Doting Billionaire Chapter 1272

Hai Ling and Zhou Honglin’s wedding room renovation, Zhou Honglin is no time to manage, shelling out money to renovate the person is Hai Ling, but Hai Ling at that time is also still at work, Hai Tong free time, it is she who helped her sister to keep an eye on the renovation of the wedding room.

She had tasted what it was like to renovate a house and could understand Jun Ran, of course, she felt that Jun Ran’s frequent running over to stare at the villa’s renovation was mainly directed at Shang Xiaofei.

Shang Xiaofei was not a careless person, but was the one who had not realised that Jun Ran had targeted her until now.

It could be that, after she failed in her pursuit of War Yin, she dared not be amorous anymore.

Shang Xiaofei drove back to the entrance of her own villa and honked the car horn before saying, “That’s right, Jun Ran said that his villa was mainly bought for his sweetheart to live in, and that he will live here with his wife when he gets married in the future.”

“I don’t know who his sweetheart is, looking at how much importance he puts on the decoration of this house, it can be seen that he loves his girlfriend very much.”

Shang Xiaofei was quite envious.

The people around her had all found happiness.

She was the only one who was still alone.

Which corner is the man who loves her alone and can be in love with her twice over? When will he come out to meet her? Remember in a second

“Jun Fifth is now considered your neighbour, you often string together, right? No gossip about which family’s daughter is his girlfriend?”

Hai Tong purposely condescended to Shang Xiaofei’s words.

Shang’s maid came out and opened the gate of the villa, and Shang Xiaofei said as she drove the car into the villa, “He didn’t say. Tong Tong, ask that person in your family, maybe you can find out who he likes?”

“That person in my family has always disliked gossip, unless Jun Fifth sent him a wedding invitation, he won’t ask about Jun Fifth’s personal matters.”

Shang Xiaofei smiles, War Yin’s temperament is really like that.

The person who loves to eat melons the most is Su Nan.

Not only does Su Nan love eating melons, she can also eat at the forefront.

“Miss, when the eldest young master came back, he was making a fuss again about taking the eldest young grandmother to the hospital to abort the baby, and Mr and Mrs were furious by the eldest young master.”

The maid told Shang Xiaofei about the situation in the house after she and the others got out of the car.

Seeing that both of the Hai family sisters had arrived, the servant was busy greeting them respectfully.

“My big brother is simply ……”

Shang Xiaofei hurriedly carried Yangyang into the house, while the two Hai Tong sisters followed behind Shang Xiaofei carrying the nutrients they had bought.

Jun Ran, who was next door, had someone keep an eye on his neighbour’s movements.

Knowing that Shang Xiaofei was back, Jun Ran asked the bodyguards to watch the works while he took some food and came over to ring the doorbell.

Before the maid could walk back inside, she heard the doorbell ringing again and turned around to go back to the entrance of the villa, seeing that it was Jun Ran, she opened the door for Jun Ran as she said, “Jun Fifth is looking for our young lady, right?”

“Well, I bought some of Xiao Fei’s favourite food and brought it here, she’s back right?”

Jun Ran raised the bag and answered the maid.

“Our young lady has just returned, Jun Fifth Young Master please come in, however, could Jun Fifth Young Master go in later? The situation in the house, well, it might not be too suitable for guests.”

The eldest young master was making a fuss about taking the eldest young grandmother to get rid of the baby.

Jun Ran said gently, “It’s fine, I can wait a bit.”