HC Chapter 731

He said indifferently, “Third Elder, help me settle these two down first, and wait for me to recover from my injuries before we talk about anything else.”

The Third Elder gladly accepted the order and let the Fourth Elder go and make the arrangements.

“You can also go out.” Terebei faintly gave the order of expulsion.

The Third Elder’s gaze swept towards the bathroom and lowered his voice, “This is the information I found out about some spies, I suggest you read it now.”

Terebei’s eyes narrowed as he opened the document.

On the first page were the names of a dozen spies, and in the middle he saw the name of a Chinese man, Ye Yunla.

“This Ye Yunla, is the Oriental beauty who has been frequenting the H-lands recently ……” The Third Elder whispered, “She is a special forces spy sent from China to gain access to our resources in this area ……”

“Understood.” Terebei closed the file coldly, “Get out.”

The Third Elder’s eye waves flashed.

It was only necessary to mention one or two things about this, and it was not his part to decide whether Terebei believed it or not.

He hung his head and slowly exited the room.

After talking to the children on the phone in the bathroom, Yvonne was about to come out when she saw someone outside.

She could hear voices talking outside, but couldn’t make out what was being said.

She waited for the last person to go out before she came out of the bathroom.

Terry North kept his eyes on her and he saw the little hickey that showed on her neck.

It was left over from when the two had been at their most intimate.

Thinking back now, in just a few days, he had actually accepted a woman whose name he didn’t yet know into his bed.

“I don’t know your name yet.”

Trebei asked in a slow voice.

“My name is Yeyunara, you can call me Lara.” Ye Yunla walked over to the bed and sat down, “I haven’t finished what I was just about to say to you.”

She looked earnestly at the man’s face and said softly, “I looked around for my husband and came back disappointed time and time again, and just when I was about to despair, I saw your face. You know, the moment I saw your face, I felt that the heavens had begun to favour me again. I was most afraid that my husband would leave this world, but now I can finally rest a*sured that he is not dead, he is alive and well ……”

The light under her eyes illuminated the gloom deep inside Terebei’s heart.

Walking in this sinful land for a month, all he had seen, heard and felt was the darkest side of humanity.

He had never seen any person who had light under his eyes.

“Terebei, in fact your real name is Fu Beijue, you are from Hai Cheng, China, you are twenty-six years old, you have a wife and four children, you suddenly disappeared on your wedding day and vanished for a whole month ……”

She spoke slowly and suddenly noticed that the man’s eyes were wrong.

She braked in time, pursed her lips and asked, “What’s wrong, is there something wrong with what I said, don’t you believe what I said?”

Terebei’s face was light, “Just ten minutes ago someone said pretty much the same thing to me, they also said I was Chinese but my name was Cui Mo, my family ran a timber business and my real parents came looking for me.”

“Impossible!” Ye Yunla said coldly, “I don’t want to say more than necessary, why don’t you have a paternity test done with the children, as soon as the results come back, you will understand everything.”

Terebei raised his hand and handed over a copy of the paternity test next to his pillow, “The paternity test has already been done for me and my biological parents.”

Ye Yunla took the document and flipped to the end, her face suddenly as cold as ice.

This was someone deliberately trying to set up Fu Beijue, or rather to use him, so they had found him a pair of biological parents and forged this paternity test report ……

But no matter what she says now, in the eyes of this man, it is estimated that it is just like this couple, harboring evil intentions!