Doting Billionaire Chapter 1163

At eight o’clock, Lu Dongming drove past Ren You Food and he stopped the car.

After a slight hesitation, Lu Dongming got out of the car, walked a few steps, remembered something, he turned back, unlocked the car and picked a box from the one full of boxes on the back seat of the car.

Inside that box was a set of Lego blocks.

He liked Yang Yang, so he bought a lot of toys to put in his car, so that every time he saw Yang Yang in the shop, he could give one toy to Yang Yang, and it would prove that he really liked Yang Yang as a child, and was not going after Hai Ling.

In the past, he only knew how to give away windmills, and Yang Yang didn’t even like windmills anymore.

He had to change the pattern.

Lu Dongming took the box of Lego blocks and walked into Ren You Food.

“Good morning, Mr. Lu.”

Seeing Lu Dongming enter, Hai Ling greeted him with a smile and asked him, “Same as always?”

“Well, same old.” One second to remember

Lu Dongming felt that breakfast at his old friend’s house was not filling, he had a lot of work to do in the morning, how could he have the strength to work if he was not full?

It was better to eat again here in Hailing to do so.

“Yang Yang.”

Lu Dongming saw Yang Yang sitting there at the cashier’s desk, drawing with a pen, he walked over and handed the box of blocks to Yang Yang, saying curtly, “Yang Yang, this is a gift from Uncle Lu to you today.”

Yang Yang was already used to receiving gifts from Uncle Lu on a regular basis.

He took the box of building blocks and thanked Lu Dongming.

“Open it and take a look, Uncle Lu will play with you.”

Yang Yang unwrapped the box and poured out the parts of the blocks inside, which were robots, and at Yang Yang’s current age, playing with such blocks was difficult.

But Yang Yang liked to play.

Give him a box of blocks and he can play with them all day long, slowly figuring out how to stack them on his own.

Lu Dongming also has a selfish intention in giving difficult blocks to Yang Yang to play with. He thinks that at his age, Yang Yang Yang is unable to finish putting them together by himself, so he has an excuse to play with them with Yang Yang.

While helping Yang Yang to put the blocks together, he could also cultivate a relationship with Yang Yang, so that Yang Yang Yang would like him more and more as Uncle Lu and would not even allow him to give him a hug.

“Mr. Lu, Yang Yang has many toys, you don’t need to keep buying him toys.”

Seeing that Lu Dongming was giving toys to Yang Yang again, Hai Ling said helplessly, “He has so many toys that he could open a toy shop.”

She brought over a bowl of soup noodles to one of the customers and by the way, she looked at the building blocks that Lu Dongming had given to his son.

“This kind of blocks, Yang Yang can’t put them together right now.”

“It’s okay, take your time to put it together, I’ll accompany Yang Yang to put it together when I’m free.”

Lu Dongming said, and sat down in the till, helping Yang Yang put together the blocks together.

When Hailing had cooked him breakfast, he was even eating while guiding Yang Yang to put together the blocks.

“Business is good, right?”

Lu Dongming didn’t forget to ask Hailing.

With no new customers coming in for the moment, Hailing was able to stop and she smiled, “Mr. Lu can see it every day when he passes by here, it’s so busy at the peak of the workday that it stays busy until the people working the night shift finish eating and then they are able to hang out and clean up a bit before being able to close and go home to rest.”

Those working the night shift usually eat until after nine o’clock.

Hailing and the two shop assistants are the ones who start cleaning up around ten, sanitising and washing the dishes.

By the time they were done with that, it was almost time for dinner, so she was busy all morning.

“Mr Lu is so late today?”

Lu Dongming usually appeared at her breakfast shop after seven o’clock.