Doting Billionaire Chapter 29

This night, Hai Tong slept restlessly and dreamed a lot, and when she woke up the next day, she was a bit drained.

As usual, she put the clothes she had washed in the washing machine last night out on the balcony to dry.

She discovered that the balcony had been fitted with a long stainless steel crossbar for drying her clothes, and that the large balcony was filled with all kinds of potted flowers, many of which were in bloom or with buds, regardless of the size of the flowers, and the petals were all of the intricate kind.

Hai Tong’s attention immediately fell on these potted flowers.

After she had finished drying her clothes, she put together the flower stand she had bought yesterday morning, and then moved the potted flowers onto it.

After tossing and turning for a while, she noticed that someone was staring at her, and she looked up sharply to meet the dark, dark eyes of Zhan Yin, whose eyes were sharp and cold.

At least after a few days of marriage, Hai Tong had already gotten used to his cold and icy look.

“Good morning, Mr. War.”

Hai Tong greeted, and then complimented him, “Mr. War, these flowers are all very nice, you really did a very good job!”

Everything that was entrusted to him, he managed to get done to perfection.

War Yin said in a low tone, “If there are things you can’t solve in the future, just let me know.”

The things she had given him to do were all small things to him.


Hai Tong smiled and went back to fiddling with the flowers.

“Which florist did you buy them from, these flowers are being kept very well.”

War Yin lied, “I ran to many florists, I don’t remember the names of those florists.” Chapter 29

This night, Hai Tong slept restlessly and kept dreaming, and when she woke up the next day, she was a little refreshed.

As usual, she put the clothes she had washed in the washing machine last night out on the balcony.

She discovered that the balcony had been fitted with a long stainless steel crossbar for drying her clothes, and that the large balcony was filled with all kinds of potted flowers, many of which were in bloom or with buds, regardless of the size of the flowers, and the petals were all of the intricate kind.

Hai Tong’s attention immediately fell on these potted flowers.

After she had finished drying her clothes, she put together the flower stand she had bought yesterday morning, and then moved the potted flowers onto it.

After tossing and turning for a while, she noticed that someone was staring at her, and she looked up sharply to meet the dark, dark eyes of Zhan Yin, whose eyes were sharp and cold.

At least after a few days of marriage, Hai Tong had already gotten used to his cold and icy look.

“Good morning, Mr. War.”

Hai Tong greeted, and then complimented him, “Mr. War, these flowers are all very nice, you really did a very good job!”

Everything that was entrusted to him, he managed to get done to perfection.

War Yin said in a low tone, “If there are things you can’t solve in the future, just let me know.”

The things she had given him to do were all small things to him.


Hai Tong smiled and went back to fiddling with the flowers.

“Which florist did you buy them from, these flowers are being kept very well.”

War Yin lied, “I ran to many florists and couldn’t remember the names of those florists.”

Hai Tong hmmed and didn’t press further, as long as what he did satisfied her.

“You, what did you buy for breakfast today?”

After he asked this, Hai Tong remembered the breakfast issue, she was busy taking out her phone to check the time, it was already after seven, she got up and said embarra*singly, “Mr. War, I forgot to buy breakfast this morning, fortunately it’s still too late to go buy it now, you go wash and brush first, I’ll go downstairs to buy it, what do you want to eat?”

War Yin said indifferently, “I’m not picky about what I eat, you watch what you buy.”

Even if he is picky, in her place, he can’t be picky, otherwise it would be a mistake, because what he likes to eat is too expensive.


Hai Tong was fast and quickly went downstairs, got on her electric bike and went out to buy breakfast, which she soon came back with.

She bought two cages of steamed dumplings, two doughnuts and two cups of soya milk.

War Yin looked at the breakfast she bought back and was unable to eat it for a long time.

Hai Tong didn’t notice any of this, she put her breakfast on the table and ate her portion in three or two sittings, then went back to the balcony to tinker with her flowers and plants.

There was a long silence before Zhan Yin reached out his hand and picked up the doughnut and took a tentative bite, the smell of oil was heavy but it smelled good, but I wonder how long the oil used to fry the doughnut was, was it hygienic?

Never mind, occasionally eat one, also can’t eat him to death.

At this moment, Zhan Yin regretted that he had concealed his identity as the young master of the Zhan family in Guancheng, trying hard to portray himself as an ordinary working family was difficult!

“Hai Tong.”