HC Chapter 687

After a tortuous journey, the group of six finally arrived at their destination.

This is the nearest small country to the H border, and the drive to the H border takes less than half an hour.

Standing on the balcony of the first floor of the villa, one could see from a distance that there were people in black clothes patrolling the border of the H border, and the security was very strict.

Ye Yunla washed her face tiredly and sat on the balcony with a heavy heart.

The children were still resting from jet lag, but she could not sleep, so she simply got up and thought about what to do.

“It’s dry here, you need to drink more water.” Feng Chengyu’s voice was dull, “It’s a good thing my father called me two days ago and asked me to take charge of the project here, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to find an excuse to come here.”

Ye Yunla raised her eyes, “Your Feng’s has a branch here?”

“There’s a lot of chaos over here, and there’s always a need to build roads and houses, isn’t that what my family does, and we make a lot of money over here every year.” Feng Chengyu sat down and said lightly, “But now that the Black Party is planning to clean up and do serious work, my family’s business may be affected. My dad asked me to find a way to contact the Black Party people and try to become partners with them, so we can make money together.”

Ye Yunla pursed her lips, “Who do you know within the Black Party?”

“Cough cough ……” Feng Chengyu touched his nose and said dryly, “I just know two punks who were responsible for delivering weapons to the Black Party before. They are not considered to be members of the Black Party, but they have contact with them, so I plan to start with them first. I’ll go over there this afternoon and buy them a meal.”

“I’ll go with you.”

Ye Yunla stood up, her head suddenly a little dizzy.

She settled her steps and steadied herself for a moment before saying, “I’ll go upstairs and change my clothes.”

Feng Chengyu sat on the balcony and watched her back with a sigh.

He had a vague guess as to what was going on, but he was not sure, it was too unbelievable after all.

Not long after, Ye Yunla came down with a change of clothes.

She wore long sleeves and trousers, looking very capable, and walked with the wind in flat shoes on her feet.

Feng Chengyu frowned slightly, “H-land has just gone through a few internal fights, it’s very dangerous, are you sure you want to go with me?”

“If you’re not afraid, what am I afraid of?” Ye Yunla hooked her lips and smiled, “Maybe I can even protect you.”

Feng Chengyu smiled bitterly.

Even though he was a man, he was really not as skilled as Ye Yunla.

He tugged at the corners of his lips and said, “The bodyguard my father has arranged for me will only arrive tomorrow, otherwise we can go tomorrow?”

Ye Yunla said indifferently, “I’ve changed my clothes, and you’re telling me this? Let’s go.”

She had to inquire about Fu Beijue’s whereabouts in the shortest possible time.

She was afraid that something had happened to him, and she was also afraid that her late arrival would lead to more serious consequences ……

The most important thing now was that she had to find out the internal structure, the division of forces and the list of people in the H territory as soon as possible …… She didn’t want to delay for a second.

Feng Chengyu drove the car over and the two left the villa after leaving a note.

As soon as the car disappeared, four small furry heads were revealed behind the curtains of the bedroom on the first floor.

“Big brother, can you guess what’s going on?” Fu Zi Ling asked, blinking his big eyes in confusion.

Fu Ziyan shook his head, “I don’t know.”