Fate of the Stupid Son Chapter 517

Sister Wu brought the letter over and Song Wangyue sat down to open it to the side.

In the letter, Meng Yang’s joy was obvious, saying that after he returned to Jiangnan, he had set aside a workshop to make herbal tea, and every day, 20 fellows were busy, but there were not enough pills to sell, and the pills were in demand.

At the end of the letter, he said that he would need a batch of pills every month and asked her to make more, not only for wind chill and tonic, but also for other things.

“Is Uncle Grandfather trying to make all the money in his pocket?”

Song Wangyue chuckled as she gave the letter to Xu.

Meng Yang’s letter to Meng also said that Meng was happier than anyone else, that her brother’s sales were good so that her granddaughter could earn more money.

“Business has been bad these past few years, your uncle grandfather has had a headache for a long time, now that there is easily a business that earns money, he naturally wants to earn more, it’s just that it’s going to be hard on Yue’er.”

Song Wan Yue rubbed her little hands together, looking like a little money-obsessed, “When I think of having silver coming in every month, my blood boils, so I don’t think it’s hard.”

Several people in the room were amused by her.

Xu put the letter down and stroked her head, “Have you lost some weight?”


Song Wan Yue stood up and turned twice in front of her, “I eat two meals a day at home and two at Gu’s house, plus two pastries, I feel fat, how could I possibly have lost weight.”

“Didn’t lose weight?”

Song Wangyue nodded affirmatively, “No, absolutely no weight loss.”

“Your grandmother has made some more clothes for you and Yi’er, so you two can try them on later.

“There’s no need to try them on, they’ll fit perfectly, I trust my grandmother’s craftsmanship.”

Meng was once again amused and asked Sister Wu to bring over clothes, all in pink.

Since the last time she had seen Song Wan Yue look good in pink, she had Sister Wu buy two over, and Gu Yi’s were the same, also in precious blue.

Song Wangyue held them in her hands, “It’s hot today, so we won’t change for now, we’ll change when we get back and take a bath.”

Gu Yi understood what she was thinking, she was afraid that Meng and Xu would see that she had really lost weight and nodded in agreement, “I’m sweating too, I’ll change when we get back.”

Xu looked at the two, also vaguely understanding what was going on, but not saying it out loud, smiling as she sat the two down and asked about the situation in the workshop.


After Qin Qian left the door and walked across a street to make sure no one was following behind him, his feet turned and he went to the Wei Yuan Dart Office.

The four members of the Qi family were eating when they heard footsteps and looked up in unison, seeing that it was Qin Qian, Madam Qi put down her chopsticks and stood up, “Why are you here at this time, is something wrong?”

The three Qi Wu also put down their chopsticks and looked at Qin Qian.

“I feel that Song Wangyue might be suspicious of me.”

The four were shocked.

“What’s going on?”

Qin Qian told them what had just happened to Song Wan Yue, “That little girl is very spooky, she is obviously a great chess player, yet she said she was a stinky chess player, and what she said, it was clear that she suspected something.”

“You mean, she suspected your identity?”

Qi Wu asked.

“I can’t say. She said something to Xu Liang behind her back, and her voice was so low at the time that I didn’t hear it.”

Qi Wu sulked, “She probably just thought it was strange why you were following the dean around. In that case, don’t go over there again for the next two days, lest you have people watching you.”

“I know.”

Qin Qian finished his response and remembered something important, “By the way, Gu Yi played chess with the old gentleman today, and his chess skills should be very good too, I was pulled out to play chess by Song Wan Yue and didn’t see it. But I can be sure that he is the son of King Qin and has been pretending to be stupid all these years just to hide his identity.”

Lady Qi’s face showed excitement as she looked towards Qi Wu.

Qi Wu shook his head, “Let’s stay calm for a while, let’s just stick to the plan and just lure people in, as for what happens afterwards, they will naturally do it.”


Song Wan Yue and Gu Yi stayed overnight and went back to make pills early the next morning.

The old gentleman also went back inside, telling Xu Liang that no one should be disturbed, and he carefully went over what he was going to say tomorrow again.

When he saw that it was almost noon, Xu Liang came in carrying a food box, “This is from Boss Wei himself, saying that the restaurant’s cook has just worked out a new dish for you to try.”

He put the food box down, moved a small table, opened it, and brought out the food inside.

The old gentleman put down his book, got up and went to wash his hands, came over and sat down, picked up his chopsticks and tasted both dishes, nodding his head, “Not bad.”

Xu Liang smiled and said, “Boss Wei is still waiting outside, I’ll go out and give him a reply and tell him your words.”

“Go on.”

The old gentleman didn’t say to pay, Gu Yi was his maternal great-grandson-in-law, it would be out of line to pay at this time, around the time he would be staying here for a long time, so he would subsidise him from somewhere else at that time.

Xu Liang carried the food box outside the courtyard and said to Wei, who was waiting at the door, “The old gentleman said it was very good.”

The eyes of the shopkeeper Wei glowed, “If the old man says so, we will have confidence in selling this dish, I will go back and tell them right away.”

Xu Liang walked him outside.

Boss Wei got on the carriage, went back to the restaurant, handed the food box to his mate and hurriedly went to the back of the house, “Old sir eat.”

“How much did you eat?”

Doctor Yao asked.

Boss Wei shook his head, “Xu Liang said the old gentleman wouldn’t allow anyone to disturb him and didn’t let me in.”

Doctor Yao’s brow knitted, “Think of a way to send the food over again tonight, it would be best if you personally watched how much the old gentleman ate.”

Shopkeeper Wei responded.

By the time the setting sun reflected on the restaurant’s front door, he had the chef sit down with two more of his best dishes and carried them over to the old gentleman’s side.

This time Xu Liang did not stop him and took him in.

“I went back and told the chef, who was very happy and had worked out two more good dishes and wanted the old gentleman to help taste them.”

Xu Liang knew that he was trying to make the old gentleman eat better, so he smiled and said, “Thank you for your trouble, Boss.”

Mr. Wei waved his hand, “It’s no bother, the good food you’ve eaten will also give us a good reputation, we’d like that.”

Xu Liang led him into the house.

The old man had already heard their conversation, and knowing that the shopkeeper had brought him another meal, he got up and took the red envelope he had asked Xu Liang to prepare in his hand.

“Old gentleman.”

Shopkeeper Wei shouted with a smile.

The old gentleman gave him the red seal, “This is a reward for those two chefs, the food is very tasty and I like it very much.”

Boss Wei did not accept it politely, “Then I will thank you for them.”

When Xu Liang brought the small table over, Mr Wei put the red envelope in his arms, put the food box on the floor, carefully brought out the dishes inside and put them on the small table, saying, “It’s still early in the day and there are no customers in the restaurant, I’ll talk to Xu Liang outside for a while, if there’s anything wrong with the food, tell me, I’ll go back and ask the chef to improve it.”

The old man thought he was hearing his own comments about the dish, “Good.”

When he heard the old gentleman say he was full, he and Xu Liang turned around and went inside, seeing the two half-empty plates and relaxed.