HC Chapter 751

The café.

Yvonne and the Queen sat opposite each other, four children sitting at the next table laughing and playing with the childlike innocence of ordinary children.

“I envy you.” Queen Mavis sighed, “Four children in one child, the most important thing in life is solved ……”

She only had one daughter, who was not educated well and disqualified from competing for the throne, if she had one more child, she would not have to worry about losing the power at all ……

“The princess is only seventeen this year, she is not yet an adult, there are still many possibilities in life.” Ye Yunla smiled and comforted, “As long as Her Majesty is willing to give it a chance, I’m sure the princess will grow up and become the next queen without any problems.”

“What’s the use of my willingness to give chances?” Mavis suddenly sighed, “The cabinet already has a proposal that if she fails to set an example as a princess by the age of eighteen, she will be directly disqualified from competing for the throne ……”

Ye Yunla pursed her lips.

She was contemplating how to convince the Queen when the Queen handed her the handle.

She paused and said, “Regarding the infighting in the royal family, the media in China has actually reported on it, I think those in the cabinet are bullying the Queen for not having parents and her husband died too early, that’s why they dare to treat the Princess harshly …… It’s normal for the princess, a teenage girl, to take a bit of a wrong turn, just because she is a princess and because her status poses a threat to many people, she then becomes a thorn in the side of many people.”

Mavis was a little stunned.

She had been in power for so many years, and only during the years when her husband was still alive could she discuss this with anyone with abandon; now it had been a long, long time since anyone had analysed her situation …… The commoners in her country were not so bold, and the leading noblewomen in other countries did not deliberately talk about her private life ……

It was the first time that she had a feeling of being understood.

“Actually, what the princess is missing is a chance.” Ye Yunla lowered her voice, “Nowadays, the H land is in turmoil and a large number of civilians are pouring into the Y country, causing a great impact on social security, if the princess has something to offer in this area, it should make it impossible for those in the cabinet to pick a fight.”

The bitter smile on Mavis’ lips deepened, “Even I can’t do anything about this, so I’m afraid the princess is even more helpless.”

Ye Yunla looked around and saw that there were no customers in the cafe, even the waitress had gone to sit at the door and doze off, before she dared to bring out a document, “This is the internal information of the Black Party, Your Majesty will know what I mean by it with a glance.”

Mavis squared up and flipped the document over, only a page into it before she slammed it shut.

The Queen’s sharp gaze fell on Ye Yunla’s face, “You are from within the Black Party?”

“No.” Ye Yunla said in a light voice, “I admit that I deliberately set up the meeting with Her Majesty today, but I also had to do so in order to make the meeting go more smoothly. Your Majesty, if during your reign, the Black Party submits to Y and your country’s territory expands by at least a third, then you will be the queen with the most notable achievements in the last three hundred years, and at that point, will anyone dare to impeach the princess?”

Once again, Mavis was stunned.

If it was just to highlight her personal merits, she would have many, many concerns.

But if it was for the sake of her daughter ……

conquering the notorious Black Party and expanding her country’s territory by a third …… These two merits, placed on her daughter’s head in any one of them, then her daughter would definitely be the first choice for the next queen ……

Mavis glanced at the document again for a long time before saying, “How am I supposed to trust you?”

Ye Yunla took out a seal from her bag and pa*sed it over, “The Black Party had economic dealings with the Y before, and it was this seal that was used to sign, this was given to me by the Black Party chief himself, this object represents his sincerity.”

“But why would the leader of the Black Party willingly give me his territory?” Mavis asked again.