HC Chapter 781

While Mrs. Fu was talking to the children, Fu Beijue had already arrived at the largest hospital in Haicheng with Ye Yunla.

“There is nothing wrong with the injury on the patient’s face, it will heal in about a week, and after the recovery cycle reaches one month, you can consider scar removal surgery ……” After the doctor changed the medicine, he carefully instructed a few more things to pay attention to in daily life.

Ye Yunla touched the gauze-covered wound and asked in confusion, “Why do I always feel a little itchy in the wound, as if there is something in it ……”

The doctor said, “I have just checked, there is no sharp residue in the wound, if it itches, it might be inflammation, you can go back after a bottle of anti-inflammatory medicine first.”

The doctor prescribed a bottle of medicine, and Ye Yunla honestly stayed for the infusion.

The main thing was that the inside of the scar on the right side of her face was really uncomfortable, a foreign body feeling, very itchy and always wanting to scratch it with her hands.

Fu Beijue sat by her bedside the whole time, she was drowsy with her eyes closed and the man had his laptop on his lap, tapping away at the keyboard.

An hour or so later, after the bottle of potion had been administered, the two left the hospital.

“Go to the villa first and help me move my things.” Ye Yunla curled her lips and smiled, “I moved over there with the kids before to avoid Fu Nanchuan, now that you’re back, there’s no need to live separately.”

The knot in Fu Beijue’s throat rolled heavily, “Good, let’s go and move first.”

Ye Yunla’s face flushed a little.

She hadn’t meant it that way, so why was she suddenly crooked ……

The two of them drove to the villa that Old Lady Xie had given to Ye Yunla, Ye Yunla hadn’t lived there for two days with the children before, her things were all still in her suitcase, she took her suitcase and got out of the villa, got into Fu Beijue’s car, and the two of them drove away.

And behind them, a dark shadow flashed by and clicked a picture.


Yue Ying Han gave a cold laugh.

She looked at the photo sent over by the private detective on her phone screen, a touch of ridicule in her eyes.

Ye Yunla, this little b*tch, was still hooking up with Feng Chengyu a few days ago, and it was only a few days ago that she had actually found a new love again.

Last time she revealed the news to Fu Beijue, it seems that Fu Beijue did not go to Y to look for Ye Yunla.

So it seems that Ye Yunla and Fu Beijue are really divorced.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have found their next family so quickly.

The man on this photo is wearing a black mask and has a tall figure, he also seems to be a rich man.

It’s true that even if a good-looking person has four dragons, there are still plenty of men who are eager to take them.

Yue Ying Han hooked her lips.

She had originally wanted to keep an eye on Ye Yunla and grab Ye Yunla’s pigtail to tell Feng Chengyu.

But Feng Chengyu was already tired of her, and even if she sent this photo to Feng Chengyu, it wouldn’t change anything.

But she couldn’t do anything useless.