Doting Billionaire Chapter 2492

Dr Cheng’s medical skills are really good, before you guys came, she also came, but she was very busy and didn’t stay for ten minutes before she left.”

Cheng Lingling is Jun Ran’s fourth sister-in-law, Shang Xiaofei and Jun Ran are a pair, the Merchant and Jun family will become in-laws in the future, knowing that Lan Jing has given birth, Cheng Lingling will definitely come to have a look.

“She is very busy, saying that she has to see patients.”

War Yichen was filled with gratitude towards Cheng Lingling, although Cheng Lingling said that she was picking up the credit of her predecessor, saying that Ning Yunchu’s eyes were half cured by her predecessor, and that if she gave Ning Yunchu some more medicine, Ning Yunchu would be able to see.

He was still grateful.

“The wedding date for the two of you is also close.”

“Well, close.”

Mentioning the matter of getting married, War Yichen’s face was filled with smiles.

“When can sister-in-law be discharged from the hospital?”

“She had a smooth delivery, she can be discharged in a couple of days.”

War Yichen hmmmed again.

He and Shang Wuchen didn’t have much to talk about, mainly because the Merchant and the War family didn’t deal with each other before.

After Hai Tong recognised her family, both families considered for Hai Tong before they didn’t fight to the death like before, but it was unlikely that the two groups would want to co-operate or get along like friends.

Occasionally, they still like to stab each other in the back, but they don’t dare to stab too deeply, for fear that Hai Tong will know and be caught in the middle.

The two soon ran out of topics to talk about, just you looking at me, me looking at you.

In the end, Shang Wuhen asked War Yichen: “Do you want to watch TV? I’ll switch on the TV for you to watch.”

“No need, we’ll go back to the mountain villa in a while.”


There were no words again.

It was good that Ning Yunchu came out soon after.

After the baby fell asleep, she put the baby to lie down next to Lan Jing, sleeping next to her mother, the little baby slept a little longer.

Seeing Ning Yunchu come out, War Yichen got up to welcome his fiancée.

Ning Yunchu said, “Sister Jing needs to rest, the little baby is asleep, let’s come back to see Sister Jing another day.”

After all, Lan Jing had only finished giving birth not long ago, and was in need of a good rest.

War Yichen hmmm’d, took her hand and said goodbye to Shang Wuhen.

Shang Wuhen sent the two of them out, all the way to the lift entrance, before turning around and walking back.

Lan Jing mother and son were both asleep.

Shang Wuhen then sat down in front of the bed, looking at the mother and son, his eyes were soft, he couldn’t help but come closer, leaned down and kissed his beloved wife on her forehead, and then kissed his son on his little face.

The little baby was touched by him, both hands shook a little, he quickly and gently patted the little guy, the little guy will sleep peacefully again.

The more he looked at him, the more he liked him, Shang Wuchen simply picked up his son and let him sleep in his arms.

Even though his hugging posture is not good, it is not good that he needs to hug more and practice more before he can hug well.

This little guy tossed his loving wife for nearly ten months, he once wanted to give up the little guy’s, the couple also made a mess because of this almost to divorce, even the war Yin couple ran to discourage him.

Now looking at his son’s lovely appearance, Shang Wuhen’s heart ah, soft and soft.

With a lovely wife and son, his life is perfect.