Fate of the Stupid Son Chapter 345

Song Wangyue and Gu Yi walked quickly into the house, and at a glance they saw Master Chu lying on the bed, her face white and her eyes tightly closed, moans spilling out from her clenched teeth.

“Master Chu!”

Gu Yi let go of Song Wan Yue’s hand and ran over, his face as white as Master Chu’s for an instant. Song Wangyue then followed him over.

Master Chu opened his eyes with difficulty and saw Gu Yi looking at her worriedly, struggling to squeeze out a smile, “I, I’m fine, go, go and get Doctor Yao, no, don’t alert the others.”

“Little Four.”

Xiao Si darted out.

“You, you two go out, I, I don’t have ……”

The woman tried to say she was fine, but couldn’t help but let out another groan of pain, large cold sweat instantly breaking out from her forehead.

Song Wan Yue’s gaze quickly looked around at Master Chu, turned around and found a pair of scissors and quickly cut the sleeve off her left arm, what she saw made her jerk backwards, Master Chu’s left arm was already fully swollen, the upper left arm was casually bandaged with traces of blood seeping out from it.

Song Wangyue was just about to cut off the gauze when Master Chu grabbed her hand violently, “Ya, yatou, you, you go out.”

“Master Chu!”

Gu Yi’s eyes went red.

“Get out!”

Even though he was on the verge of passing out, Master Chu’s tone was still unquestionable, “Don’t make me say it again.”

“Chu ……”

Song Wangyue put down the clippers and pulled Gu Yi outside.

Gu Yi turned back as he walked, and Master Chu looked at him sternly.

When the two arrived and stood in the courtyard, Doctor Yao trotted into the courtyard and headed straight for the room, with Xiao Si following behind, carrying the medicine box.

When he saw the woman’s condition, he was so shocked that he didn’t even have time to put down the medicine box. He picked up the scissors that Song Wangyue had put down and cut open the wrapped gauze directly, and when he saw the injury inside, he also drew a big breath of cold air.

A chipped arrowhead was deeply embedded in the flesh, and the wound was red and swollen at an old height.

Dr Yao’s hands were shaking, if it was a normal arrow, the woman would have pulled it out long ago, now it was still embedded in the flesh, there must be barbs on it.

“Try to keep my arm.”

Master Chu kept her last shred of calm, she still had work to do, she couldn’t lose her arm.

“Let’s save our lives first.”

Doctor Yao put the medicine box directly on the bed, took out the silver needles and sealed several acupuncture points on her arm first, before turning around and walking to the door, whispering, “Xiao Si, go to the pharmacy and bring the mah-boo san over, boil it quickly.”

Xiao Si darted out again.

Dr. Yao turned around again and came back with quick steps, lifting up the top layer of the medicine chest, feeling out a cloth bag placed on the bottom layer and opening it, inside was a light, thin and sharp knife.

Looking at the knife, the woman didn’t know what came to her mind and smiled softly, “Open, start, no, no need to wait for the anesthesia, I, I can stand it.”

“I wouldn’t dare to do it if you can stand it, if you’re not careful, you’ll lose this arm.”

The woman’s gaze gradually became a little lax, “When, back then, you, you were also ……”

The latter voice trailed off.

“Little …… Master Chu.”

Dr. Yao called out to her.

The woman seemed to try to make an effort to open her eyelids, opened them a few times without opening them and instead fell into a deep darkness.

Dr. Yao hurriedly went to the door again, “Has Little Four come yet?”

“How is Master Chu?”

Gu Yi’s voice was tinged with trembling.

“Not too good.”

Gu Yi immediately took big steps towards the door, Doctor Yao wanted to stop him, his hand lifted and fell back, he couldn’t take the arrow out alone, he would need help later, even if he didn’t let the young master in now, the young master would have to come in later.

Song Wangyue also followed him in and saw Master Chu’s wound and tightened her brow, she naturally saw that the arrow was unusual, otherwise Master Chu would have pulled it out himself.

She said, “We can’t delay, we have to take the arrow out quickly.”

The wound was already somewhat infected, if it was not pulled out, I was afraid that Master Chu’s arm would be ruined.

“No, back then ……”

When he said these two words, Doctor Yao realized that he had omitted to say something and hurriedly changed his words, “We don’t know how many barbs are on this arrow, in case Master Chu wakes up in pain during the extraction process and struggles a little, the consequences would be unthinkable.”

“Then we won’t let her wake up.”


“Have Little Four guard the bedside later, but whenever there’s the slightest sign of Master waking up, have him knocked out.”

Doctor Yao, ……

After Song Wangyue finished, she was already rolling up her sleeves, “I’ll give Master a hand, Master hurry.”

Doctor Yao swallowed his saliva and was ruthless, “Fine, young master, you hold down Master Chu’s arm, apprentice, you take out the gold sore medicine first, then take out the fish intestine thread and thread it on the needle ready.”

Song Wan Yue quickly found it, threaded it and placed it side by side on the bed.

Doctor Yao had already taken the shears and cut off all the sleeves on Master Chu’s left arm, lit the lamp, and after roasting the knife on the fire, instructed Gu Yi to hold it down tightly, he took the knife and carefully plucked away the red and swollen flesh of the wound and tried to insert it slowly.

Even in his unconsciousness, Master Chu still trembled in pain.

Sweat broke out on Doctor Yao’s forehead.

Song Wangyue took out a handkerchief and quickly wiped it off for him.


There was a tiny sound as the knife touched one of the barbs. Dr. Yao held his breath, steadied his hand and gently separated the flesh around the barb, and crimson blood sprang out.

Dr. Yao did not dare to be too slow and immediately went to look for another barb.

Xiao Si came with the marijuana boiling san, saw that the courtyard was empty, carried it to the door, gently pushed the door open with his shoulder, saw the scene inside the house, and hurriedly carried it to the bedside.

“Put it to one side, you stand guard here, once Master Chu wakes up, you knock him out.”

Xiao Si was busy putting down the Ma Bo San and stood above Master Chu’s head, her eyes unblinkingly fixed on her.


Doctor Yao couldn’t help but burst out, the average arrow had two barbs on it, but he had found three now and the arrowhead hadn’t been able to be pulled out.

Song Wangyue had already sprinkled a lot of golden sore medicine, but the blood still couldn’t stop flowing out, if the flow continued like this, even if Master Chu’s arm wasn’t ruined, he would have to bleed to death.

“Master, calm down.”

Song Wangyue kept drying him off, her own paddle got wet and took Gu Yi’s again.

Doctor Yao was shaking a little, he stopped moving, took a deep breath, and after letting Song Wangyue wipe his sweat again, he continued to move the knife slowly.


Once again a subtle sound, Doctor Yao slowly cut the flesh around the barb, his other hand tentatively went to pluck the arrow, the arrow moved slightly, he was overjoyed and immediately threw the small knife casually, “It can be plucked, apprentice ready, three …… two… …one …… spill!”