Fate of the Stupid Son Chapter 557

“I have a daughter-in-law to support.”

Song Ming spoke in a rather smug tone; of all the men in the village, he was the only one who did nothing on a daily basis and still got to eat good food every day.

The man scowled at him.

Song Ming was not timid, and even pushed up his chest to let him look at him.

With a look of disbelief, the man pointed to the dilapidated house behind her, “Just these few shabby rooms of yours and a daughter-in-law to support them, I see you haven’t said anything about a daughter-in-law yet, have you?”

“Don’t you underestimate ……”

Song Ming has never been timid in front of others, except for conceding in front of the people over there, crossing his thumbs, “You can ask around the Song family village, who doesn’t know that I, Song Ming, married a good daughter-in-law, a good hand inside and out, I don’t do anything every day, just waiting for money to eat.”

The man’s eyes fell on the apron he was wearing.

Song Ming didn’t feel embarrassed and continued to brag, “I found my conscience today and boiled some water, so I’ll wait for her to come back and drink the ready-made.”

“With a man like you, I wonder what blind woman would marry you?”

Having said that, the man stopped looking at him and pressed the coachman, “Is it ready yet?”

The coachman was lying on the bottom of the cart, repairing it with a hammer, and stopped moving at his words, “Young master will have to wait for a while.”

“Useless thing.”

The man scolded, really unable to stand the heat, and said Song Ming, “Go and bring a fan over to fan me, I’ll give you five taels of silver.”

Five taels!

Song Ming ran into the house in a gust of wind, grabbed the only fan in Song Gua’s hand that wasn’t broken, ran out quickly and fanned it hard.

She heard the man’s words clearly, and she would find a way to get a tael out of Song Ming’s hand when he left later.

“You’re idle at home all day, where do you get the money to spend?”

The man asked “casually”.

Song Ming didn’t stop moving, “My daughter-in-law earns it, she works in the workshop.”


The man gestured for him to stop, “Are you talking about the Song family’s herbal tea workshop?”

“More than that, there’s also a workshop for hotpot bases, my daughter-in-law knows them all.”


“Naturally it’s true, I don’t have any silver to spend for lying to you.”

The man gave a wink to the boy, who saw a broken stool in the courtyard and went in to carry it over and put it behind Song Ming, gesturing for him to sit down.

Song Ming was flattered, “I’ll stand, just stand.”

“I’m here to buy goods today, but they say they don’t have any. Since your daughter-in-law knows how to make them, why don’t I hire her for a hundred taels a month?”

Song Ming was so shocked that he almost bit his tongue, a hundred taels a month, a thousand taels a year, ten years would be ……

No, his daughter-in-law had signed a contract of sale and could not work elsewhere.

When he thought of this, the fan lost its energy, “No, my daughter-in-law can’t go.”


Song Ming told him about signing the deed of sale.

After listening, the man’s eyes rolled a few times, “This way, your daughter-in-law must know the recipe, ask her to tell me the recipe and I will give you 10,000 taels in one go.”

Song Ming’s fan moved with a start, wary.

The fate of Song Lian and his wife was still fresh in his mind, he did not want to follow in the footsteps of those two people, the silver was good, but he had to have the life to spend it.

But he said, “10,000 is too little, I can see it clearly from the courtyard every day, it’s not for sale in the workshop.”

“How much are you going to ask for?”

Song Ming held out a hand.

“Fifty thousand? You have a big appetite.”

The man snorted.

“Take it or leave it.”

Song Ming still held out his hand, “Give me the five taels of silver first, lest you turn against me later.”

The man gestured and the boy pulled out five taels of silver and gave it to him, Song Lin happily put it in his arms and continued to fan.

“Thirty thousand taels!”

The man was ruthless.

Song Ming didn’t let up in the slightest, “Fifty thousand, not even a penny less.”

The man gritted his back teeth, “Fine, fifty thousand, just fifty thousand, when can I get it?”

Song Ming’s eyes were glowing with gold, “My daughter-in-law won’t be back until tonight, I need to coax her, you can send someone over the day after tomorrow.”

“Young master, it’s fixed.”

The coachman came out from underneath the cart.

The man got up, “It’s a deal, I’ll send someone the day after tomorrow.”

With that, the man strides over and gets into the carriage.

When his carriage left the village, Song Ming threw away the fan in his hand and scattered his legs towards the workshop, running to the door and shouting, “Song Shen, Song Shen!”

Song Shen came out of the workshop at the sound of his voice.

“There was a man just now ……”

Halfway through his sentence, afraid of being overheard, Song Ming lowered his voice, “Did someone come to buy goods just now?”

“Why are you asking this?”

“He went to my house and said 50,000 taels of silver to buy the goods, I think he came prepared, go and tell Song Wangyue.”

It’s true that he came for the formula!

Song Shen went back home to tell Grandma Song and went to the house of the only person in the village who had an ox cart, asking them to send the two of them to the county.

Song Ming didn’t want to go, he was terrified at the sight of Song Wan Yue.

“I’ll just give you the word, actually they didn’t say anything, they just said ……”

“It’s better to come with me.”

Song Shen pulled him onto the ox cart and when they arrived at the county fair, they asked Song San Xiao to take them to the mansion, meet Song Wan Yue and tell her about the man’s visit.

Song Wan Yue looked at Song Ming.

Song Ming’s heart was pounding, “I, I just said that, no, I won’t really give them the recipe. No, no, no, I wouldn’t have the recipe, and I wouldn’t ask.”

He was now living a prosperous life, he could eat whatever he wanted every day, and every now and then he could have a little wine, he was content.

Song Wangyue suddenly smiled, “Here, why not?”


Song Ming froze.

Two quarters of an hour later, the two of them emerged from the mansion and rode back to the marketplace in an ox cart.

Liu Cui Lan mixed the three of them with cold skin, “Feel free to eat as much as you want.”

Song Ming couldn’t believe it and looked at Liu Cui Lan blankly, not daring to move her chopsticks.

“Eat up.”

“I… I can eat?”

“You can eat, as much as you want.”

As soon as Song Ming copied his chopsticks, he wolfed down his food.

He had long been craving cold skin, and if it wasn’t for the fact that it was sold by Liu Cui Lan and Song Shu, he would have long gone to the county to have a good meal.

He ate three in a row before he burped and put down his chopsticks, Song San Xiao came over and patted him on the shoulder, “As long as you do the same as you did this time, there will be less food for you at home.”

Song Ming’s head nodded like a chicken pecking rice.


In the evening, Song Wan Yue returned home in Song Lin’s carriage, and when Elder Song entered the door on his first foot, she sent Er Ya to call Song Ming’s daughter-in-law over.

“Auntie, there’s something I need your help with.”

“What help or no help, if there’s something, just say it.”

Song Wangyue told her about the day’s events, “And please find an excuse to stay home tomorrow and tell them the recipe.”


Song Ming’s daughter-in-law froze in shock.


The following afternoon when the weather was at its hottest, the boy came over in his carriage.