Doting Billionaire Chapter 1044

“Daddy took Yangyang to the park to play.”

Hai Tong asked him, “Did Daddy go back?”

“Daddy went back, Daddy said he would come back tomorrow to take me to play, I want to go to the zoo, Daddy said he would take me. Auntie, do you want to go to the zoo with me tomorrow?”

Zhou Honglin took Yang Yang to play for a while, the little one was especially happy, now it was daddy long and daddy short, hanging on to his daddy.

Hai Tong laughed, “Miss is going to have a barbecue tomorrow oh, mummy is going too, does Yang Yang want to go along?”

Yang Yang replied without even thinking, “I want to go, then I won’t go to the zoo with daddy.”

After chatting for a while, Hai Tong ended the conversation and called Shen Xiaojun and Shang Xiaofei instead, asking them to go to Oat Villa tomorrow as a self-drive trip.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

“Wife, dinner is ready.”

War Yin cooked the last two dishes, then came out of the kitchen with the fried dishes and set them on the dining table, calling out to the outside of the balcony. m.

Hai Tong hurriedly ended the call with Xiaofei, responding to War Yin as she got up and twisted around to go back inside.

She walked over to the dining table and saw that there were fresh shrimps that she loved, reached out and picked up one and put it in her mouth.

“You peeled the shells off the shrimps.”

“Well, it took a bit of work.”

War Yin tapped her hand as she reached for the dish again, “You’re so big and you’re still eating with your hands.”

Hai Tong smiled cheekily and took a shrimp again and fed it into her mouth before going into the kitchen to help with the dishes.

The couple had just sat down and prepared to eat when they heard the door open.

It was the old lady who had returned.

When they entered the house and smelt the smell of the food, the old lady asked as she walked over, “Dinner? Who cooked the food, it smells so good!”

She went into the kitchen and brought out a pair of dishes, saying, “It’s better to be home early than to be home late.”


After pulling out a chair for the old woman, Hai Tong took the soup bowl from the old woman’s hand and helped her serve a bowl of soup.

War Yin, on the other hand, served most of the bowl of rice for her grandmother.

He knew exactly how much the old man could eat.

“Grandma hasn’t been home all day today, where did she go wandering?”

The grandson and his wife were both considerate and filial, the old lady was in a happy mood, and when she heard her eldest grandson’s question, she said, “Ah Yin, can you not use the word wanderlust? Grandma, I’ve been away on serious business.”

War Yin took a piece of fish and thoughtfully picked out the thorns before putting the fish into his grandmother’s bowl, “What serious business can grandmother have? It’s just thinking of how to get someone’s daughter to come back and give her to your family’s pigs.”

The old lady nonchalantly stabbed at Zhangyin: “It’s only thanks to grandma’s help that you, a pig, can get cabbage.”

“Who asked grandma to raise so many pigs, but one is dumber than the other, they don’t know how to harvest cabbages, to feed you pigs, is it easy for grandma?”


Hai Tong could no longer hold back and burst out laughing.

It was only the old lady who dared to dislike War Yin like this.

The young masters of the War family, all of them are phoenixes among men, but in grandma’s mouth they become pigs, and one is dumber than the other ……

“Grandma, do you want to laugh me to death so that you can inherit my flower chant?”

Hai Tong said as she laughed.

The old lady laughed too, she reached out and patted Hai Tong’s back, laughing, “Take it easy, don’t hurt your stomach from laughing.”