Doting Billionaire Chapter 774

It took two hours for War Yin to get dinner ready.

Looking at the table full of dishes he cooked with his own hands, and all of which Hai Tong loved, War Yin took out his mobile phone for a rare time to take photos and post them to his friends.

Since the last time he posted a circle of friends, War Yin’s circle of friends has been silent for a long time again.

At this moment, after posting a photo to his circle of friends, his circle of friends and important customers, in addition to quickly like, or at the bottom of the message.

“Mr. War, is it too late for me to go there now?”

“Mr. War, I only know now that you are such a good cook.”

“Chief War, courier over right away, I’ll eat it for you.”

“Sister-in-law is really blessed with a mouthful of food, envy and jealousy. I’ve been working for you as a cow and horse for so many years, I haven’t even eaten the green vegetables you’ve fried.” This was Su Nan’s message.

After posting the friend circle, War Yin tucked his phone back into his trouser pocket and did not look at his friends’ likes and comments.

He went back to his room. One second to remember

Hai Tong had just come out of the bathroom after taking a bath.

Seeing him enter, she glared at him, “That’s so unfair.”

War Yin smiled, walked up to her, bent down slightly and whispered in her ear, “That’s because you’ve practiced less and your stamina can’t keep up, let’s practice more in the future and we’ll be able to keep up.”

At the end of his voice, he received a twist from his beloved wife.


When he was twisted, War Yin shouted with a deliberately handsome face.

“Honey, you’re trying to murder your own husband.”

Hai Tong let go of her hand, “Screaming like you’re killing a pig, it used to be the same kind of hand strength, you didn’t even frown. Does it hurt a lot? Or, I’ll let you twist it back.”

War Yin dotingly touched her face and said dotingly, “How can I let go of wringing you, I can’t even love you enough.”

“This mouth of yours is as sweet as honey right now.”

“Before, you were hard to open with a golden mouth.”

Seeing that she had washed her hair, War Yin went to bring the hair dryer and helped her blow her hair while saying, “Before, we were just partners in life, now, we’re a real couple.”

It’s not the same.

“Is dinner ready?”

“It’s done, let’s dry your hair and we’ll go out for dinner, all cooked to your liking.”

Hai Tong’s heart was sweet.

He cooked and cooked all the dishes that she loved to eat.

When she cooked, only half of the dishes she cooked were his favourites and half were her own favourites.

Well, with him, he was giving it all.

She, on the other hand, only gave half.

Realising that her love for Zhangyin was not as deep as Zhangyin’s for her, Hai Tong felt a little sorry for Zhangyin and decided to make it up to him in the future.

A few minutes later.

“So many dishes, full of colour and fragrance, Zhan Yin, you didn’t use your real skills in cooking in the past, did you?”

Hai Tong said as she took out her phone, “I’ll take a few photos and send them to my circle of friends to tempt a whole bunch of people.”

War Yin doted on her as he watched her take pictures.

Hai Tong took a picture and sent it to her circle of friends, with the text: Husband this cooking, amazed me.

Shen Xiaojun, who was asked out for dinner by Sunan, saw the friend circle posted by her friend and immediately handed her phone to Sunan.

“What’s wrong?” Su Nan asked as he took the phone to look at it.

Once he saw Hai Tong’s friend circle, he: ……

That couple was posting circles one after the other, showing affection and spreading dog food, how dare they let him live!

Shen Xiaojun said: “I really can’t imagine that the cold-looking Zhangyin is such a good cook, really out of the hall and into the kitchen, but also so good to his wife, is a model husband. Looking at how happy Tong Tong is now, I admit I’m envious.”