HC Chapter 197

“Mr. Albert, don’t you want to take a student, I recommend my daughter, Little Yinyin to you.”

Ye Yunla curled her lips and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Albert was startled for a moment, “Ye girl, I do want to take you as a student, no one else will do, even your daughter, I won’t make an exception ……”

“Why not try?” Ye Yunla spoke, “There is still an hour before you leave Haicheng, enough time to listen to a piano piece.”

Albert looked at Ye Yunla seriously.

He had known Ye Yunla for three or four years and knew that she was not a person who did not have anything to say.

Even knowing full well who he was, she had never flattered, never ingratiated herself, and had even refused to be his student.

There was no other person like her on the planet.

Mr. Albert finally nodded and looked tenderly at the young girl and said, “Then you can play a song at random, don’t be nervous.”

There was a piano in the hotel suite.

Albert had been giving piano recitals around the world every year since he was thirty, and there were pianos dedicated to him in every region of the world.

He took little Yum Yum by the hand and walked to the living room and sat her down at the piano.

It was a very large piano, with black and white keys, it had long strings, the age of the resonating board wood grain was clearly visible, the gaps in the piecing were thin and straight, even without auditioning it, Ye Yunla could feel that it was a top quality piano.

But on second thought, a piano that could be placed in Mr. Albert’s hotel suite could not be anything simple.

Little Yinyin sat down at the piano and tried to press the keys twice.

The strings in the upper register emitted a crisp, bright and penetrating sound.

The little girl’s eyes lit up for a moment, both hands lifted and she played ‘Little Star’ easily with her eyes closed.

It is a piece that is familiar to all children at home and abroad, so simple and light that most children who have only been at the piano for a few days can play it.

Mr Abbott had not expected much, but when the piece ended, his eyes widened.

He came over to the little girl and said in raw Chinese, “Try the last staccato again ……”

The tune ‘Little Star’ originally ended on a fading note, a little bit of a coda.

But just now, Xiaoyin used the technique of abrupt pauses to bring the song to a screeching halt, creating a different kind of mood instead.

Such a mood cannot be experienced by children, but only adults who have pa*sed the child stage can inexplicably recall their own childhood because of the abrupt ending of the tune ……

This piece is no ordinary success in terms of its emotional resonance.

Not to mention the fact that it was played by a young girl of three or four years old ……

Albert waved out the emotions that arose because of the tune and said in a low voice, “Little Yinyin, try again ……”

Unfortunately, the little girl, however, did not understand his strange Chinese at all.

After playing, Little Yinyin jumped off the stool and trotted over to Ye Yunla’s side.

Seeing the look on Albert’s face, Ye Yunla knew that she had bet right.

Little Yinyin should have inherited her piano talent perfectly, even better than her.

“Ye maiden, hurry up and let your daughter play again.” Albert walked over, a ghostly light in his eyes.

Little Yinyin was so frightened that she huddled behind Ye Yunla.

Ye Jingzhan glared at Albert warily and stepped in front of his sister.

Seeing that the two children were frightened by himself, Albert rubbed his nose and took a step back, “The last time I lost my temper like this was because of you, and after three years, I lost my temper again because of your daughter. Little Yinyin, I’ll take this student!”

Ye Yunla smiled, “Mr. Albert, Little Yinyin is even better than me, you won’t lose out by taking her as a student.”

She squatted down, looked at Little Yinyin and said seriously, “From now on, Mr. Albert is your teacher, he is not the same as a kindergarten teacher, he will play a guiding role in your life in the future, you have to respect Mr. Albert for the rest of your life ……”

Because Mr. Albert is a foreigner, there are not so many complicated etiquette, plus the boarding is imminent, the ceremony to pay respect to the teacher is very simple.