Doting Billionaire Chapter 1157

After bristling, Ye Jiani said nothing more, twisted around and went back to her room, and shut the door loudly.

“Wife, wife.”

Zhou Honglin called out to her twice.

Zhou’s mother said to her son, “Don’t mind her, she just doesn’t want you and Hai Ling to go on a trip together, it’s not like you and Haitong are going alone and we’re all tagging along, she still has to be jealous.”

“Don’t even think about it, she still snatched you from Hai Ling.”

Zhou’s mother was now disgusted with Ye Jiani.

In the past, she thought her son was capable, but now, she disliked Ye Jiani for being a junior to the throne.

The Zhou family unanimously decided to pick up Yang Yang and her son at noon tomorrow to go to the zoo.

The couple over there, Hai Tong, also went home after staying at their sister’s house for a while.

On the way, Hai Tong said to Zhan Yin, “In the past, the Zhou family just said that they loved Yang Yang, but they never gave a hand, Yang Yang was brought up by my sister and I with a handful of sh*t, did not bring up Yang Yang, still want Yang Yang to follow them, that’s such a good thing.” m.

“I was the one who took care of my sister during her monthly period, I lost six pounds during that month, I was so tired and thin.”

She was so concerned about her sister that she never let her do anything during her sister’s monthly period, allowing her to lie down and rest properly, the meals were brought into her room for her sister to eat, and she didn’t even let her sister wash the bowls for fear that if she touched the cold water, she would be prone to rheumatism and bone pain in the future.

During the month, Yang Yang cried and fussed, sometimes staying up most of the night crying.

Zhou Honglin had to go to work, so he moved to the guest room to sleep. As a sister-in-law, she could only carry the crying Yang Yang around until he fell asleep so that she could rest.

Her sister mentioned to Zhou Honglin that she should ask Zhou’s mother to come into town to take care of her. Zhou Honglin said that his parents had to take care of Ren Xiaobao and could not leave, adding that with her around, she could take care of her sister and nephew.

“They are now jealous that Yang Yang is close to me and don’t think about who brought Yang Yang up. Always complaining about me living in his house, if I didn’t do it for my sister and for my nephew, I would have moved out long ago.”

“I’m just heartbroken for my sister and my nephew.”

War Yin heartily held his beloved wife’s hand, “If only we had met earlier.”

“Fate has not yet arrived, we wouldn’t even know each other if we walked past face to face.”

“They want to be close to Yang Yang now, mainly because they want to ease their relationship with us and want me to let Zhou Honglin go so that Zhou Honglin can find a job. What’s more, they want your sister and Zhou Honglin to remarry.”

War Yin saw the Zhou family’s attempts through and through.

Not to mention he saw through it, even Hai Tong saw through it.

“Let them toss and turn, there’s no way my sister will be planted in the same pit again.”

War Yin hmmed, thinking to himself that Old Lu probably hadn’t figured him out by now.

The Zhou family were always coming to pester Hai Ling, so they might be able to push the mother-in-law and push Lao Lu and his sister-in-law to get together.

War Yin has long felt that his best friend and his sister-in-law are very close.

They had often met before.

In Lu Dongming’s words, he would always meet Hai Ling whenever he drove his newly bought luxury car on the street.

Then his new car was prone to minor incidents. In later years, when he drove his new car on the street again and met Hai Ling, he would park far away and walk to say hello to Hai Ling.

As usual, the couple went back to the hilltop villa.

Only when they returned to the entrance of the villa, they were blocked in the way by a luxury car.

The driver honked the car horn.

The man in that car made a move, he pushed open the door and jumped out, striding over.

The driver and Ah Qi in the passenger seat both saw the person clearly, it was Lu Dongming.
Ah Qi turned his head and said to Zhan Yin, “Young Master, it’s Fourth Young Master Lu.”

War Yin: I really can’t chant about people, as soon as I chanted, he came.