Doting Billionaire Chapter 557


The phone fell to the floor, its screen shattering.

Zhou Honglin was too busy bending down to pick up the phone, not caring about the broken phone screen, and looked after everything in the house again.

Ye Jiani also took out her own mobile phone, turned on the torch on it and joined him in looking at the scene in the house, not to mention the lack of luxury decoration, even the rough room was worse.

“Hong Lin, are we in the wrong house?”

Ye Jiani still had her heart in the right place.

Zhou Honglin said as he walked inside, “No way, entering the wrong door, my key can’t open the door of the room.”

“This is my home, how could it be like this? Where are the appliances in my house? Are these the only ones left?”

The more Zhou Honglin looked at it, the darker his face became.

He was standing in front of the dining table, which he had paid for.

A flash of light came to his mind.

Zhou Honglin understood.

It was the sea spirit.

“It’s the sea spirit!”

He thought and said it.

“She smashed up my house!”

Zhou Honglin was furious to the core when he said this.

Ye Jiani immediately said, “Let’s hurry up and call the police, let them arrest her, and also ask her to pay compensation, for smashing your home into such a state, she should pay for the renovation anyway.”

Decoration fees?

Zhou Honglin originally wanted to call the police, but when he heard Ye Jiani say decoration fees, he immediately cut the line and did not call the police again.

“Why didn’t you call? Is it because you can’t let go? Do you still have feelings for her?”

Ye Jiani looked angry when he hung up after a short call, and spoke a little tongue-in-cheek.

She surrendered all her rented rooms, packed up everything and followed him home, fully expecting to be able to live in a luxuriously decorated house and show off in the family group, but what she saw was a house that was not even as good as a rough house.

It was not a pot of cold water thrown down, it was a mountain of snow that collapsed and buried her, chilling her from head to toe, inside and out.

“You can’t call the police, this house was renovated at Hailing’s expense in the first place, it probably cost more than 400,000 yuan, and when we got divorced, she once offered me to refund the renovation fee to her, and I refused.”

Zhou Honglin’s eyes were filled with hatred and he said hatefully, “Hai Ling said she would use her own way to get the renovation money back, I thought I wouldn’t have to pay for it, whatever she did, she would just move the furniture away at most, but I didn’t expect her to be so cruel as to shovel the plaster.”

Ye Jiani: “”

Although he didn’t call the police, Zhou Honglin still couldn’t resist calling Hailing.

As a result, Hai Ling never answered.

After thinking about it, he suspected that Hailing had blacked out his mobile phone number and called from Ye Jiani’s phone instead, and Hailing answered.

“Hai Ling, it’s me.”

Zhou Honglin couldn’t control his anger and questioned Hai Ling in a stern voice, “Hai Ling, what do you mean? You’ve smashed up my home!”

“Isn’t your home still there? It was like that when you bought it back.”

Hailing had just put her son to sleep and she was ready to wash up for the night.

When she received a call from her ex-husband, she walked gingerly out of the room so as not to wake her son.

It was ten minutes before her sister and her husband also left.


“I said, if you don’t give me back my renovation money, I’ll get it back my way, I just asked for my renovation money back, it’s not your money, what are you angry about?”