Doting Billionaire Chapter 137

When Hai Tong returned to the shop, she saw that Zhang Niansheng was also there, she greeted him with a smile and asked him, “Niansheng, you don’t have to work today?”

Zhang Niansheng looked at Hai Tong, his love hidden in the depths of his eyes, and replied, “I worked too late last night, so I can go back to the office a little later today.”

“Sister Hai Tong, why did you come back so late today?”

Zhang Niansheng asked as if casually, but in fact he wanted to enquire about the recent situation of Hai Tong and her flash husband.

Hearing from Sister Jun that because Hai Tong’s flash husband had helped out with that Hot Topic thing, and even accompanied her back home to collect evidence to fight back, Hai Tong was grateful to the other party.

Zhang Niansheng thought to himself, “He also wanted to help Hai Tong, but she didn’t give him that opportunity.

It was only later that Hai Tong returned his message, saying that she was fine.

“I met a pretty girl on the way and helped her out, so I came back so late. It smells so good, Xiaojun, what are you eating?”

Hai Tong was about to walk inside the cashier and sit down, when she smelled the scent, she turned on her feet and walked towards the small kitchen.

Zhang Niansheng followed her, and really wanted to take a few steps forward and hug her, but Zhang Niansheng didn’t dare, and his cultivation also prevented him from being that reckless, that would be molesting Hai Tong. m.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Thinking of this, Zhang Niansheng’s heart swept through with pain, in Hai Tong’s eyes, he was a younger brother, she needed someone to flash her marriage and never considered him as a younger brother.

“I brought some food from home for you and Sister Jun to eat.”

Shen Xiaojun didn’t reply, what Zhang Niansheng had told Hai Tong.

He had brought a loving breakfast for his two sisters, the Zhang family was also a wealthy family, the family chef was hired from a five-star hotel at great expense and cooked particularly delicious food, the love of knowing each other since childhood had made him well aware of his two sisters’ preferences.

“Then we are blessed with a mouthful.”

Hai Tong happily enjoyed the food brought by Zhang Niansheng with her best friend.

As Zhang Niansheng watched his two sisters eat with gusto, he couldn’t restrain the smile at the corners of his mouth.

“Sister Hai Tong.”

Zhang Niansheng asked with a smile, “When are you free to invite me to dinner?”

“This Saturday, noon, I’ll treat you to dinner, where do you want to go? Xiaojun will come along too, our shop doesn’t do much business on weekends anyway, there’s no harm in not opening, you’ll stay at home and your aunt will still be pushing for a wedding, so why not come out and eat together.”

Shen Xiaojun readily agreed, “Okay.”

She was also afraid of being nagged by her parents if she stayed at home on weekends.

Her mother always wanted her to marry a rich family and enjoy the glory and wealth like her aunt, and her ears had become calloused from the chatter. Her father was a little better, saying that it would be better to find someone from the same family as theirs, someone who was a good match for them and who didn’t exalt anyone.

“There is a restaurant next to CafĂ© Oat Yi, the food is okay, the venue is not upscale, but not bad either, the prices are affordable and the business is booming, let’s go there and eat. When we’re done eating, we can also go sit next door to the Oat Yi Cafe and have a cup of coffee, it’s the highest cla*s cafe in the city.”

The last time Hai Tong accompanied her best friend on a blind date to the Oat Yi Cafe, she thought the environment there was really nice and didn’t notice what shops were next to it, but she wanted to invite Zhang Niansheng to dinner, and since Zhang Niansheng had proposed to go there for dinner, she had no reason not to.