HC Chapter 487

“Do you know how happy I was when I found out that the woman from that night five years ago was you?”

The corners of Fu Beijue’s mouth hooked up to reveal a smile.

When Ye Yunla looked at such a smile on his face, she always felt that such a Fu Beijue was no different from a few children.

The smile on his face was innocent, and his eyes were full of sincerity.

She believed every word he said.

“When I knew that I was the father of your child and you were the mother of my child, I suddenly felt that I was very lucky.” Lord Fu Bei’s dark eyes fell on her face, “Lara, our destiny began five years ago, and we missed it for so many years in between, I don’t want to be wrong with you again …… LaLa, I like you, I love you, you, you ……”

He said this and suddenly paused.

Ye Yunla was getting nervous, her breath frozen as she listened for him to say the next words.

However –

Fu Beijue’s grip on her arm suddenly loosened, his arm dropping helplessly to the edge of the sofa.

Those dark eyes also closed.

Everything happened too suddenly ……

making Ye Yunla feel like the scene that had just happened was like she had imagined it.


Ye Yunla cursed lowly.

A confession is a confession, a drunken confession, and she had actually listened carefully for so long!

What a waste of her time!

Ye Yunla glared at him fiercely and stepped upstairs, she deliberately took one heavy step at a time.

Unfortunately, Fu Beijue was so drunk that even such a loud noise failed to wake him up ……

When she returned to her room, Ye Yunla looked in the mirror to remove her makeup, but she found herself in the mirror with a face like a peach blossom, her cheeks all scarlet, as if they were stained with rouge.

She had never seen herself like this before.

She was incredibly glad that it was lucky that Fu Beijue was drunk, otherwise she would have been seen like this by that man ……

She washed her face with cold water, and only then did she feel better.

This night, Ye Yunla dreamed over and over again, and there was always a man in her dreams, the man who had torn her apart and ruined her voice five years ago.

Every time she had dreamt of that night five years ago in those past years, she had been in agony.

But this time, the man in the dream was very gentle, kissing her patiently on the lips, patiently caressing every sensitive spot on her body.

After her body had dissolved into a puddle, he wanted her in a gentle movement.

In their dreams, they lingered and loved to their heart’s content ……

It was only when a light shone in and fell on the man’s face that Ye Yunla woke up with a jolt.

She actually, dreamt that she was doing that kind of thing with Fu Beijue ……

And in the dream, she was actually enjoying it!

It’s over, it’s over!

She was out of her mind!

Ye Yunla twisted her head to look out the window, the sky was already bright, the late autumn sunlight shining in through the window, filling the room with brightness and freshness.

She got up, washed up, changed her clothes and went downstairs.

The living room was surprisingly busy.

Qiao’s housekeeper had brought over a lot of breakfast and the table was full. The four children sat at the table and ate their breakfast dutifully, while Qiao’s housekeeper was busy.

Seeing Ye Yunla coming downstairs, Housekeeper Qiao greeted her with a smile, “Miss Ye, good morning, come and have your breakfast.”

Ye Yunla’s eyes fell on the sofa, where a thin blanket was folded, and the person on it had disappeared.