Doting Billionaire Chapter 855

Tang Junye thought of most people, who only marry once in their lives, and how Hai Tong married her son and indeed had nothing at all, was condescending to Hai Tong.

She said, “The bride price, the wedding can all be made up.”

War Yin knew it was possible to make up the wedding, but he had always made her suffer.

He got up, “Mom, I’m going to go talk to grandma. Mom doesn’t have to blame grandma, perhaps, this is a calamity in my life, a love calamity.”

Because he had been too smooth from birth to now, without any setbacks.

God couldn’t help but let him suffer from his love affair.

“Ah Yin, mum also has to remind remind you, your identity is exposed in the circle where Hai Tong lives, her old family’s class of extreme relatives, and her sister’s ex-husband’s family, might pester you, you can’t give them favours for Hai Tong’s sake, those people, are vampires, if they give once, they will come for a second time.”

“In the future, they will all be around you to suck blood. If they were kinder to Hai Tong and gave her some favours, I would be a little bit happier, but they treat Hai Tong and her sisters so badly that I can’t stand it.

He said, “Mom, I am looking at Hai Tong’s attitude to do things, Hai Tong is not even willing to reconcile with them, how can I give them benefits, they are now all kinds of bad, or my handwriting.”

“As for her sister’s ex-husband, that family of extremely good people, they are all ex-husbands, what else does it matter? Is it hard to say that Zhou Honglin has the good sense to come running to me and say that he is my brother-in-law?” One second to remember

Tang Jun Ye said, “Just have it in your heart, Hai Tong still has one thing that can make mum look good, and that is to be clear in her grudges.”

Not to be overly sanctimonious.

Even if some netizens morally kidnap her, she insists on not being morally kidnapped.

If the netizens had also experienced the loss of both parents when they were ten years old, and the compensation money they had paid for with their lives had been divided among their grandparents, uncles and aunts, and they had driven them away and seized the property, and if the netizens were still able to forgive their grandparents and give them a lot of money to spend after all this, then they could teach her how to be a granddaughter.

In reality, how many grandchildren are filial to their grandparents? It’s not bad if they can be filial to their own parents.

As some old people say, if you can’t count on your children, how can you count on your grandchildren?

If things don’t happen to them, they won’t know what it’s like and will just hide behind the internet, being keyboard warriors or even taking money from the water army to morally kidnap her.

Hai Tong hopes that one day, those keyboard warriors who like to morally kidnap others will also be morally kidnapped by others and have a taste of what it is like.

War Yin’s expression softened a few points and said, “Growing up in a different environment, you develop a different personality.”

Hai Tong is strong in her gentleness, as long as she is reasonable, she can hold her ground, she is not reasonable, she can also immediately bow her head and apologize.

“It’s a poor child.”

Thinking of the environment his daughter-in-law grew up in, Tang Junye was a little heartbroken.

If, in the future, the young couple could make up, she, as a mother-in-law, could love her daughter-in-law a little more.

The old lady was sitting in front of a stone table at the bottom of the pavilion, around which many flowers were planted, and although the weather was still cold, it was entering spring.

The earth has returned to spring, the grass and trees are reviving, and the Oat Villa is in full spring colour everywhere.

Sitting under the pavilion, you can enjoy the hundreds of flowers that are gradually blooming.

War Yin stepped into the pavilion and sat down opposite his grandmother, blocking her view of the flowers.

“Your grandfather used to like this too, I was enjoying the flowers and he was sitting opposite me, and he was tall, sitting down all like a small mountain, blocking my view, so I could only enjoy him, not the flowers.”

War Yin was like his grandfather in many ways.

“Do you want Grandma to go and talk to Hai Tong? Put in some good words for you.”