Doting Billionaire Chapter 599

The group had just pushed their way into the crowd when they heard Hai Tong call out, “Sister.”

Yang Yang also called out for her mother.

When Hai Tong saw Zhou Hongying’s mother and daughter, and then saw her sister’s wretched state, what else did she not understand?

She was so angry.

Shoving Yang Yang into her sister’s arms, she turned around and walked away while rolling up her sleeves, wanting to punch someone.

“Tong Tong.”

Mrs. Shang was quick to stop Hai Tong, who wanted to help her sister, “Tong Tong, let the police handle it.”

The police had already been reported, it was not good to do it in front of the police.

“Uncle Shang, Mrs. Shang.”

Lu Dongming was surprised to see Mr. and Mrs. Shang, out of courtesy, he walked over and said hello.

The couple responded to Lu Dongming’s greeting.

Mrs Shang asked him, “Mr Lu, what’s going on?”

Lu Dongming replied, “Mrs Shang, let them go to the police station and talk it over.”

Then he said to the police station, “Comrade police, my company’s employee is the victim, she is divorced from her husband, and people from her former in-laws came to beat her up, so it is clear that she was often bullied and suffered domestic violence before she was divorced.”

“Please also ask Comrade Police to seek justice for my company’s employees.”

The people at the police station knew that Lu Dongming did not want to mediate, so they had to take both right and wrong parties back to the police station.

Naturally, Lu Dongming and Mrs. Shang’s family followed suit.

On the way to the police station with her sister in tow, Hai Tong was so angry that she cursed when she found out the reason: “That family is simply scum, if I had arrived faster, I would have beaten them to death.”

“Sister, don’t accept their apologies, let the police detain them.”

Hai Ling hugged her son tightly and said fiercely, “I won’t accept their apology, they’re too deceitful! Saying something about grandpa having extorted money from them and wanting me to return it.”

Hai Tong explained, “It was that ex-mother-in-law of yours who was stupid enough to go to our grandfather and try to get him to persuade you not to get a divorce, that was also a family of extreme quality, lionizing your ex-mother-in-law and asking for a sum of money.”

“You and Zhou Honglin divorced, your former mother-in-law then felt that the money spent, no effect, probably went to grandfather to tear, that old man will not lose? They probably just couldn’t tear it up and thought you were a good bully, so they ran to you to make trouble.”

Hai Ling said, “I guessed that after the divorce, they would still come to make trouble, so I rented a house to live in, not letting them know where I live, and also blacked out all my contact information, I never thought they would run to my company door and wait for me, it must have been Zhou Honglin who said that.”

Zhou Honglin just knew that she worked at Lu’s Group.

“If they are detained, they will be restrained in future, I really hate to send that family in.”

Hai Tong said with hatred.

The sisters didn’t want to bully anyone, but they wouldn’t let anyone bully them either.

Originally, the marriage was all divorced, the property was divided fairly and equitably, they couldn’t be family anymore, and with Yang Yang around, they would still see each other in the future, so there was no need to become an enemy and make such an ugly scene.

It was the Zhou family who thought that Hai Ling’s mother’s family did not give a damn and thought that they could make Hai Ling pay.

Ten minutes later.

All the people in the group went into the police station.

Zhou Hongying’s mother and daughter were now so abashed that on the way, they hurriedly called Zhou Honglin and Zhou’s father to inform them to come to the police station.

At the police station, the mother and daughter apologised to Hailing and begged her not to hold them responsible.

She said, “Hai Ling, your sister and I were wrong, but I’m also Yang Yang’s real grandmother.

With that, she tugged at her daughter again, imploring her to apologise to Hai Ling again.