HC Chapter 559

Ye Yunla’s eyes were clear and her face was calm, without the slightest trace of anger after her programme had been stolen.

Looking at her like this, Yue Yinghan suddenly panicked.

Could it be that this little b*tch Ye Yunla had a second, more perfect plan?

She steadied her mind for a moment and said, “This is not the time to ask questions, you should hurry up and report your work results.”

“What is Miss Yue afraid of?” Ye Yunla curled her lips nicely, “Is she afraid that if I ask a question, she won’t be able to answer it and reveal herself?”

“You, what are you babbling about!” Yue Ying Han’s face turned blue with anger, “Ask whatever you want, I’m the one who has nothing to fear.”

Ye Yunla clicked her knuckles and asked indifferently, “This chip scheme design, how many modules are there in total?”

Yue Ying Han’s entire body froze.

She then only memorized the speech, outside of the speech, she didn’t know anything ……

“Close to a thousand.” The a*sistant reminded in a small voice at the side.

Yue Yingliang grunted: “Close to a thousand modules, the common labour of all our technical staff at Zhuang’s Group.”

Ye Yunla nodded and continued to ask, “This project is going to be together with the Internet of Things, may I ask if this is reflected in your scheme design?”

Yue Yinghan subconsciously looked at her a*sistant.

But her a*sistant was only slightly knowledgeable in this area, and she was completely unable to understand such profound logical points as which design reflected which concept.

The a*sistant lowered her head and avoided Yue Yinghan’s gaze.

Yue Yinghan clenched her fist in anger and said coldly, “Miss Ye, you have so many questions that I refuse to answer.”

“Miss Yue is unable to answer, right?” Ye Yunla slowly stood up, she pointed to the speech that had not yet been closed, her gaze clear and calm, “IoT is a new technology that is currently used in most chip designs in the market, in the application process, it is actually very complicated, from the initial chip design, it is necessary to embed this technology perfectly, firstly, the link between the cognitive level and the transmission level …… ”

She stood in front of the screen, talking eloquently and calmly, exuding a convincing aura.

Everyone in the meeting room was attracted by this aura from her, and everyone listened to her speech with rapt attention.

This was clearly Zhuang’s speech, but when Yue Yinghan was speaking, they only thought it was very good, very good, but they couldn’t tell what was good about it.

But now, as Ye Yunla broke apart and rubbed each link and spoke carefully, they then understood that the program could still be designed in this way ……

Each step was perfect, and each link fully demonstrated the wisdom and ingenuity of the chip designer ……

After the presentation, thunderous applause rang out in the conference room.

“Miss Yue.” Ye Yunla turned her eyes and said indifferently, “I would also like to ask one last question, the chip solution that I personally designed, why did it become the fruit of your Zhuang Group’s labour?”

The eyes of the crowd fell on Yue Ying Han’s face in unison.

Without Ye Yunla’s speech to make a strong contrast, they wouldn’t have believed a word of these words.

However, just now, Ye Yunla’s speech was simply too convincing, unless it was a proposal designed by her own hands that she would be so familiar with and speak with such confidence, right?

On the contrary, Yue Yinghan’s face already stank to high heaven.