HC Chapter 1018

And the price of the Heart of the Ocean is close to 100 million.

How should it not appear in the same person.

Perhaps it was an imitation?

Zhuang Mingfeng suppressed the various speculations in his heart and revealed a clear and gentle smile, “Wearing this dress, you should match with earrings and bracelets like this, take a look, do you like them?”

He handed over the two brocade boxes in his hand.

Rong Xianyu’s breath hitched again.

It wasn’t enough that he had given her a dress, but now he was giving her jewellery?

This man, he couldn’t have fallen in love with her at first sight, could he?

She unveiled the box and was immediately struck by the glow of the diamonds.

She swallowed hard and said incredulously, “These earrings look very expensive, they must be at least a million.”

Zhuang Mingfeng: “……”

One million should only buy a small diamond on top of the earrings.

He said indifferently, “About the same.”

“This is too expensive!” Rong Xiyu hurriedly pushed the box back, “Mr. Zhuang, you’ve already broken the bank by giving me this dress, I can’t accept anything more from you.”

As vain as she was, as much as she wanted these two pieces of jewellery ……

But, more than anything, she wanted to make a good impression in front of this man.

She covered her chest, her heart there, beating frantically.

She understood, for the first time, what it meant to have a heartbeat.

From the moment this man called out to her with a Miss Yung, from the moment she turned around and watched him walk towards her in the starlight, she had fallen.

“Take it, it’s not expensive.” Zhuang Mingfeng said in a light voice, “There is no use for me to keep it, you can help me get rid of this trouble by accepting it instead.”

A million is not expensive ……

Rong Xinyu was a little dumbfounded.

How rich this man in front of him should be in terms of family wealth.

“Thank you, Mr. Zhuang.”

Rong Xinyu put on the full set of jewellery right in front of Zhuang Mingfeng.

Zhuang Mingfeng nodded: “Miss Rong is very beautiful and suits this set of jewellery, let’s go back to the banquet hall.”

The two of them walked back and forth towards the banquet hall.

Behind the corridor, Fu Ziling quietly peeked out, he clapped his hands in satisfaction, a long-awaited smile appeared on his face.


When Rong Yunyang returned to her flat, the house was dark.

Rong Fang was not there, and neither was Rong Xiyu.

She went to the bathroom and saw herself in the mirror, her lips were not covered in lipstick, yet they were even redder than if she had applied the colour.

That man was so fierce, he wanted to eat her up.

She looked down and washed a handful of cold water on her face and admonished herself in the mirror, “Rong Yunyang, that man is married, stay away from him!”

After saying that, the girl’s figure came to her mind.

Fu Yinyin.

This girl was so heartbreaking.

Somehow, she thought of Little Grapes again, whom she had met by chance on the road that day.

The two little girls’ faces came to her mind at the same time, and she suddenly realised that they looked a bit alike.

Only Fu Yinyin had a melancholy temperament, while Little Grapes was a lively and cute little girl.

One had a mother.

The other had no mother.

Both made her heart ache.

Rong Yunyang finished her bath before Rong Fang returned.

He reeked of alcohol, but was still sober.

“Big brother, how is the situation?” Rong Yunyang asked as he walked out.

Rong Fang pinched his temples, “The people of the Fu Group are very kind, no one has given me a hard time, I’m really overwhelmed, that’s why I’ve been toasting one after another, I drank a bit too much, I’ll go to my room and take a nap first.”

Just as he got up, the door to the living room opened.