

Ning Cheng at the same time a wind blade passed, his face flat as he stood up, is this how your master taught you to grab things?

The man was suppressed by Ning Cheng’s wind blade and had to withdraw his hand, frowning as he stared at Ning Cheng and said, “This friend, this is indeed my prey, a ball of my fire has even burnt half of this bull’s tail. I am Qian Yu, a disciple of the Divine Sky Star Continent Locked Heart Sect, as I need this cow’s hide to make a transmission magic treasure. Please also ask your friend to be accommodating, and if compensation is needed, I am willing to come up with part of it.”

Obviously this man saw that Ning Cheng’s wind blade was not simple, just a wind blade made him feel a threat.

No matter what, Ning Cheng would not give it to the other party, now that Little Chaser was fusing with his Yuan Shen, how could he give this Wind Chasing Longevity Bull to someone else? It was just strange to him that this Chasing Wind Longevity Bull was only a Grade 3 Starry Sky Demonic Beast. A Grade 3 Starry Sky Demon Beast could be purchased at any market, what did this guy want?

While his heart was puzzled, Ning Cheng’s mouth snorted coldly and said, “I said why is my mount injured, so it was you who injured it, good, since you are here, then compensate for my mount before you leave.”

“Hahahahaha ……” After hearing Ning Cheng’s words, Qian Yu suddenly laughed loudly, “I have seen arrogant ones, but I have never seen one as arrogant as you, do you think that I, Qian Yu, am afraid of you? ”

As Qian Yu laughed loudly, several more vanishings of light landed on the outskirts of the two.

“Qian Yu senior brother ……”

“Senior Brother Qian Yu.”

The few people who came over were both men and women, but these people all seemed to be with Qian Yu and greeted him as soon as he arrived.

“Brother Qian, this bull has been killed, why hasn’t it been taken away?” A short cultivator swept a glance at the Wind Chasing Longevity Bull on the ground and said to Qian Yu with a cupped fist. Ning Cheng was like air in his eyes.

Qian Yu pointed at Ning Cheng and said, “This man said that this cow was his mount, and that I had injured his cow and he wanted me to compensate before leaving. It seems that my name, Qian Yu, has not been heard of by anyone since I left the Divine Sky Star Continent.”

At this moment, Qian Yu had no semblance of kindness, and as he spoke, his killing intent spilled out, bringing the space around him to snicker.

“Then what else to say, kill this mole, I don’t know from which nook and cranny he emerged, he doesn’t know the sky is high ……” said a female cultivator as she swept Ning Cheng with a disdainful glance.

“Is a former jade great? I wouldn’t have heard of it.” Another voice came over, followed by a purple clothed cultivator who also landed here.

“So it is Brother Zhong of the Demon Domain’s Great Star, Brother Zhong has not heard of my brother’s name, but I know that Brother Zhong is a great name. Could it be that Brother Zhong is going to forcefully reverse black and white because he has not heard of my name, Qian Yu?” Qian Yu was not angry in the face of this purple-clothed cultivator’s words, and spoke slowly and deliberately.

The purple-clothed cultivator gave a start, obviously not expecting Qian Yu to say that, and just as he wanted to sneer at Qian Yu again, the huge black bull on the ground suddenly climbed up and ran to Ning Cheng’s side in a few steps.

After this black bull climbed up and came to Ning Cheng’s side, it raised one of its front hooves and pointed at Qian Yu and said arrogantly, “Kid, you just backstabbed your little Grandpa Chaser, mark it down for your Grandpa Chaser. One day, your Grandpa Chaser will chew you up in soup and bones.”

After saying that, the black bull turned his head to Ning Cheng and said curtly, “Master, just now it was this brat who secretly used fire to backstab me and burned half of my precious bull’s tail off, Master has to do something for me.”

Several people at the scene were dumbfounded, it wasn’t difficult for a starry sky demon beast to have language, all it took was a single potion to refine the crossbones. What left several people dumbfounded was that the bull was really the mount of the cultivator in front of them.

Ning Cheng secretly smiled in his heart, he did not expect this extremely high quality cow to fuse its Yuan Shen very quickly.

The purple clothed cultivator laughed, “I, Zhong Sun Hong, have finally met the former jade of the Divine Sky Great Starry Sky this time, awesome, awesome, to have injured someone else’s mount.”

This purple-clothed cultivator laughed loudly as he sacrificed a flying magic treasure and soon disappeared. It was evident that he had come here just to taunt Qian Yu a little, and had no intention of helping Ning Cheng out.

The anger in Qian Yu’s eyes flickered away as he looked at Ning Cheng and said in a somewhat unkind tone, “I fancy this mount of yours, put a price on it.”

“My master also has his eye on your head, cut it off and give it to me.” Without waiting for Ning Cheng to speak, the black bull once again opened its mouth.

Ning Cheng naturally would not speak, he was incapable in front of the Heart Piercing House, and now that even a star gathering cultivator dared to be arrogant in front of him, where was he going to talk nonsense. He directly flew forward and just blasted out a fist.

The furious axe fist killing intent instantly matched Ning Cheng’s Star River Domain to bind the surroundings, and an axe crack appeared out of thin air. Qian Yu’s domain was fully extended and he also felt a hint of axe intent penetrate into the marrow of his bones.

What a powerful Gathering Star cultivator, Qian Yu’s face changed, as soon as Ning Cheng made his move, he knew that he had far underestimated the Gathering Star cultivator in front of him. He had heard of the powerful Star Gathering cultivators of several major stars. This powerful cultivator in front of him was surprisingly unheard of by him.