Doting Billionaire Chapter 1388

He also kicked and punched the other man, but unfortunately for the taller man, his little strength was like scratching an itch.

It was of no use.

Seeing that his kicks and punches didn’t work, Yang Yang suddenly used his hand to slap the eyes of the man in black, and this instantly worked.

The man in black was slapped in the eyes by Yang Yang, affecting his vision, and he stumbled, so he couldn’t get up to speed.

Seeing this, Hai Ling tried her best to speed up her pace and rushed forward, ten metres, five metres, one metre!

When the man in black was angrily about to split Yangyang unconscious, Hai Ling rushed forward and fought to snatch Yangyang back with a lunge and a hug, but she fell to the ground with him, even when she fell to the ground, she held her son tightly and didn’t let go of him, and when she fell, Yangyang was above her.

At the moment of danger, all mothers still think of protecting their children.

The man in black doesn’t want to give up, when Hai Ling fell down, he also came to grab Yang Yang, Hai Ling won’t let go, she hugged Yang Yang and didn’t let go, Yang Yang also desperately slapped the man’s hand, not letting the other party to hold away from himself again, and even used his mouth to bite the other party.

Messy footsteps are getting closer and closer.

Many people chased after them.

The man in black realised that some of them were his own associates, but more of them were well-trained security personnel.

“Run! Get that kid on, run!”

His accomplices screamed at him.

The man in black anxiously tried to snatch Yang Yang, but Hai Ling held her son tightly and wouldn’t let go, so in a fit of rage, he kicked and slammed at Hai Ling.

Hai Ling was in pain, but she wouldn’t let go, she wouldn’t let go of Yang Yang even if she died.

“Don’t hit my mum, don’t hit my mum!”

Yang Yang wanted to protect his mum, but he was too small, and his mum was hugging him tightly and wouldn’t let go, so he couldn’t do anything.

Seeing that he couldn’t even kick Hai Ling hard enough to make her let go.

He pulled out a sharp knife that he had with him, and after throwing the holster, he slashed at Hai Ling’s arm.

Hai Ling only felt a sharp pain in her arm and blood gushed out, quickly staining her clothes red.

Even more pain, she refused to let go.

The man was furious and red-eyed, waving his knife and stabbing, not caring where he stabbed!

Hai Ling got down and instinctively protected her son under her body, allowing the knife stained with her blood to stab her.

After she received two or three stabs, the knife in the man’s hand was kicked away, the other party was still dying, but was soon beaten to death, lying on the ground straight wailing.

“Miss Hai!”

The bodyguards of the War Family who were responsible for secretly protecting Hai Ling’s mother and son changed their faces when they saw Hai Ling drenched in blood.


Hai Ling’s face was getting whiter and whiter due to blood loss, her vision was getting blurred, but she knew that her mother and son were safe, and that War Yin’s people were coming

She let go of her son in her arms, her body followed and fell to the side, her eyes went black and she sank into the boundless darkness.

“Miss Hai!”

“Mummy, mummy.”

Yangyang was terrified, he kept pushing his mum’s body, but she didn’t move at all, her body kept bleeding, Yangyang panicked and used his little hand to help his mum wipe the blood, but it would still come out after he wiped it, he tried to use his hand to cover his mum’s wounds, but there were more than one wounds on her body, and both of his hands weren’t enough.


Yangyang cried out in fear.

Both of his hands were stained with his mother’s blood, and his body was covered with her blood.

The War family bodyguards rushed to call 120 emergency.

The sirens beeped non-stop.

The man in black’s accomplices fled in all directions. ……

Zhou Honglin, who had a hard time catching up, was tired and panting, when he saw that his son was still there, he just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, and when he saw Hai Ling, who was collapsed in a pool of blood, Zhou Honglin, who was also weak in the legs, stumbled over and was about to pick up Hai Ling and go to the hospital.