Doting Billionaire Chapter 2173

Married to War Yin for a year, although she knew that he was the eldest young master of the richest family, and was also clear that her in-laws were very rich, due to the fact that everyone obeyed her and spoilt her, it made her feel that in fact, there was not much difference between a luxurious family and an ordinary family.

It was only with this pregnancy and the rewards given to her by the elders that Hai Tong truly realised what it meant to be a rich family, really trenchant!

“War Yin.”

War Yin again lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, his voice gentle, “Wife, I still like to hear you call me husband.”

“I, feel like I’m hungry again.”

Hai Tong looked up at him, a little embarrassed.

During dinner, she had clearly eaten a lot and was very full.

War Yin favoured her and asked, “What do you want to eat now, I’ll go downstairs and get it for you.”

“Just want to eat a bowl of soup river noodles with lots and lots of pickles as well as peanuts.”

War Yin: “……”

“At home probably, there’s no river noodles.”

Hai Tong sits upright, both eyes shining, said to him, “Husband, or, let’s go back to the city now, stroll through the night market, eat a late night snack.”

War Yin looked at the time and said, “If we go back to the city, we will stay in the city for the night tonight.”

“Tonight, I want to go back to the Famous Garden to spend the night.”

War Yin smiled and kissed her, “Same as I thought, okay, you want to go back to the city to eat soup river noodles, I will take you to eat.”

Su Nan had told him that pregnant women are like this, when they suddenly want to eat something, they can’t wait to get it in their mouth.

And a pregnant woman’s appetite would change, so no matter what she wanted to eat, she had to be satisfied.

So, the couple quickly descended the stairs gently, and then carefully walked outside, fearing that they would disturb the elders.

In the eyes of the elders, Hai Tong had just been pregnant, she had to rest well and couldn’t run around.

Zhan Yin knew the elders in the family too well, bringing Hai Tong to run back to the city just to eat a bowl of soup and river noodles, this kind of thing was known by the elders, they would definitely scold him to death.

Now, he wasn’t the War Yin that everyone favoured.

He has been ranked to the end to go.

The car drove out of the Oat Villa.

Hai Tong twisted her head to look at the mountain villa that they had left behind and said to her husband with a smile, “It feels like the two of us are acting like thieves.”

“At this time of the day, I’m still taking you back to the city, if I’m found out, I’m sure to be criticised, we can only sneak around.”

War Yin didn’t even bring his bodyguards with him.

It was just him and his wife.

He drove the car.

“So you’re also afraid of being criticised.”

Hai Tong snickered at him.

From the time she knew that he was the eldest young master of the War family, all she saw was that everyone obeyed him and respected him, and except for grandma, no one usually dared to talk nonsense in front of him or to control him.

The in-laws were all polite and courteous to him, looking like they were trying to please him.

She thought that apart from grandma, he was not afraid of heaven and earth.

“Afraid, how not afraid, they usually spoil me, they won’t spoil me at this time.”

War Yin freed a hand and shook Hai Tong’s hand, “Wife, you will be the national treasure of our family in the future, the regimental favourite.”

“In the future, you have to take care of me more and cover me.”

“Don’t worry, I will definitely cover you.”

Hai Tong thought of her best friend’s treatment in her in-laws’ home, she quickly said to War Yin, “Husband, my body is very good, there is nothing wrong, my work continues, you can’t be like General Manager Su, this doesn’t allow me to do it, that doesn’t allow me to do it, I’ll die of boredom.”