Doting Billionaire Chapter 758

Archie warned.

The Young Master had never taken the Younger Nurse to heart in the first place, even the Younger Grandmother’s name was still something they remembered first and then reminded the Younger Master of at all times.

The young master could not be expected to remember such a date as his wedding anniversary.

Their Young Master is not a romantic.

War Yin: “Are you sure it’s the tenth of October?”

“I remember, the third day after the National Day holiday is October 10th.”

War Yin tried hard to recall, it seemed, it was then.

“I’ll go back and look at the marriage certificate to find out.”

Seeing that War Yin was in a much better mood than when he arrived, Ah Qi boldly asked more, “Eldest Young Master, are you planning to create a surprise for Eldest Young Grandmother?”

“Is it to create a surprise for you?” m.

Archie: “…… The young master really did that, and it gave me a surprise.”

War Yin glared at him.

Ah Qi didn’t dare to speak.

Hai Tong had not received the news of War Yin’s return, she was currently asking her sister to accompany her to the supermarket to buy Chinese New Year goods.

War Yin had said that he would take her back to his hometown for the New Year, and she had to prepare some Chinese New Year goods for her in-laws.

There are also annual gifts for the elders.

“I don’t know what they like, sis, just prepare the same standard as you used to prepare New Year gifts for Zhou Jie’s parents, for my in-laws, and then give them slightly more money for the New Year.”

Hai Tong had lived with her sister for more than ten years, witnessed her and Zhou Honglin from meeting to knowing and loving each other to getting married and divorced, and knew very well how her sister usually prepared annual gifts for her in-laws.

Hai Ling said, “That’s fine too.”

The annual gifts she had prepared for Zhou’s father, Zhou’s mother and Zhou Hongying in previous years were all very generous.

While Zhou Honglin was stingy with her, he was very generous with his family.

If the gifts she prepared were too meagre, Zhou Honglin would scold her.

“Daddy, Daddy.”

Yang Yang, who was sitting in the shopping cart, suddenly shouted happily.

“Mommy, daddy.”

After Yang Yang shouted at Zhou Honglin, he also turned his head to tell Hailing and pointed his little finger at Zhou Honglin.

It was only when Zhou Honglin heard Yang Yang’s shout that he saw the two sisters.

He instinctively tried to walk over to them.

Ye Jiani, who was beside him, immediately pulled him back.

“What for? Can’t control your legs when you see your ex-wife?”

Ye Jiani whispered to him, before looking at the two Hai Ling sisters.

Hai Ling had been insisting on losing weight and had recently lost another ten pounds, but of course, at one hundred and seventy pounds now, she was still very fat.

But compared to before, she had lost thirty pounds, and that was very obvious.

When Ye Jiani saw Hai Ling who had started to lose weight, she remembered that people in the company had said that Hai Ling’s figure before her marriage was very good and her face was also high, just look at how handsome and cute Yang Yang looked.

Yang Yang had inherited her mother’s high face value.

It’s just that after her marriage, Hai Ling didn’t pay attention to her figure and ate to become a big fat person, a fat person ruins everything.

If Hai Ling succeeds in losing weight and her face is restored, will she be able to charm Zhou Honglin again?

Ye Jiani thought about her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, who were now talking to her every day about how good Hai Ling used to be and how she was not as good as Hai Ling, and worried that Zhou Honglin would remarry Hai Ling.

After all, Hai Ling used to be a very good woman.

“Jia Ni, what are you talking about, I am going over to see my son, Yang Yang is my real son.”

Zhou Honglin said helplessly, “Jia Ni, I got divorced for you before I gave up custody of Yang Yang, can’t I even go over and hug my son when I meet him here?”

In the past, Jia Fei was very understanding and sociable.

Now, it felt like she had become calculating and suspicious.