Doting Billionaire Chapter 873

“Wait, wait, I’ll go to your husband’s company and make a scene, ask him for money, if he doesn’t give it, I’ll go to your in-laws and ask for it, make a scene so that you’ll lose face and make your in-laws look at you and throw you out!”

Old man Hai spoke harsh words.

He intended to do the same.

Before he came, his grandchildren had warned him that the Hai Tong sisters hated them and might not be willing to give him money, giving him tips.

They said that Hai Tong had now become the youngest grandmother of the War family and wanted to save face.

As long as they were brave enough to make a scene, Hai Tong would give him the money for the sake of her in-laws’ face.

If Hai Tong doesn’t pay, she will go to Zhan Yin’s place and make trouble with the Zhan family. Even if Hai Tong has a bad relationship with them, they are still Hai Tong’s maternal family, and anyone whose daughter-in-law has such a maternal family will feel ashamed.

Hai Tong already has no background, married into the war family as the youngest grandmother, the foundation is not stable, maybe the in-laws do not like her either, they make trouble like this let the war family all follow the shameless, to ensure that the war family loathe Hai Tong.

The company’s business is a good example of how to get a divorce.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

If Hai Tong refuses to pay, then they will contact some reporters and ask them to pretend to be filming secretly and take a video of them going to the War Group or the War Family to make trouble and put it on the internet, so that the War Family will be furious and turn against Hai Tong.

Anyway, they are all unemployed, there is nothing to be threatened, the bare shoe is not afraid of the shoe wearer, so they will make trouble with Hai Tong to the end, until Hai Tong is expelled from the War Family!

If they were all having a bad time, what right did Hai Tong have to be the youngest grandmother of the War Family?

“No need for you to go to my company, I’ll be right behind you.”

A low, icy voice rang out.

Old man Hai turned his head and saw that it was War Yin, while the children and grandchildren he had brought with him were all blocked out by those personal bodyguards of War Yin, and they all had terrified faces.

They all looked terrified. They didn’t know when War Yin had come.

Nor did they know how much War Yin had actually heard.

War Yin usually woke up early, and now that he didn’t have his wife around, he woke up even earlier, and then, he went to wait for Hai Tong underneath his great aunt’s rented room.

As a result, he waited for a long time without seeing Hai Tong come downstairs. It was only when his sister-in-law came down with Yang Yang in her arms that he realized that Hai Tong was even earlier than him and had already gone back to the shop.

So, he hurriedly headed for Guancheng High School.

On the way there, he even bought a large bouquet of roses from a flower shop.

When he arrived near the bookstore, he saw several cars parked in front of the bookstore and many people standing in front of it.

It was the extremely talented group from the Hai family.

Yesterday, his mother had mentioned to him that the Hai family were extremely talented and was worried that when they found out who he was, they would come back and pester Hai Tong for money and favours.

Unexpectedly, these extremists had come to pester his Lord Wife early in the morning.

And Old Man Hai’s shamelessness had repeatedly refreshed War Yin’s perception of human nature.

Couldn’t the two Hai Tong sisters be Old Man Hai’s grandchildren?

Why was Old Man Hai always picking on the sisters and sucking their blood?

If they couldn’t make ends meet and came to pester Hai Tong for money, Hai Tong wouldn’t let the old man starve to death and would give him a little money to live on.

But the Hai family, obviously living a good life, even if the back of the war Yin to rectify the business can not go on, lost jobs, but they have thick savings ah, do not do anything, the money earned in the past is enough for them to eat and drink for several years.

But still want to pick on the Hai Tong sisters to suck blood, really do not see the Hai Tong sisters as granddaughters, no human feelings at all.