Doting Billionaire Chapter 1118

Of course, if she hadn’t been sober enough to be a love brain, he wouldn’t have loved her like a madman.

War Yin suddenly remembered what Aunt Liang had said to him.

What he loved was the Hai Tong that he was now, if Hai Tong changed, then it would not be the Hai Tong he loved.

Her personality was like that.

“I don’t have a strong love rival, if I had a strong love rival who was always eyeing you, I would definitely be jealous and worried about you being taken away by someone else, after all, I’m not good enough.”

Hai Tong said as a matter of course.

She really didn’t have any love rivals either.

There were definitely quite a few women who adored him, but those women didn’t even dare to confess their love, and she hadn’t met those women who adored him and hadn’t crossed paths, so she was now coasting along, completely monopolizing War Yin’s warmth.

His tenderness, deep love, all given to her.

Thinking of this, Hai Tong felt that she was truly happy. m.

It’s rare to have a lover!

To be pampered by a wonderful man alone, in her dreams, she could wake up laughing.

War Yin doted on her and said jokingly, “Then should I prepare a love rival for you to make you nervous and tense about me?”

“How dare you? If someone comes to me and says, Hai Tong, War Yin is mine, how much do you want to give up War Yin to me? I’ll make an offer, sell you, and I’ll take the money from selling my husband and live in style, hahaha!”

Driver and Ah Qi: ……

This topic is dangerous ah.

The driver wanted to stop and take shelter but didn’t have the guts.

Archie would love to be invisible, but unfortunately doesn’t have the ability to be invisible.

While the two thought their young master would be furious, War Yin was the one with a dark face, but couldn’t spare himself from lashing out at his beloved wife, and ended up just holding her head down and lording it over her red lips.

“No one has ever dared to sell me out, Hai Tong, you dare to sell me out and try?”

If you have no intention, even if those admirers surround you, they won’t stick to you. If you have an intention, even if they are far away from you, you will still stick to them.”

“However, I trust you a lot, you are a person with too low an emotional quotient to know how to coax a woman. Besides, you don’t even like Xiao Fei, the other ladies of the millennium, you probably find it time consuming to even look at them.”

In Hai Tong’s eyes, Shang Xiaofei was very nice girl.

If she wasn’t caught in the middle, she would have felt that Shang Xiaofei and Zhangyin were a perfect match for each other.

War Yin lightly pinched her face again and said affectionately, “My heart is very small, it can only hold one you, and then raise you fat, you can’t even get out if you want to, stuck in the door of my heart, you can’t get out, no one else can get in, in this life, you can only be my War Yin’s wife.”

If there was another life, he would still wish to be married to her again.

Hai Tong said seriously, “My heart is also very small, you are tall and big, you enter the door and jam the doorway.”

War Yin laughed.

She might not love him as deeply as he loved her, but her love was also pure and unadulterated by other impurities.

Zhang Niansheng’s infatuation with her, she also rejected it completely, before she was unaware of Zhang Niansheng’s feelings for her, and would often mention Zhang Niansheng, she really treated Zhang Niansheng as her brother.

After she found out later, she did not mention it as much as she could.

Zhang Niansheng has become a thing of the past between the couple.