HC Chapter 703

Yvonne’s steps stopped abruptly.

Her gaze turned slightly and landed on Isabel’s face.

So this woman was Terebei’s fiancĂ©e, no wonder she had been so hostile to her yesterday.

If she turned away at this point, she might even make Isabel more suspicious of her intentions.

She curled her lips into a smile, raised her hand to wave away Louis who was blocking her in front of her and said indifferently, “I know Miss Isabel too, move out of the way.”

Louis only felt a great force pushing him away.

He was still wondering how a woman could have such great strength when Ye Yunla had already walked in front of Terebei and Isabel.

Isabelle’s heart floated with intense unease.

Although this woman had said yesterday that she had a husband, it wasn’t as if she couldn’t hook up with another man if she had a husband.

Furthermore, the tea that this woman had brought to her yesterday was falsely described as a Chinese specialty that her father had searched around for. If this woman were to expose her lie, how could she still stand up for herself in front of Trebek?

Thinking of this, Isabelle quickly stepped forward, “Who are you and what do you want?”

Ye Yunla curled her lips in a faint smile, “Miss Isabel, don’t you remember me, we met yesterday.”

Isabel was afraid she would mention the tea.

Yesterday’s pu-erh tea, which Terebei had been so pleased with, and had unprecedentedly treated her with more than a touch of kindness, must not be ruined by this woman.

She said with a cold face, “This is a high-end business meeting place, how did you get mixed in ……”

Before she could finish her words, she was forbidden by Terebei raising his hand.

Terebei stepped forward, looked at the woman in front of him and slowly said, “The woman who was in the restaurant the day before yesterday, was it you?”

Ye Yunla hooked out a smile, “Yes Mr. Terebei, the woman you saved that day, that was me.”

The back and forth between the two of them made Isabelle’s expression tense a little.

She had appeared in front of Trebei at least five or six times, only for the man to ask her who she was yesterday.

But today, an inexplicable woman appeared, and Trenberth remembered where they had first met ……

Isabel said coldly: “Terebei has something very important to do today, can you not get in our way?”

Ye Yunla smiled faintly, “Then after the banquet is over, can you have a chat with Mr. Trebei alone, I want to talk to you about a collaboration.”

Isabel pinched her nails and lowered her voice, “Trebei, after the banquet my father has prepared dinner and would like to have a chat with you about the future direction of the Black Party, you ……”

“I do have things to do after the meeting.” Terebei said faintly, “Then let’s talk to you now.”

Isabelle’s smile just froze on her face.

She was about to say something else when Trebek had already turned and entered the nearest parlour.

Yeyunara took a step to follow, followed by Feng Chengyu.

When they reached the door of the parlour, Terebei’s steps stopped and he turned back and said indifferently, “If there is a third person present, this cooperation will not be discussed.”

His gaze swept faintly over Feng Chengyu’s body.

Ye Yunla understood what he meant as she turned her head and spoke softly, “Cheng Yu, wait for me outside.”

Feng Chengyu bit the back of his teeth for a long time before saying, “If there’s anything you need to do, just shout and I’ll go in immediately.”