Fate of the Stupid Son Chapter 508

Once again, Master Sun froze slightly.

The matter at the Qionglin banquet, Sun Jin only gave him a long time later, Song Si refused the Sixth Princess in front of the civil and military officials, which was tantamount to slapping the emperor’s face, although the emperor did not fall on him in public, he would certainly find a reason later, Gu Yi’s words were right.

But he is a businessman, and businessmen value profit. As long as the Song family is still doing two types of business, he does not want to give up.

“Sir Gu is thinking too much, even if Song Hanlin is found at fault, it will not implicate the family’s business, and to take a step back, even if he is implicated, at most we will terminate our cooperation, I will not be affected by anything.”

Gu Yi took a sip of the sugar water, sweet to the core, “I am also thinking of Master Sun, when Prince Sun becomes a horse in harness, I don’t know how many people will be jealous and will be waiting for your family to do something wrong. Once there is such a day, those people will magnify this wrongdoing infinitely, and when it affects Mr. Sun, it will be more than worth the loss.”

“This ……”

Master Sun hadn’t really thought of this layer.

He was just a merchant with no power and low status, and suddenly Jin’er became a horse in harness, which would indeed cause some people to be jealous.

Seeing his hesitation, Gu Yi added, “A horse in harness usually has no real power, yet the current emperor allows Mr. Sun to enter the Hanlin Academy, which means that he is extremely fond of him, but once he knows that his family is involved with the Song family, he may be displeased with him, and then you will lose more than you gain.”

Cold sweat broke out on Master Sun’s body.

He had indeed not thought about it that much.

Gu Yi slowly finished the sugar water and poured another one, looking at him, “Master Sun had better think about it.”

Song Wangyue hadn’t spoken.

The courtyard was unusually quiet.


At the entrance of the workshop, Song Shen told the village chief about the ox cart he wanted to use.

The village headman readily agreed to pay 20 yuan for transporting only these people for one day.

“When will you use it, you give me a word in advance.”

Song Shen answered.

“By the way, do we still need to recruit people?”

The people in the village are now eagerly waiting for the Song family’s workshop to expand, so that they can come in and work, and have long since lost their initial defensiveness.

“I’ll have to ask Yue’er.”

The village headman nodded and glanced towards this side of the courtyard, the old man just now should be a businessman, if Yue’er had negotiated a big deal, the workshop would definitely need to recruit people.


Inside the courtyard, Master Sun thought over all the consequences and didn’t dare to make a decision for a while, “Sir Gu, can you allow me to think about it for a few days?”

“Yes, you are given three days, after three days you give me an answer, but I would advise Master Sun to give up, there are money making businesses everywhere, as long as you let the word out, there are plenty of people who will come to you.”

Master Sun smiled bitterly.

If it was before, he would naturally be happy if someone came to his door looking for his cooperation, but now it was different, those people were there to butter up Jin’er, how could he cooperate?

“Then I will leave first, in three days, I will give Duke Gu an answer.”

Gu Yi and Song Wan Yue saw him out.

When Master Sun got into the carriage and walked away, Song Wangyue gave Gu Yi a look.

Gu Yi touched his nose sheepishly.

At first, he did want to give the herbal tea and hotpot base business to Master Sun, who had been in business for so many years and had the contacts and money to sell it more easily. But since Sun Jin had become a horse in harness, he was bound to be his antagonist in the future, so naturally the business could not be given to him.

“Give Grandma a message, we’re leaving.”

Gu Yi answered nimbly and turned to go to the house.

Song Wangyue stood in the doorway.

Seeing this, Song Shen quickly came over, “Yue’er, I’ve already told Grandpa the village head, he agreed and asked if he still needed to recruit people?”

“Let’s wait a bit longer, let’s talk about it in a few days.”


Grandma Song walked Gu Yi out, knowing that Master Chu was very strict with Yue’er and that she would be punished if she delayed her practice in the afternoon, and didn’t say anything about keeping Gu Yi for dinner.


Master Sun took a carriage to the county town and wanted to find an inn to stay, but after asking several in a row, they all said they were full. Master Sun wondered how such a small county town could have so many people staying at the inn.

He ordered his servant, “Go and ask around, is there something going on in Qingping County these days?”

The servant quickly inquired, “Old Mr. Xu is going to lecture at the academy for three days, and all the students from all over the world have rushed here.

“Go and find out where there are houses for rent, we’ll rent them for a few days too.”

The boy answered and went to inquire again.

Master Sun sat on the carriage, his mind going back to what Gu Yi had just said: once something happened to Song Si, business would definitely be affected, but that wasn’t the biggest worry. What he feared was that it would bring criticism to Sun Jin and draw the displeasure of the emperor and the princess.

But if he were to give up the two businesses, he would not be able to do so. The Sun family had a small fortune, but it was not worth mentioning compared to the royal family, and Jin’s status was already much shorter than that of the princess. He wanted the least amount of money to feed himself and not to hold Sun Jin back.

The herbal tea and hot pot base is the business of money falling from the sky, and he had talked to Gu Yi at first with the intention of giving it a try, but he did not expect Gu Yi to agree to it, and he was still a bit incredulous.

“Master ……”

The boy returned and stood in front of the carriage to report, “The house cannot be rented at all.”

There were so many students coming to Qingping County these days that all the empty houses that could be occupied were rented out, and some even lived in the homes of people near the academy.

Master Sun lifted the carriage curtain and looked at the sky, it was just after noon, it was still too late to get to the next county, so he ordered the carriage driver, “Go to the next county.”

The driver answered, and when the boy got into the carriage, he slowly drove the carriage towards the outside of the county, but before he got very far, the boy gave a “gee”, “Master, that seems to be the Grand Master’s carriage.”

Master Sun hurriedly lifted the curtain to look out, and it was indeed the Grand Master’s carriage.

“Hurry up and shout at it.”

The boy jumped down and stopped the carriage.

Grand Master Sun’s coachman knew him and hurriedly stopped the carriage.

The boy walked over to the carriage, “Grand Master.”

The curtain of the carriage was lifted and Grand Master Sun poked his head out, seeing that it was Master Sun’s boy, he was a little surprised, “Why are you here, where is your master?”

Before the words left his mouth, Master Sun had already walked over, “Big brother.”

“What are you doing over here?”

“It’s a long story, big brother this is ……”

“I came over to meet Miss Song, and by the way, I sent my oldest son who is the boss under me over to listen to Old Master Xu’s lecture.”

“Big brother is late, the inns in this Qingping County have long been filled with those students who came over, I was thinking of going to the next county to stay.”

“So soon, won’t the lecture start in three days?”

After saying that, thinking of Old Master Xu’s reputation, it was normal for those scholars to come over early.

“You come up first, I have an idea.”

Master Sun got on the carriage, and Grand Master Sun ordered the carriage driver to go to the restaurant.

“What brings you to Qingping County?”

“I’m here to talk business with Miss Song, just like big brother, but ……”