Fortune Chapter 1975

The terrifying black iron rod struck Zang Lone Wolf’s body with a sound like hitting a bronze bell, and Zang Lone Wolf’s chest was solidly hit by Ye Han’s rod.

The six tribes, a total of seven experts, had all been defeated at Ye Han’s hands by this moment, and each of them was carrying injuries, some of them had even lost the ability to fight again.

In the entire battle, Ye Han alone fought the seven great experts, and not even three minutes had passed before all of these people were defeated. Even when they joined forces, these people could not hurt Ye Han at all, nor were they qualified to leave any wounds on Ye Han’s body.

“To think that he carries the power of a demon, what a terrifying fellow, Wang Li and these young experts couldn’t even stop him alone when they joined forces, where on earth did such a fierce person come from?”

“It’s indeed too terrifying, Wang Li and the others combined, I’m afraid that even an eight-robbing Demon Djinn would find it difficult to resist, whether it’s speed or strength, Wang Li and the others are too far from this guy, with his strength alone, he can completely suppress Wang Li and the others easily!”

At this moment, seeing all the seven young experts of the six tribes fall, the gazes of those gazing above the sky dome had completely changed from shock to horror. At this moment, the slim young man standing in the void, receiving all the attention alone, was just like the invincible demon god, and that pair of crimson and evil gazes made the defeated seven young experts not dare to look at him.

“It seems that even if you join forces, you are still unable to do ……”

Ye Han was holding a black iron rod, and that pair of evil gazes looked at the young experts who each carried injuries, all of these guys were converging in a void, looking very wretched and had long since lost their former prestige.

Upon hearing this, Wang Li’s thick palm wiped a handful of blood from the corner of his mouth as he strolled forward and said; “You are very powerful, I, Wang Li, am convinced of my defeat, since I cannot make deep friendship, let’s be a one-sided friend!”

Seeing Wang Li’s large outstretched hand, Ye Han’s gaze changed, then he likewise extended his hand and said; “Good deal, as long as you all don’t pester me in the future, I will be happy to make friends with you all.”

Wang Li said in a deep voice; “Although I know there are some things I shouldn’t ask, I still want to know; Demon Eight Wastelands, which place do you actually come from? A young genius who carries the power of a demon, unless he is snowed in, he would definitely not be obscure in the demon race.”

“The eight wildernesses of the demon race, the territory is vast, perhaps one day, you will know, farewell!”

With those words, Ye Han turned and left, it was best if he could not offend this group of guys, Ye Han also did not want to get into some trouble here, it was not in line with his original intention.

“It’s really a very mysterious fellow, although I fought with him, I don’t even know his name.” Looking at Ye Han’s back, Mu Qianhua said this.

“Someone like him will definitely not be obscure, next it seems that an extremely terrifying figure is going to appear above this barbaric land, such a fellow will definitely be able to attract those fierce people that exist in the barbaric land!”

In the Northern Demons, there were a total of eight barren lands, and the place where Ye Han was at the moment was one of the eight barren lands, with thousands of tribes of various races, forming an extremely spectacular picture of barbarism.

On the Savage Land, there were thousands of tribes and many races, and naturally, there were countless geniuses and powerful people, but on this land, there was only one true king, one of the eight great kings, and their existence suppressed the thousands of tribes on the entire Savage Land, enjoying a very high honour!


The sky is blazing, the sun is hot, occasionally the call of a lone bird is heard in the surrounding mountains and forests, above the barren earth, a figure is like a lonely traveler, walking on foot, the earth here looks barren and desolate, even the trees are very sparse, at first glance is a barren land, compared to the Green Feather tribe that Ye Han saw when he came, much worse.

Ye Han was now in the barren land, and the Heavenly Tiger tribe was not located in the barren land, so Ye Han could only gradually approach the Heavenly Tiger tribe once he had left the barren land.

“The power of a Second Hijack Supreme is more than twice as powerful compared to a First Hijack Supreme, if I go all out, I don’t know if I can resist a Ninth Hijack Supreme hard enough ……”

Ye Han’s mind flashed, after a battle with Wang Li and the others, Ye Han more or less gauged how powerful the power he possessed today was, if he used the Nine Transformations of the God of Punishment, Time Stasis, as well as the multiple power masteries he carried, his combat power would be even more perverted, if not for the fact that this was a demon race, Ye Han would really want to find a Ninth-Destiny Demon Djinn to practice on.

However, at that moment, a sound of earth shaking came from the earth, and the dry stones of the earth under Ye Han’s feet jumped up and down, as if an earthquake was coming.

“What a strong movement, this is not the power that a Demon Emperor should possess, could it be a Heavenly Demon realm powerhouse?”

Sensing this, Ye Han’s gaze froze, his pair of crimson eyes suddenly looked ahead, his Thousand Mile Eyes cast out, penetrating the obstructing mountain peaks and spreading all the way to the barren earth a million miles away.

Immediately afterwards, an image of a battle was presented in Ye Han’s mind, a heaven-destroying battle that destroyed even the barren earth, and the barren, lonely peaks collapsed in groups.

At this moment, the powerful people in that great battle all revealed their original bodies, a demonic beast with dark fur, as big as a mountain, and the size of a leopard, with the sky and earth shattering with every impact.

This was the Black Demon Panther, a demonic beast of extremely terrifying strength and speed.

And the other was likewise a demonic powerhouse of enormous size, with snow-white fur like a divine tiger and terrifyingly sharp claws.

“The Heavenly Tiger Clan ……”

Ye Han used his clairvoyant eyes to see this, and a flash of strange colour crossed his gaze, there was actually a Heavenly Tiger Clan above this barbaric land?

“Hmph, Heavenly Tiger Tribe, you abandoned branch, there is no place for you to live in the Savage Land, unless, you Heavenly Tiger Tribe submits to my Black Demon Panther Tribe ……”

“Black Demon Panther, my Heavenly Tiger tribe has retreated again and again, living in this barren land and struggling to survive, don’t you deceive people too much ……”

“Humph, abandoned by the Heavenly Tiger tribe, you have to have the consciousness of being swallowed, want to survive here, have you asked my Black Demon Panther tribe?”

In the back of these two terrifying demon tribe powerhouses, also stood the clansmen of the Black Demon Panther tribe and the Heavenly Tiger tribe, at this moment, the clansmen of the Heavenly Tiger tribe were looking at the Black Demon Panther tribe with indignation, although they were an abandoned race, but, as members of the Heavenly Tiger tribe, once among the kings, when had they ever suffered such an embarrassing situation?