Fate of the Stupid Son Chapter 717

The meal was not as light as in previous years, a group of generals were all leaning towards Song Yin, if not for the presence of Shen Yan, he would have wanted to drag him to the back of the training ground for another match, until the people were beaten.

Song Yin, however, seemed to be unaware of these stares and ate leisurely, only to put down his bowls and chopsticks and get up to bid farewell to Shen Yan when his stomach was round.

Only after he had left did Shen Yan sweep the group of subordinates with authority, his voice not loud but penetrating to their hearts, “The reason why Song Yin did not call out to you in the army was to save face for you. After you leave the house, no one is allowed to mention today’s incident again, nor are you allowed to find trouble with him and trip him up. If I know that someone is targeting him, I will never forgive him lightly.”


All of them answered in unison.

The carriage took a few turns in the street to make sure no one was following before returning to the mansion, Xiao Si carefully helped Song Yin down, “Young master, be careful.”

Song Yin got out of the carriage with his teeth bared, the calmness he had just felt had completely disappeared.

Xiao Si helped him inside, “These people are so shameless, you clearly said one against three, but they all went on, no martial virtue at all,”

“Help me to go to Doctor Yao’s place.”

Song Yin interrupted him.

Doctor Yao was making pills, today was New Year’s Eve, he could have gone to rest earlier, but Song Yin had gone to a banquet and he still had to help him get rid of his mask when he returned, so he didn’t sleep and waited for him to return, when he heard footsteps, he didn’t raise his head, “The potion is on the table, let Xiao Si help you, I still have some pills left to make.”

After saying that, not hearing a response, he looked up in wonder and saw Song Yin’s face twisted into a ball, raising his eyebrows, “Is this being beaten?”

“No, a bunch of people surrounded the young master, and General Shen didn’t say anything about taking care of it.”

Xiao Si was indignant.

Dr. Yao was still worried, but when he heard the words, he lowered his head again and continued to make pills. If he did it in front of General Shen, then only the young master would have nothing to do but seek a fight himself.

“Doctor Yao, why don’t you give the young master a look?”

“No need to look, there is medicine on the table to invigorate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, rub some for the young master to push and massage for a while, the one in the white porcelain bottle is.”

Xiao Si picked it up and was about to rub it on Song Yin, but Song Yin pushed her away and walked over to Doctor Yao, hooking his foot over to a stool and sitting down, helping to rub the rest of the medicine into pills.

No one spoke in the pharmacy for a while.

Xiao Si knew that the young master was missing Miss Song.


After the hour of darkness, the bright lights in the city gradually died out, and the people who kept vigil in each house yawned and went back to sleep, falling into dreamland in a short while.

There were only two soldiers guarding the city tower, and they found a place to sit against the wall with the wind at their backs, unaware of the countless dark shadows moving towards them in the distance.

The black shadows moved quickly without making any sound, but in a few moments they reached the wall, and a dozen of them came out of line, shaking their iron claws in their hands and throwing themselves towards the wall.


The iron claws hit something and instead of landing on the wall, they slid down.

The two soldiers also heard the commotion and immediately got up to look down the wall, “Who is it?”

Two arrows came towards their faces with a cracking sound, one hit one of the soldiers square in the face, the soldier didn’t even make a sound, his body plunged straight down the wall, the other leaned back a bit and the arrow grazed his face.

He fell to the ground in fear and ran to the side, ringing his gong, “Enemy attack, enemy attack!”

The lights that had just gone out in the city quickly came back on.

At the bottom of the wall, one man waved his hand and the men behind him came with a ladder and put it in place, just as they were about to go up, the ladder slid to one side, bringing down the man who was trying to go up.

Only then did the crowd see clearly that the walls were covered in a thick layer of ice, making the ladders and iron claws unusable.

“Attack the city gates!”

The man at the head of the group made an immediate decision.

Since they had taken precautions early, they must have been lax too, and the defences by the gates must be weak.

The crowd moved aside, and twenty or thirty men came forward carrying stout logs and banged them against the gates.

The gates creaked as they were hit.

Shen Yan, who hadn’t even had time to put on his armour, rode over on horseback to lead the soldiers. Seeing this, he ordered the men to hold it up, and he dismounted and went up to the wall to look down.

There were thousands of people, and apart from the noise of the gates, there was no sound, so it looked like they had been planning for a long time.

The rest of the generals also arrived with their soldiers.

“Release the arrows!”

The archers stepped forward and moved in unison to load their arrows and draw their bows, the arrows carrying a cracking sound towards the black pressed crowd.

There was a commotion at the bottom, then one part of the crowd fell back, while the other surged down towards the gates, a dead end where they could not be shot at from the walls.

“Grandmother, it’s been a while since we’ve fought, these people have grown a heart.”

Lieutenant Wei cursed.

“Use the torches.”

Song Yin’s voice came, he had just walked up to the city tower, still clothed in the same clothes he had worn at dinner tonight.

“Drizzle more tung oil on the torches. ”

Lieutenant Wei’s eyes lit up as he listened, this was a good idea, and he was busy looking at Shen Yan.

Shen Yan nodded his head, and Lieutenant Wei immediately ordered it down.

The torches were quickly prepared, lit and then thrown from the city tower, directly into the

More and more torches were thrown, more and more people caught fire, they couldn’t care less about crashing the gates, they threw wood, some tapped, some fell to the ground and rolled to put out the fire.

Lieutenant Wei poked his head out and watched, costing the other side a lot of men without a single soldier.

“I say ……”

He raised his voice to the killing ring and spared you all with mercy ……”

An arrow came with a cracking sound towards his face, the Wei lieutenant’s heart panicked, the hand holding the wall fell short and the man fell towards the outside of the wall.

Several cries of alarm rang out as one of the figures leapt out, grabbed the lieutenant’s foot head down and pointed his foot at the wall, trying to use the force to throw him up, but the wall was covered with thick ice, so instead of using the force, he fell down with him.

“Song Yin!”

Shen Yan turned pale and exclaimed out of breath.

The crowd of generals also paled.

“Open the city gates!”

Shen Yan turned around and headed down to the city tower.

“I’ll lead the men!”

Lieutenant Wu asked for orders, “Give me a hundred men, I will fight quickly.”

It was not far up where the two men had fallen, and if they moved quickly, they could snatch the men back, even if they were corpses.

“I’ll go!”

Shen Yan sank his voice, Song Yin was the only bloodline of the Qin King, he could not let him die in front of him.


Lieutenant Wu blocked, and the rest of the men also blocked.

Naturally, Shen Yan did not listen. Captain Wu gave a wink to the other generals and the crowd surrounded Shen Yan. Captain Wu took the opportunity to order a hundred men and ordered the gate to open a small slit and he led the men out.