HC Chapter 369

As the saying goes, a family scandal must not be publicised, so even if Xu Yuying and Ye Zhenyan were having a serious row, they could not continue to fight after the appearance of Fu Beijiu.

Ye Zhenshan straightened his collar and coughed, “Beijue, are you here so late, is there something important?”

The corners of Beijue Fu’s mouth curved up into a cold arc: “I want to ask you guys one thing.”

“Bei Jue, just ask if you have anything.” Xu Yuying said with a smile, “As long as it’s something I know, I will definitely know everything and say everything.”

“Never asked, which hospital were Fu Ziyan and Fu Zi Ling born in?” The smile on the corner of Fu Beijiu’s mouth slowly amplified, “I went to ask Ye Xueying and she said she forgot.”

“Ah, this ……”

The smile on Xu Yuying’s face froze instantly.

Her eyes darted around as she looked around, “This was four years ago, who remembers it so clearly, right Beijue, why are you asking about this?”

Fu Beijue’s gaze swept towards Ye Zhenshan and he said coldly, “Has Mr Ye forgotten too?”

Ye Zhenshan’s heart tingled at such a look from him, he didn’t know what Lord Fu Beiji was asking this for, but he must not leave any remarks.

He paused before saying, “When Xue’er had her seizure too quickly, she had already given birth to two children before she was sent to the hospital, that is, she gave birth at home, and the maids at home were responsible for delivering …… the babies.”

The corners of Fu Beijue’s mouth hooked up into a smile: “But didn’t Ye Xueying often say that the day she gave birth, she was bleeding profusely? How did giving birth at home solve the matter of haemorrhaging?”

With a single sentence, he blocked Ye Zhenshan’s speechless.

In order to make Fu Ziyan obedient, Ye Xueying did often hang this phrase on her lips, who would have thought that after four years, Fu Beijue would ask about the past again?

“Our Ye family also has a family doctor, and the bleeding was stopped that night ……” Xu Yuying smiled dryly, “Beijue, did someone whisper something in your ear …… Here, have a gla*s of water first to calm down.”

She handed over the water that her secretary had just poured over.

Fu Beijue took the gla*s of water and then let go so violently that the gla*s just smashed to the ground, splashing pieces everywhere.

Xu Yuying and Ye Zhongshan had long felt that the visitor was not good, and they were only convinced of this when the gla*s fell to the ground ……

Ye Zhenshan frowned: “Beijue, what exactly do you want to ask, you might as well say it straight, don’t make trouble in my office! Although our Ye family is not as good as the Fu family, but no matter what, I am also Fu Ziyan and Fu Zi Ling’s own grandfather, and I am also your elder, it is better for you to act in a more scrupulous manner.”

“You are indeed the two children’s real grandfather, but -” Fu Beijue looked at Xu Yuying, “you may not be the children’s real grandmother.”

With this look, it was as if he was looking at a dead person.

Xu Yuying felt that all her nasty and dirty things had been seen through, and she couldn’t help but take a step back.

Just then, the a*sistant knocked sharply on the door.

The atmosphere was supposed to be stagnant and Ye Zhongshan shouldn’t let the a*sistant barge in at this time, but instead, he heard Fu Beijue laugh lightly and said, “Come in.”

As soon as his voice fell, the a*sistant walked in with a face full of anxiety, “Mr. Ye, it’s not good, there’s a dealer manipulating the market, our Ye Group’s share price has dropped by three percent, within just half an hour, the company has evaporated at least fifty million dollars, and the figure is still increasing.”

“What do you mean?!” Ye Zhenshan’s face changed drastically, “Go check, who is actually targeting our Ye Group?”

“There’s no need to check.”

Fu Beijue spoke with a cold smile.

He scanned his wristwatch, “It will take another thirty minutes for Ye Group’s share price to drop.”

Xu Yuying was shocked, “Beijue, are you crazy, why do you want to deal with our Ye Group, will it do you any good to let the banker manipulate the holding?”

“You really don’t know the reason?” Fu Beijue pulled back his chair and sat down, “There are still thirty minutes until the share price drops, you can think about it and see where you have offended me. If you take the initiative to confess, I can give Ye’s Group another chance to live. If the dead duck is stiff, then ……”

When he said this, he only revealed a ruthless smile.

Xu Yuying and Ye Zhenyan shivered in unison.

They had already vaguely guessed that it was because of something, but, yet, they were not sure.