Fortune Chapter 2754

Draw a line in the sand!

Hearing Ye Han’s words, Li Zhengdao and the others had a shaken look on their faces, as top geniuses of the Human Race, they naturally did not want Ye Han to draw a line between him and the geniuses of the Human Race in the City of Destiny, this was completely a matter of pain for the relatives and pleasure for the enemies.

Once Ye Han had drawn a clear line with the human geniuses in the City of Destiny, the Gods, Demons and Demons would be very happy to see such a situation, once Ye Han had truly drawn a clear line with the human geniuses in the City of Destiny, it would be much easier for them to deal with either the human race or Ye Han.


At these words, the faces of the human geniuses changed. Was it really a wise decision to force Ye Han, a powerful and supreme figure, to the opposite side of the human geniuses?

However, they were already overwhelmed by their interests and did not bother to look into this issue.

“Hmph, since Heavenly Father Ye is so selfish and wants to draw a line in the sand with us even more, then don’t blame us for not remembering the old days!” The indifferent faces of the geniuses of the human race, the eyes filled with endless greed, made Li Zhengdao and the others know that this group of people had been enslaved by their interests and could not turn back!

“Selfish, humph, a bunch of ungrateful villains, who was doing their best to make a way for you to live when you first entered the City of Destiny? Was it her, Cang Tian Burial? What did you ungrateful villains do in the face of that 50 million fate ring reward mission? What the hell have you done now in the face of the lure of the Unknown Lands? Grandma, I really didn’t think that being a human could be so shameless.” Lin Qi was equally furious, everything Ye Han had done for the human race in the City of Destiny back then had been fed to the white-eyed wolves.

Hearing Ye Han’s words, anger rose on the faces of the geniuses of the Human Race.

“Third brother, they don’t represent all the human geniuses in the City of Destiny ……,” Li Zhengdao sighed, not all the people in the City of Destiny who had come here with Cang Tian Burial today.

“I am for everyone, I don’t ask everyone to be for me, but this falling well …… Brother Li, they have already made their choice.” Ye lightly hugged for Ye Han, said.

“It doesn’t matter, when I promised the words of several ancestors, I, Ye Han, think I did not do enough and did not help the human race too much, but I tried my best, what’s more, the law of survival in the City of Destiny is already like this, I also do not want to keep working for the welfare of this group of ‘dragons’, since they abandoned me Ye Han and chose Since they have abandoned me, and chosen to be buried in the heavens, let them be left to fend for themselves in this City of Destiny!”

Ye Han let out a deep breath, and those eyes became completely cold.

Seeing this, a smile crossed the face of Wang Chuyi, the giant son of the Demon Race, he had not expected that his invitation to Cang Tian Burial would crookedly allow Ye Han to draw a line with the human geniuses of the City of Destiny, this could be considered an unexpected surprise.

Li Zhengdao sighed in his heart, as the top genius of the human race, he wanted to do it for the human geniuses, but what these people had done was indeed a bit too much, since they had all pointed their swords at Ye Han, how could Ye Han bother with that hint of affection anymore.


In the 50 million fate ring mission that time, although the human race’s approach had left Ye Han a little cold-hearted, at least it had not made Ye Han want to completely draw a line with the human race in the City of Destiny, but this time, Ye Han would not put up with it.


“Oh, people die for money, birds die for food, why should Brother Ye be so pessimistic, as long as we think the same, we can still stand in the same boat, don’t you think so?” Wang Chuyi, the giant son of the Devil Clan, smiled lightly and continued; “As long as Brother Ye agrees to let the Divine Devil Arm be shared with all of us, there will naturally be no other gaps.”


“Hehehe, Wang Chuyi, are you f*cking dreaming? You sinister thing, you only know how to calculate others behind their backs, one day, I will personally kill you, Master Seven!” Lin Qi stared at Wang Chuyi with a murderous intent, who was behind all this, the crowd knew very well.


“Hmph, talking to your master, when is it your turn to bark like a dog, if you can’t make the decision, then get lost!” Prince Ba Xia’s voice was like a flood of bells, today was a clash between several of their supreme figures, where was it the turn of a person from the Heavenly Pride Ranking to interject.

“Hehehe, you, the number one prince of the demon race, are nothing but a mongrel beast in the eyes of the Seventh Master, not even better than a dog.”

At these words, Prince Ba Xia looked gloomy, as the number one prince of the demon race, this was the first time he had been insulted like this; “Lin Qi, this prince remembers you, be prepared to die!”

“Hmph, Master Seven I’m waiting for you, a mongrel beast, to kill.”

“That’s enough!” The First Emperor’s voice was majestic as he strolled out and stared at Ye Han; “Ye Han, how are you thinking about it? But let me remind you first, this time is not like the last time, the four clans have gathered thousands of people here, and for you to still try to save the day is like talking about a fool’s dream, so the best option for you is to let go of the Divine Devil Arm and share it with the people.”

“Hmph, sharing the Divine Demon Arm, fine.” Ye coldly laughed as his gaze swept past the four clans and continued; “But aren’t so many people a bit too many, there aren’t so many in the Unknown Lands, how about letting certain people out first?”


At those words, Wang Chuyi’s eyes went cold as he said; “Ye Han, do you think stirring up trouble is useful at this time? Our main target today is you, if you don’t agree, we will only have to fight with our backs to the wall here today, what we can’t get, naturally we can’t let you cut off the beard in the front, we can’t even have soup in the back, moreover, even if you get away with your people today, when we reach the fifth region, we will still continue to look for you, at that time even if you find those unknown places, it won’t necessarily be your You’re not necessarily going to get what you want, are you?”


“Ye Han, you know very well that if you lead people to search for the Unknown Lands in the major regions, we can likewise lead people to follow them, and by then you will have no way to do anything about the Unknown Lands, so it is the best ending to let the divine Devil Arm be shared and we can all work together for a win-win situation.”

“Taking by force, what the giant son said is too overbearing, as the saying goes, a gentleman does not take what others love, so why should you all be so forceful? What is yours is yours, and what is not yours is someone else’s.”

At this time, in the city behind Ye Han and the others, a golden light of the Buddhist sect shone in the heavens and the earth, that golden light was like a sun that had landed in this void, making it difficult for many people to look straight at it.

The golden light came rushing in, shining in the heavens and the earth, and there was a hidden sound of wind and thunder roaring through the void, and a supreme Buddhist aura suppressing the heavens and the earth, and that voice just now was like an ancient holy Buddha speaking, penetrating deep into the heart.

“Buddha Academy, Eight Difficult Ancient Buddhas!”

Looking behind Ye Han and the others, the one figure with a golden light on its head, like a great Buddha descending, wearing yellow monk robes, the eyes of the supreme figures of the clans narrowed, did these ascetics who did not participate in the battle of the clans also want to come here and interfere?