Doting Billionaire Chapter 933

Mrs. Shang smiled and said of her daughter, “You smell of perfume, Yang Yang doesn’t like it, right? Well, eat, don’t bother with a three year old.”

Shang Xiaofei lifted her arm and smelled it herself, it was a bit of perfume.

Thinking of being disliked by little Yang Yang for smelling like perfume, and this little one saying she didn’t understand it was perfume, others would mistake her for smelling bad.

“I won’t need perfume from now on either, and I can save a fortune on perfume.”

Hai Tong laughed, “Yang Yang is just talking nonsense, Xiaofei, don’t blame him, children’s words have no bounds.”

“It’s just that he’s young and he means what he says.”

Shang Xiaofei was still taken to heart by Yang Yang’s remark about her smelling.

Especially since she liked Yang Yang so much and Yang Yang disliked her for smelling.

“Dinner’s ready.”

Mrs. Shang laughed. One second to remember

She was older now, and didn’t use perfume, and thought nature was best.

But her daughter is still young and used to using perfume, and that’s a normal thing.

“War Yin, a home-cooked meal, nothing good, you don’t mind.”

Mrs. Shang said politely to Zhan Yin, the cook had indeed cooked home-cooked food, green vegetables, or Mrs. Shang had grown her own in her own yard.

War Yin was busy saying, “I am not picky, I will eat anything.”

Mrs. Shang’s mother and daughter both sighed in their hearts: if you are not picky, no one else is.

As Shang Xiaofei, who had once adored War Yin, she had pried out War Yin’s preferences and knew that War Yin was not only a little clean, but also had a tricky mouth.

The reason he said he wasn’t picky is because Hai Tong was there.

When eating, War Yin is very much looking after his beloved wife, from time to time, he helps Hai Tong pinch some dishes, and occasionally by Yang Yang glance, he helps Yang Yang pinch some dishes.

The little one then contentedly ate with a round little tummy.

After he had eaten and drunk enough, Yang Yang said to Mrs Shang, “Auntie, the food at your home is delicious, just as good as what my mother and sister-in-law make.”

Mrs. Shang happily picked him up, “Then Yang Yang will come to eat at your aunt’s house more often.”

Yang Yang nodded and said, “I’ll come over when mummy and sister-in-law come over.”

Mrs. Shang dotingly pressed the little one’s head into her arms, just like she was holding her childhood sister.

“Yang Yang remember your aunt’s phone number later, when you want to come over later, call your aunt and she will go over to pick you up and come over for dinner.”

Said Hai Tong again, “You sisters too, you always don’t come to your great aunt’s house, you should come more often in the future.”

She then looked at Zhangyin, who was silently looking at her niece, and added, “Zhangyin can also come over with Tongtong when he is free in the future.”

War Yin converged back to look at his wife and politely said, “Whenever I am free, I will definitely come often.”

He glanced twice at the stack of invitations on the coffee table.

After catching this small detail of his, Mrs Shang took the initiative and said, “Tong Tong wants to follow me to the banquet.”

In one sentence, without too much explanation, War Yin could understand what Hai Tong meant and knew that she was also working on it.

He wasn’t the only one who was giving.

Hai Tong is also giving, changing, working hard, moving up.