HC Chapter 293

“Ye Yunla, you lie without even typing a draft, do you think the netizens will believe this nonsense of yours?”

Ye Xue Ying said through gritted teeth.

Her carefully designed bureau had actually been cracked by a press conference.

Moreover, this b*tch, Ye Yunla, had actually used the traffic from this news to pull countless business for her company ……

The air was in Ye Xueying’s throat, unable to go up or down, so angry that her lungs were about to explode.

Just then, on the other end of the phone, came a familiar voice –

“What kind of drug did you give to Ye Yunla back then?”

“A drug that makes people obedient.”


Ye Xue Ying jerked to a halt.

She spoke incredulously, “Ye Yunla, you set me up?”

“Tell me clearly, who exactly is scheming who?” Ye Yunla smiled carelessly, “You exposed my privacy, bought a water army to frantically create a topic, and topped my private affairs on the headlines in Haicheng News, you thought you could stay out of it because you weren’t in Haicheng?”

Ye Xueying took a sharp breath: “What I exposed are the facts, what’s wrong with me.”

“What is said in this recording is also all true.” Ye Yunla said indifferently, “That incident five years ago made me the biggest joke in Haicheng and ruined my life. To this day, there are still people using what happened five years ago to attack me. If, I were to expose this recording, what do you think would happen to those netizens who attacked me?”

Ye Xueying’s body trembled.

Once this recording was exposed, those who had attacked Ye Yunla would turn the tables and all the slurs would come at her.

At that point, she would be verbally abused by the netizens and would be branded as vicious, sinister, cunning …… All sorts of labels.

She would be put on a moral cross to be judged!

No, this can’t be!

“Ye Yunla, no one will believe this recording!” Ye Xueying shook her head, “Netizens aren’t that fooled.”

“Of course I won’t expose this recording, because it won’t do me any good either.” Ye Yunla spoke quietly, and with these words, Ye Xue Ying let out a sigh of relief.

Then, Ye Yunla’s words changed, “I will submit the recording to the court, so that the police can properly investigate what happened five years ago, fan, rape is a criminal offence, Ye Xue Ying, you are ready to be judged by the court.”

Ye Xue Ying’s body trembled again, she trembled her lips, “What do you, what do you really want?”

Ye Yunla laughed coldly.

She had consulted with Li Snap, and this recording was not enough to find Ye Xue Ying guilty.

But, so what?

As long as it could deter Ye Xue Ying, it would be enough.

“From now on, as long as you dare to make small moves against me as well as my children again, I will hand this recording over to the court.” Ye Yunla sneered, “Chen Tianqian is the father of my child, and when the time comes, he will also agree to help me testify in court. Ye Xueying, if you don’t want to go to jail, then stay honest and don’t come and mess with me again.”

After saying that, she directly hung up the phone.

Ye Xue Ying was so angry that she almost smashed her phone.

She didn’t doubt Ye Yunla’s words at all because, Chen Tianqian had actually recorded her words and sent them to Ye Yunla.

It was enough to show that some kind of cooperation had been reached between Ye Yunla and Chen Tianqian a long time ago.

If Chen Tianqian testifies in court, then she, and her mother, will be finished ……

They can be in the news, but they can’t be in jail. Once they’re in jail, they’ll never be able to get out of it. ……


In just half a day, the online storm quietly dissipated.

Chen Tianqian sat in his hotel suite and breathed a fierce sigh of relief.