Doting Billionaire Chapter 1166

“Mummy, Yang Yang has toys and won’t give them to me, Mummy, I want toys, I want Yang Yang’s toys.”

Ren Xiaobao also ran back to his own mother and tugged at Zhou Hongying’s clothes, asking Zhou Hongying to get toys for him.

Zhou Hongying, who had always been one whose own children were treasures and others’ children were grass, held out her hand to Xiangyang and said, “Yang Yang, give your toy to Xiaobao’s brother to play with.”

“This is mine!”

Yang Yang clung to the box and wouldn’t let go.

Zhou Hongying took two steps forward to lift Yang Yang over, when Hailing knocked down a spoon so hard it hit the bowl of her hand, causing her to retract her hand violently in pain.

“Hai Ling, what are you doing?”

Hai Ling grimaced, “I should be the one asking you what you’re doing? Yang Yang’s toys, he doesn’t want to give them to Xiao Bao, so he doesn’t want to, you’re still trying to grab them as a great aunt?”

Zhou Hongying: “……”

Zhou’s father scolded his daughter with a black face, and after Zhou Hongying pulled her son aside, Zhou said apologetically to Hai Ling, “Hai Ling, Yang Yang Yang’s toys, if he doesn’t want to give them to Xiaobo, he won’t give them to him, they are Yang Yang’s toys.” One second to remember

“What did you all want to do when you all came over?”

Hai Ling asked after sweeping a glance at everyone.

Zhou Honglin interjected at the right time as he said, “Didn’t my parents come up to your place last night and say that today we’re coming over to bring Yang Yang to the zoo to play and see the tigers.”

After saying that, he asked his son, “Yang Yang, do you want to go to the zoo with daddy?”

Yang Yang twinkled his big eyes and asked, “Daddy, is Mommy going?”

Zhou Honglin looked at Hai Ling twice before smiling, “Mummy goes too.”

“Hai Ling, you’re closing a little early today, we’ll have something to eat at your place and then set off for the zoo, it’s an hour’s drive here to the zoo too. Go early so the kids can play longer too.”

The Guancheng Wildlife Park is huge and there are many, many animals inside.

Zhou Honglin had still used the weekend to go to the zoo once when he and Hai Ling had just confirmed their relationship, and he had taken Hai Tong, who was still a minor, there at that time.

Hai Ling originally wanted to say that her son should follow her ex-mother-in-law’s family to the zoo, but after catching sight of Ren Xiaobao, she was worried that if she didn’t go along, Yang Yang would be bullied by Ren Xiaobao, and she looked down and asked her son, “Yang Yang, do you want to go?”

Without even thinking, Yang Yang said, “Mom, I want to go, I want to go to the zoo with Dad and Mom.”

He looked at Ye Jiani, not quite understanding why Daddy always had this aunt by his side.

It used to be mummy’s around daddy.

Zhou Honglin persuaded, “Hai Ling, you can see that our son wants to go to the zoo so much and we, as parents, have never taken him there, so let’s go together, Yang Yang has wanted to see the tiger’s for a long time.”

Zhou’s father and mother echoed their son’s words and lobbied Hailing to join them on their family driving tour.

To be honest, Hai Ling really didn’t want to go out with her ex-husband’s family, but as her son wanted to go along, she couldn’t bear to spoil his fun, so she said lightly, “Let’s go after these guests have eaten.”

When Yang Yang saw that his mother had agreed to go along, he jumped up happily, and after a few jumps, the little one urged his mother, “Mom, call your sister-in-law and ask her to go along.”

The Zhou family: “……”

The only fragrant member of their Zhou family is always thinking of his sister-in-law in everything he does.

“Your sister-in-law doesn’t know if she has time either.”

Hai Ling said, but still did what her son wanted and called Hai Tong.

If her sister went along, the two sisters would have company, so they wouldn’t have to feel awkward about going out with her ex-husband’s family.