Doting Billionaire Chapter 1115

Hai Tong said, “I’m fine, I’m not sitting here for no reason, but my car was smashed, so it was War Yin who drove me to work today.”

Hai Ling asked nervously, “Who was it? Was it those people again?”

She thought it was those extremists back home.

“No, it’s the Ning family, the sister of Miss Ning who I helped last time, I clashed with her twice and she hired a few thugs to deal with me.”

“It’s simply lawless!”

Hai Ling cursed.

“Did you call the police?”


Hai Tong looked at her nephew in her sister’s arms and said, “Sister, I will be fine, and War Yin has arranged for two more bodyguards to follow me and will protect my safety. I’m telling you about this because I’m afraid it will drag you and Yang Yang down with it.”

“Sister, why don’t you move in with us, that way we can take care of each other and be a little safer.” m.

Hai Ling said, “My rented room is also very safe there, you have already called the police to deal with it, they have been taught a lesson, they should not dare to mess around again, this is a society under the rule of law.”

After thinking about it, Hai Ling added, “I’ve packed out the small warehouse in my shop, I’m going to buy a bunk bed and put it there, then I’ll quit the rented room and Yang Yang and I will move to the shop to live there, which will save money on rent and also be safer.”

Because of the security guards hired by Mr Lu to patrol the streets.

Usually when mother and son went in and out, many times it was also Hai Tong who drove them around.

“Sister doesn’t need to be too nervous, on the bright side, they don’t dare to do anything, I’m telling you this to remind Sister, so that Sister has a sense of preparedness, in the future again like when you work at Lu’s Group, I’ll go to your shop in the morning to pick up Yang Yang to come to my place, Aunt Liang will look after him, so you don’t need to be distracted.”

The sisters were no longer without support, with the War family and the merchants behind them, anyone who wanted to touch her sisters would have to think about the consequences.

Hai Tong’s greatest fear was that her little nephew would become the target of others.

“That’s fine.”

Hai Ling had no opinion.

It was true that when she was busy, she couldn’t take care of her son.

She couldn’t always carry Yang Yang to work, and the little one was also a bit heavier, so carrying him for a long time would be tiring.

After the two sisters discussed the matter, Hai Tong also told her sister about the rumours spread by those people back home.

At this, Hai Ling was not half surprised.

It had been guessed that they would not easily give up her parents’ inheritance.

“Sis, I’ll take care of those things, you go back and rest first.”

Hai Ling yawned and said, “Well, I’ll leave my motorbike at your shop first, I’ll take Yang Yang and take a taxi back, I’m too sleepy, I can barely keep my eyes open.”

She was not in good spirits and had her son with her, so it was safer not to ride a bike.

Hai Tong asked a bodyguard to send her sister and nephew back to their rented room to rest.

The afternoon was uneventful and in the evening, Hai Tong continued to follow her sister-in-law to the party.

This time it was the Jiang family that went.

At 9pm, the Jiang family’s banquet hadn’t even finished when they were disturbed by the arrival of several luxury cars.

Because the person who came was Young Warrior!

War Yin was here to pick up his wife.

Hai Tong didn’t want him to accompany her to the party, he could not, but he could come to pick her up and take her home.

When the noble Rolls-Royce, escorted by several bodyguard cars, drove into the Jiang family villa, the Jiang family had already greeted them from the house.

“Young Warrior.”

Jiang greeted him with a smile and personally helped Zhan Yin pull open the car door.

War Yin got out of the car holding a bouquet of roses, and the crowd gathered around looked straight.

The young warrior holding a bouquet of flowers is so handsome and heartwarming. ……
After getting out of the car, War Yin just swept a glance at everyone, and finally his eyes returned to Mr. Jiang, not waiting for Mr. Jiang to introduce Jiang’s family to him, he said in a low voice: “Mr. Jiang, excuse me, I’m here to pick up my family Tong Tong to go home, it’s not early.”

The crowd: ……

The Jiang family’s banquet didn’t start until half past seven.