Fortune Chapter 2769

The Girl ……”

Ye Han’s heart was clogged, looking at that soon-to-be-distant back, he opened his mouth but didn’t know what to say, and finally had to say; “This time, will there be a chance to see you again?”

“It depends on the will of God, some people, should not have appeared, some things, should not have touched, but also have to thank, let me understand a most shallow, but always let people ignore something ……”

That purple figure, on top of this ice field more and more far away, until finally completely disappeared in this void, Ye Han has not even retracted his gaze, he can feel, that purple figure, seemingly casual, relaxed words, with a heavy, a reluctance, but also with a determination!

When a decision is made, it will not be changed!

“Could it be that she is trying to leave the City of Destiny through the Divine Altar of Destiny?” The Zenja Buddha Maiden’s beautiful eyes were astonished, she still only knew this now, but was it really possible to leave through the Divine Altar of Destiny?

Looking at the man’s back in front of her, Ye Qing sighed in her heart, she could feel an indescribable sadness emanating from the other party’s body, perhaps, the man in front of her had long since become accustomed to the presence of that figure in purple, and seeing him leave, he was momentarily reluctant to leave.

Or perhaps, there were other emotions mixed in with it.

“Let’s go!”

Ye Han didn’t say anything more and left straight away. Zi Yi’s sudden choice to leave really made him feel all sorts of things inside, but there were many things he couldn’t say.

Ye Qing didn’t bother to ask anything, silently following this man’s side. Meek in nature, like a virtuous wife and mother, Ye Qing has always been so, she is the only one who is the most tolerant of Ye Han and has the least complaints!

Of course, Zi Yi’s sudden departure made Ye Han feel a bit uncomfortable, but he was sensible at all times after all. After leaving the ice plain, Ye Han had already decided to let all those who were looking for the unknown land to start preparing to enter the sixth region, more and more people from the four clans would enter the fifth region next, and if they continued to stay here, there might be other troubles appear.

Although Ye Han was not afraid of the four Jedi joining forces now, he had to think about the group of people following him, the battle in the fourth region had already cost Ye Han some people, once another large-scale encounter occurred, the group around Ye Han was only afraid that they would continue to suffer losses.

However, if they wanted to enter the sixth region, they naturally had to raise their life rings, and the fastest way to raise their life rings was naturally to take others’ life rings.

Therefore, at present, those four clans that followed behind each team became the primary target of choice for the team around Ye Han, solving these people even if they could not allow all those searching for the unknown land to enter the sixth region, they could still collect the mission at the Destiny God Altar, as for going after Wang Chuyi and the others, Ye Han had no such intention for the time being.

Wang Chuyi and the others were not stupid, as long as something happened to the ‘eyes’ that followed behind each team, they would definitely guess Ye Han’s intentions, so at this moment, where Wang Chuyi and the others were temporarily staying, there was definitely a powerful group of forces gathered, and if they were approached to start a war, Ye Han’s side would also suffer a loss of power.

“Still thinking about her?”

On the altar of the God of Destiny, Ye Light strolled up to Ye Han’s side and looked at him with a tilted head as she asked.

Upon hearing this, Ye Han slowly exhaled a breath and said; “Just a little uncomfortable all of a sudden, how long have we been in the City of Destiny?”

“Almost half a year now.” Ye Light said; “There is no feast under heaven, many times in life, we are experiencing separation, however, she is very uncomplicated, whether it is on the surface, or the secrets hidden in her heart.”

This, Ye Han naturally knew, the moment Zi Yi came out of the Ice Palace, Ye Han was aware that the secret hidden in the other party’s heart, or rather her origins were gradually being revealed, that holy, mature, cold and indifferent and unparalleled face, was perhaps the real her.

However, Ye Han still hadn’t guessed at the moment what exactly was Zi Yi’s origin? There was still a layer of mist hanging over her body.

“There are some things that one will know when it is time to know, even if one does not know, regrets, it is still a good memory!” Ye Han sighed with emotion and looked towards the quest list; “It’s been almost half a year, it seems all the more reason for us to speed up, let’s go, it’s time to prepare for entering the sixth region as well.”

Subsequently, Ye Han and the three of them picked up the mission on the mission list, after doing this mission they would be able to enter the sixth region.

In these previous regions, although they all contained powerful opportunities, Ye Han’s mind was still on the later regions, whether it was to avoid conflict with the Four Greatest Ones or for the powerful inheritance that existed in the later regions, Ye Han had to speed up.


“This guy actually went after our people, looks like he’s trying to rush into Area 6!”

In the place where the Four Great Jedi were temporarily staying, the First Emperor’s god-like gaze was filled with a strong sharp look, the forces of the four clans currently following behind each of Ye Han’s team had been killed, and the First Emperor could certainly guess the reason for Ye Han’s move.

“He’s too fast, we simply can’t keep up with him, right now even though you’ve convinced Yu Hongwu, but Wang Chuyi and Bajie are still injured, we simply can’t deal with him.” Cang Tian Burial’s eyebrows were furrowed, they had all only entered the fifth region for a short while, and Ye Han was already starting to prepare to enter the sixth region.

Originally, the First Emperor had already contacted Yu Hongdao, after his defeat under Ye Han in the last battle, his fighting power had increased terribly again during this period of time and he had gained a powerful opportunity.

However, even though Yu Hongdra had promised them a battle with Ye Han, both Wang Chuyi and Bajia had been severely injured by the Golden Qilin and were still in seclusion to recover, so they simply could not take on Ye Han now.

Unless the two of them, Wang Chuyi and Ba Xia, had recovered from their injuries, and with the addition of a terrifying Yu Honghuang, they would only be able to deal with Ye Han with certainty.

Upon hearing this, the First Emperor sneered; “Even so, it doesn’t matter, let them go ahead this time, in the seventh region, they will be waiting for us, I heard that of the twelve regions of the City of Destiny, the first six regions are not the most dangerous, the most powerful ones are after the sixth region, every region they enter after that is incredibly difficult, unpredictable and dangerous, I believe their speed will slow down.”

Cang Tian Burial said; “Then have you ever thought that the dangers they face will also be faced by us by then, in that case, won’t it be even more difficult to deal with him?”

“Other than that, does the Lord have a better way?” The First Emperor gave Cang Tianbei an indifferent glance and continued; “If there is no chance, we can only wait, but until then, we have to keep this trump card, Yu Hongwan, properly.”